Donate to prisons. serve prisons in their geographical areas.
Donate to prisons However, where Christian material is available, the rate of re-incarceration drops to 17%. prison population, which has coincided with a decrease in funding for libraries, vocational training, and education programs within prisons. Then, local church volunteers provide these children with the Gospel message and Christmas gifts—as well as a special note from their mom or dad, reminding them of their love. 00 $50. Feb 24, 2022 · Although only 5 percent of the world's female population lived in the United States, it accounts for nearly 30 percent of the world's incarcerated women. Please no SASE. GDC libraries support all academic and vocational education programs, leisure reading, and Law Library needs for offenders. us State of Colorado Website Accessibility . Feb 14, 2025 · Since 1994, the Women’s Prison Book Project (WPBP) has provided women and transgender persons in prison with free reading materials covering a wide range of topics from law and education (dictionaries, GED, etc. This is for our records and so that we know who to thank. org & (765) 792-4607. Pray (make dua) that we meet our goal! Prison Testimonials. We have no paid employees and 100% of donations go to postage, rent, office supplies and purchase of discount copies of frequently requested books such as dictionaries Musical Freedom,Women's Prison Music, Prison Music, Colordo Woman's Prison. ” The N. Constant donations are needed to continue assisting individuals throughout their rehabilitation. U. According to a 2019 report from Muslim Advocates, Muslims make up about 10% to 15% of prisoners in US prisons. Johnson Byabashaija received items donated to Uganda Prisons Service in Support of the COVID-19 Response in Prisons by the Joint Global Initiative on the Management of Violent Extremist Prisoners and The Prevention of Radicalization to violence in Prisons. Prison Fellowship DONATE Mar 11, 2012 · Access-restricted-item true Addeddate 2012-03-11 20:27:59 Bookplateleaf 0006 Boxid IA154121 Camera Cash donations help us pay for postage, mailing supplies, printing, and purchasing dictionaries. What you do for prisoners you do unto Me” (this was paraphrased by Chaplain Watkins). Dec 13, 2024 · A long-standing tradition for Folsom State Prison, the annual bicycle donation event, was held Dec. We are also able to connect local prisons with chaplains, imams, khateebs , and religious advisors to provide comfort to those in the darkest of places. TO DONATE BOOKS TO THE PLP: Books should be paperbacks in good condition, free of writing or highlighting. This represents a savings of 33% per Bible. Join Our Mission, Donate A Bible To A Prisoner. Books to Prisons is a nonprofit organization that sends free books to incarcerated individuals in Alabama and Texas. Card Number Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Mar 3, 2025 · If God has prospered you, please take a moment to click on the donate button to help us in this monumental task of providing King James Bibles, New Testaments, scripture portions, gospel tracts as well as Spanish Bibles to inmates in jails and prisons from Florida to Alaska, and every state in between. 720-838-3888. Midwest Books to Prisoners. , Jackson, MS 39202. Discover. Browse for top Correctional Facilities charities and nonprofits to donate to and volunteer for! Your gift helps share the Gospel with prisoners, ex-prisoners and their children. Batya Closet works closely with the prisons to find out upcoming releases and gets a personalized bag of garments ready for the women that are waiting for them when they arrive in their new In his letter to the Hebrews, Saint Paul tells us to “remember those in prison as though you yourself were with them, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. We equip correctional leaders, volunteers, and incarcerated men and women to make prisons more rehabilitative places; we advocate for a more restorative criminal justice system; and we collaborate with churches and local service providers to support former prisoners, their families, and their communities. Just donate any title from the wishlist and your Prisoners deserve books. co. Find ratings and read reviews of Correctional Facilities nonprofit organizations. We also welcome donations of books in any language from authors, publishers and literary agencies. You can select which prison you would like to support if it has not already been chosen by another person. Incarcerated people send us letters to request books. Click here to make your donation by designating Prison Ministry General Donation. Unfortunately many prisons cannot keep up with the demand for educational resources and books, we provide these materials to improve the lives and communities of prisoners to greatly reduce the likelihood of their return to the prison system. Please keep that in mind when selecting books to donate. serve prisons in their geographical areas. Contact Program Coordinator Alex Alvarez. Greenlight Booklist In 2020, we worked with library staff at three public library systems to establish the PLSN Wishlist at Greenlight bookstore. PLEASE SAVE YOUR RESOURCES AND ONLY SEND US A LETTER. Also sends a very informative prisoner resource guide free to prisoners in all states. It’s time for our annual #GivingTuesday campaign, and we at Prisoners Literature Project have again put together $2,500 in matching funds, so the dollars you donate can be doubled from now until the end of December. I am so excited for this new phase of ministry, thrilled for all of us to be taking this Jan 1, 2022 · An illustration of a heart shape "Donate to the archive" An illustration of a person's head and chest. Inadequate and inaccessible menstrual products remain a pervasive issue in the U. If a volunteer wants to provide a Bible for a prisoner, we do not recommend mailing new or used Bibles directly to a prisoner since most facilities only allow publications that are shipped from approved sources, and the package will likely be denied. Donations to Prison Pet Partnership allow us to continue our transformative work with incarcerated individuals, animals, and persons with disabilities. Feb 21, 2025 · Further south, the mayor of another prison community says he’s relieved that Evers’ plan will keep Waupun’s prison open. If you would like to make a recurring, monthly donation or do not have a PayPal account, please visit our regular PayPal page (which allows donations using debit or credit cards). Consider donating $20 with your book donation. Some collect used books, some accept money to buy new books for prisons, others are looking for volunteers. 206. Volunteer! If you’re interested in volunteering please e-mail, call, or text to get in touch about available hours: mwpp@pagestoprisoners. For over 35 years, Prison Fellowship International has been serving prisoners, ex-prisoners, victims and families of those in prison all around the world. org, or its successor organization, a nonprofit corporation as described in section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code, to be used to fight for a fairer justice system. We also buy dictionaries, thesauri, and GED study guides in bulk. Athens Books to Prisoners (OH). Hermitage Ave. The drop box is white with gray lettering and is located on the Airport Blvd side of the building, between the main building and a white shed. In Reading Prisoners, Jodi Schorb argued that people in prison “use reading to counter forces of isolation, abandonment, and dehumanization and to generate possibilities to reenvision and rescript their lives. The film features award-winning actor Ralph Ineson. Please consider making a donation to cover our postage expenses, or purchasing books or supplies from our regularly-updated wish lists. or call 888-259-8470 and speak to a Customer Service representative. ” Though Schorb’s work focuses on 18th- and early 19th-century prisons, the quote still stands. We spend approximately $600 per month on mailing costs. Upon arrival at one of our partner ministries, the books are divided up into cartons containing a variety of Rogue Liberation Library serves CA, NV, OR, TX state prisons and Fed prisons nationwide PO Box 524, Ashland, OR 97520 rogueliberationlibary@gmail. These aren’t just books—they’re […] We appreciate your donation of books. 00 $250. Feb 17, 2025 · All information and images for federal prisons taken from the Federal Bureau of Prisons site on female offenders Information and images for state prisons taken from state Department of Corrections sites. Aug 17, 2024 · Kitchener, Ont. 9764 (M-F 8:30 am – 5 pm ET) DONATE BY MAIL: Prison Fellowship, PO Box 1550, Merrifield, VA 22116 Donate Your Gift Makes a Difference Did you know that over 95% of individuals behind bars will eventually return to society? We firmly believe in the power of the gospel to be the catalyst of change in their lives. Bank any cash before sending us the total. As of July 2024, we do not serve state or local facilities in Michigan, California, and Texas. Visit our website and follow us on social media. Pages for Prisons, Boulder, CO Sep 3, 2015 · How to donate your books to prisons: Contact one of these organizations, and they’ll tell you what you need to do. Prison Fellowship Singapore Limited (PFS) and its IPC Fund, Seventy Times Seven (70x7), has a detailed Fundraising and Donor Solicitation Policy (Policy) to establish guidelines and procedures for fundraising, soliciting cash and in-kind donations, sponsorships, and financial support. Add 25% more to your donation at no cost to you. Donations from individuals make up a substantial portion of our funding. Jan 27, 2025 · Book donations must be PAPERBACK ONLY and in good condition. Donations of books across the entire spectrum of fiction and nonfiction subjects are both needed and appreciated. $25 TRUST. 100% Secure Donation When you donate to the MPSP, we are able to send copies of the Qur’an, Islamic literature, headscarves, prayer mats, and more to prisons across the United States. Most book donors give us books from their personal collections. Currently, we serve federal facilities in all 50 states. Knitting 4 Peace provides free yarn, knitting and crochet supplies to places like refugee camps, care homes, prisons, and Guidelines for Fundraising and Donor Solicitation. $ Donation Amount: Choose Your Donation Amount: $30. Sep 16, 2024 · Wisconsin Books to Prisoners is a nonprofit seeking to remedy an issue in Wisconsin that extends nationwide: limited access to books in prison. In 2016, the organization banned churches that are welcoming and affirming from hosting its Angel Tree program, which collects presents and runs camps for children of incarcerated parents. Books to Prisoners will receive more than 12,000 requests for books this year, and each package of books sent to a prisoner costs $4-$5 to mail. Asheville Prison Books Program (NC). Now NYC Books Through Bars NYC Books Through Bars is an all volunteer-run group that sends free, donated books to incarcerated people across the nation! The Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) library services are one library holding housed in 34 plus correctional facilities throughout the State of Georgia. How to Donate Books by the Box. We fulfill genre requests with our diverse inventory stocked by book donations. Explore our work and learn how you can support the Prison Library Project. The Sentencing Project PO Box 358111 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-5111. Since 2004, Midwest Books to Prisoners has been engaged in direct support of incarcerated people and their educational goals by mailing them books, magazines, and other printed material free of charge. Parts of the prison were built before the Civil War, and it’s been plagued by scandals including inmate deaths and drug smuggling by staff. It is believed that 90% of the Muslim population in US prisons are new reverts. a journey to justice in prisons around the world by Beyond Prisons is funded entirely by listeners like you. We accept a wide variety of . The Women’s Prison Book Project is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization (Tax ID #41-1977201). Donate Now Get to know The Commissary Fund team! Influenced by the work Bryan Stevenson, the stories of the Ear Hustle podcast, and the experiences of family and friends impacted by mass incarceration, The Commissary Fund launched in 2020 by a volunteer board with ties to Rochester, NY and an interest in impacting the criminal justice system. Feb 26, 2025 · Donate books. $100 When you donate to the ministry of Now The End Begins, you give us the resources we need to do things like the Bibles Behind Bars Program, the Gospel Billboard Outreach, the Free Bible and Gospel Tract Program, and all the other aspects of this ministry. We also take paperback book donations of all kinds. Occasionally, publishers and authors donate extra copies of their books. Use the GiftAid envelopes from your Pact Prisoners’ Sunday pack link to PS page. Most books are donated by individuals just like you. Prison Library Project, Claremont, CA Serves: All US states EXCEPT MA. DC Books to Prisons is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization located in Washington DC. We believe that education is one of the most basic human rights, and accept requests from any and all inmates. ) to fiction, politics, history, and women’s health. With your […] Books Behind Bars is a grassroots, volunteer-run prison abolition project that provides free books upon request to people incarcerated in New Jersey prisons. Please donate only GOOD-CONDITION PAPERBACK BOOKS in either Spanish or English. 1524) was introduced by U. If you are interested in volunteering, please get in touch with us! How you can help For many of us, it’s hard to imagine a life without books—without getting lost among the shelves of a bookstore, without your TBR stack teetering on your bedside table, without e-books, audiobooks, books from your local bookshop, the library, or even, yes, Amazon. Your donations fuel our stability and growth. Donate. 100% of our financial support comes from tax-deductible donations. “I give, devise and bequeath _____ (insert dollar amount or item of property to be donated) to the Prison Policy Initiative, Inc. Orlando, FL 32816. If a title exceeds our per-book budget, we put it on our wishlist. Checks should be made payable to "DC Books to Prisons" and sent to us at: DC Books to Prisons - Donations PO Box 34190 Washington, DC 20043 Prison Book Program is an approved book vendor at over 1,000 prisons and jails in all 50 states, Guam and Puerto Rico. Nov 3, 2024 · You can join local yarn donation groups or start one yourself! Donating To Nursing Homes. Nearly all of Washington’s prisons have formed one or more partnerships with community nonprofits to create pet programs. is qualified as a tax exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization by the Internal Revenue Service. We need your prayers, we need your Take Action Today: Donate Books, Offer Your Time, Invest in Our Mission Join us in our mission to promote literacy, personal growth, and a sense of community among incarcerated individuals. Visa. $50 TRANSFORM. Sending donations. Many generous people donate new books through our online wish lists. The organization works to foster a love of reading among inmates, and many of the books they send prisoners help them gain skills and knowledge to use after their eventual release. Louis, 63130 or PayPal . Please click the Donate button and help us change the lives of as many inmates as possible. Browse for top Inmate Support charities and nonprofits to donate to and volunteer for! Serves: Libraries at Wasco/Delano State Prisons and Chino Women’s Prison. org. org Financial Note: ARM Prison Outreach offers multiple methods of evangelism and discipleship to prisoners: The American Bible Academy (ABA), Baptistries, Greeting Card Ministry, Bibles, and our branch prison ministries. Through transformative programs and practices implemented by our global ministry family, we pursue restoration and healing in response to crime so that incarcerated men and women are Chicago Books to Women in Prison is an all-volunteer, 501(c)(3) organization that sends free books to women and trans people in prison nationwide. Staff at prisons across the state have also responded to 530 non-fatal overdoses over the past two years, an agency spokeswoman said. (Many prisons reject Donate Your Books to CBWP We rely entirely on donated books, and thanks to generous donors, we’re able to keep a stock of about 10,000 books in our tiny basement space. , high school student Feiyang Luo has donated around 500 books to prisons in Ontario through his project Bright Pages. 31st Street / Chicago, Illinois 60608 or Apr 2, 2018 · by Derek Gilna. Knitting 4 Peace. He said the outreach extended beyond Khami Prison, as Robin first became interested in donating books when she read about Chicago Books to Women in Prison, which delivers books directly to prisoners who request them. ” Inmates are members of our community, and at Midwest Books to Prisoners we believe that radical change begins with helping the most vulnerable among us. MasterCard. Prisoners Literature Project: help us make our $2,500 match for #GivingTuesday. As a locally-oriented project engaged in our own community, we also send books and letters to people detained in the Durham County Jail. . new and used books, excluding those . She wondered if Washington's prison libraries might need book donations to keep their shelves stocked. Read Between the Bars is an exempt organization as described in Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code; EIN 26-0230024. Become a monthly sponsor of a new prisoner every 30 days or give a One-Time donation to help our ministry send much-requested Study Bibles into prisons. Phone: 417-781-9100 Fax: 417-781-9532 Email: info@arm. Donate Funds. (AP) — New York fired more than 2,000 prison guards Monday for failing to return to work after a weekslong wildcat strike that crippled the state's correctional system, but said enough officers had come back on the job to declare the illegal work stoppage over. Scroll down for information on our book donation drop-off locations in Madison and Milwaukee. To find out how to donate books, go to the Donate Books page. The program, established in 1986, is primarily supported by the Rotary Club of Cameron Park. For $5 a month you can send packages to 3 people a month! Just 50 people paying $5 can meet a full week of mailing costs. With more than 40,000 volunteers in 500 communities and prison globally, the impact equates to an estimated 30,000 people each year who are touched by Kairos. American Rehabilitation Ministry PO Box 1490 Joplin, MO 64802-1490. Are you a chaplain working in prison ministry? Would you like gratis copies of Give Us This Day to distribute to people with whom you minister? “I give, devise and bequeath _____ (insert dollar amount or item of property to be donated) to the Prison Policy Initiative, Inc. 00 Custom Amount Donate Now Prison Book Program now offers an online book request form for friends or family to submit on behalf of someone in prison. Share our campaign with all your friends and family. The state Medical Examiner’s Office has analyzed 23 overdose deaths so far that occurred in jails and prisons in 2024. Support literacy and lifelong learning at LA County Jails by donating lightly used books and materials at your local LA County Library location. 00 $500. PROVIDING BIBLES FOR PRISONERS. Feb 24, 2025 · There were 30 related deaths in 2023. carceral system. Donate Books Directly to Incarcerated Readers via Indy Bookstore Wishlists! Tubby & Coo's Mid City Bookstore for Louisiana Books 2 Prisoners . Without it, we could not continue to minister in prisons across the U. Inside Books Project has no paid staff - all donations go directly to support our mission. Chapters throughout the U. If you are interested in donating books to prison libraries, the Correctional Service of Canada facilitates donations to federal institutions (please contact: BookDonation@csc-scc. We recognize there is a high need for Qurans in US prisons. We serve people in state and federal prisons in 34 states, and people in federal prisons in Arizona. Located in Philadelphia, PA, Books Through Bars has been sending free books and educational resources to people in prison for 30 years. If you prefer to purchase books to donate, please check out our Politics and Prose wish list, Bookshop. Of those, 12 involved fentanyl. where can i donate plasma for money in chicago Dec 11, 2023 · Prison Fellowship’s anti-LGBTQ position also extends to churches. Become a monthly sponsor of a new prisoner every 30 days or give a one-time donation to help our ministry send much-requested study Bibles into prisons. Books, Magazines, and Publishers, Free Books Programs : LGBT Books to Prisoners Over the past several years, we, alongside many other organizations have been gathering data about the treatment of Muslims behind prison bars, and the results are concerning. Our ministry book distribution partners include Prison Book Project, CLI Prison Alliance, ARM, Love Packages, and OM Ships. Monetary Donations We are a 501c3 tax exempt non profit. 1 day ago · He said the churches also visited the prison to preach the gospel and donate necessities such as food and sanitary items crucial for inmates. Hope for Prisoners is committed to helping men, women and young adults successfully reenter the workforce, their families and our community. Browse for top Correctional Facilities charities and nonprofits to donate to and volunteer for! Photos from 2023 Prison Ministry of Ghana Biennial Retreat: 22nd – 24th September 2023, Presbyterian Women’s Centre, Abokobi. To donate click on the button below! Jan 29, 2025 · Private prison company CoreCivic reported in a lobbying disclosure that it donated $500,000 to the Trump-Vance inaugural committee in December, underscoring the close relationship between Advance Christ’s light in prisons! Christian Library International collects and distributes used Christian books and Bibles to 1,400 prisons in all 50 states. Every dollar you donate helps Prison Families Alliance deliver support to families and children with incarcerated loved ones. Imagine suddenly finding yourself with only the clothes on your back. com Tranzmission Prison Book Project (prioritizes LGBTQ) PO Box 1874, Asheville, NC 28802 tranzmissionprisonproject@gmail. There are many ways you can support our work with prisoners: Setting up a standing order donation – download the form here Sending us a cheque or postal order, made payable to Haven Distribution, to the address at the top of the page. S. Donation Type: Drop off Find ratings and read reviews of Inmate Support nonprofit organizations. Each year, we send more than 7,000 book packages to people incarcerated in over 600 prisons in the United States. Adopt-A-Prison. In addition to funding the production of the podcast, you’ll help us build towards traveling the country to deepen our connection with the movement and broadcast the work of organizers who may Get Involved Correspondence Bible Study Program Be part of a ministry that brings hope to prisoners through our Correspondence Bible Study program. Kairos Prison Ministry lnternational, Inc. Dec 4, 2024 · Organizations Who Donate Library Books to Prisons Art Resources Transfer - Distribution to Underserved Communities Library Program (D. Make your tax-deductible donation to support meetings and programs to help families receive the tools they need to survive on the outside while their loved one is incarcerated. When the women we help are released from prison, that is literally all that they have. What we do: For each fifty-dollar donation, we send fifty books to partner ministries for free distribution. GDC library goals are to provide books that inspire, educate, and broaden the perspective of all patrons. $30 sends a first-quality Study bible to someone on our Bible waiting list of 2,000 inmates. Alternatively, use your debit or credit card with PayPal: Arkansas Paws in Prison Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Our proven track record extends from small county jails to large federal prisons. For check donations, please mail to: When we help prisoners behind bars find a new path out of the cycle of crime and incarceration, we are changing the futures of families and communities. 3. info@musicalfreedom. In partnership with Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, we are making it possible for customers to donate their favorite reading material to support inmates’ literacy and educational goals, in addition to their overall mental health and Sends free books and literature to prisoners in Texas only. In operation for more than 30 years, our U. 347 East 10th Street. JCB. 2. gc. For years, advocates have been calling on the state to close that facility. CDs, spiral bound books or books with other inserts cannot be sent to prisons. Any contribution you can make to… BOOK DONATIONS: Please note that Book Clubs for Inmates does not accept book donations. org wish list, or Amazon wish list. Our aim is to provide books to prisoners and enhance prison library and educational services. The Books to Prisons ministry at Canterbury United Methodist Church in Birmingham ships books to approved prisons in Texas and Alabama. Our major expense is mailing out packages of books to our readers. Yes! Please read this page carefully for complete information on books we can and cannot use. DONATE BY PHONE: 800. Books to Prisoners depends on a dedicated group of volunteers, many of whom have been volunteering with our organization for years. The State of Colorado is committed to providing equitable access to our services to all Coloradans. Jul 8, 2024 · Chicago Books for Women in Prison. prison books program has gotten (literally) tons of free books into the American prison system, while staying entirely grassroots. Working with the prison, the program provides valuable job skills for the population as they learn to refurbish bicycles while giving back to the Donate Help Provide 20,000 Bibles for Prisoners in 2025 Imagine being incarcerated with little hope for the future. To request books from Books to Prisoners, we ask that the person in prison send a letter including their name, prison ID number, and address to: CONTACT INFO. Donate Online. People rarely remember that prisoners are parents too', explained Sarah Turvey, OBE, co-founder of PRG. Make sure to use their book donation form here. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Senator Kamala Harris and three of her colleagues – a bill that seeks to compel the federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to provide free feminine hygiene products to female prisoners – the BOP, without fanfare, issued an operations memo in August 2017 that accomplished the same thing. Serves people in Texas prisons only. For a donation of $200, we can get a case of 20 Bibles to 20 different inmates. 1 online resource (157 pages) "Under the auspices of the Prison Reform Trust. ) Distributes books on contemporary art and culture to public schools, libraries, prisons, and alternative education centers nationwide, free of charge. For the next three months, we’re raising $100,000 to distribute 20,000 large-print NLT Bibles to correctional facilities. These titles are in several languages and nearly every genre. Appalachian Prison Book Project (VA, WV, MD, OH, TN,KY). Recent titles are always appreciated. 00 $300. 00 $100. prisonpolicy. UC Davis Books to Prisoners, Sacramento, CA Serves: CA, FL, NY, OR, PA, TX. Your generous donation fuels our efforts to extend the reach of the gospel to these individuals. Women’s* Prison Book Project (formerly Durham Prison Books Collective) is an all volunteer run collective that sends books and letters to people incarcerated in women’s prisons and jails across North Carolina. Our program does the following with your donations: First, books are sorted and assessed. Incarcerated individuals receive support from partner organizations to provide excellent animal care and obedience training, and—in a few cases—service and/or therapy training. Books to Prisoners relies on books donated by community members like you to answer the thousands of book requests we receive. Donate funds to Inside Books Project > 1 day ago · ALBANY, N. Because of your support, we are able to offer comprehensive reentry programming that creates healing for people ready to start new lives equipped with the skills needed to succeed. Learn more, get involved or make a donation today. Jan 5, 2016 · When you research how to donate your books to prisons, the same phrase comes up over and over again: that books are a lifeline for prisoners. The rest is history. They also offer a receipt for tax deduction purposes (shipping is also tax-deductible). Now imagine receiving a Bible—the living Word of God—offering peace, purpose, and the promise of redemption. , EIN 20-3671130 https://www. The Qur'an specifically mentions rewards and blessings for those who support prisoners (76:8). ca). It means that for every £1 you donate to Prison Fellowship we can claim back 25p, at no extra cost to you. Women's Prison Association. Prison Book Program is grateful for all of your donations! Please be sure all donated books meet the below guidelines for condition and contents prior to donating. Contact Us: 1250 Academy Park Loop Colorado Springs, CO 80910 Phone: 719-579-9580 Email: cdoc@state. ), or More Than Words. Drop off book donations on Sundays from 12-2 PM or mail them to 133 Millsaps Ave. For a donation of $15, we can get one Bible to one inmate. We need your support to connect prisoners with these vital tools for education, self-empowerment, and comfort. Please send your donation to: Feb 17, 2021 · The Benefits of Prison Book Projects. Nov 18, 2024 · WASHINGTON—The nation’s top two private prison companies, GEO Group and Core Civic, and their executives gave early to convicted felon Donald Trump’s Republican presidential campaign. Please make cheques payable to Pact/ Prison Advice and Care Trust. From 1997 to 2008, Muslim federal prisoners filed the greatest number of requests for administrative remedies regarding religious accommodation of any group-42%. The books on this wishlist have been hand-picked by New York City library workers who provide library service to correctional facilities and shelters that house people who have recently been released. Thank you for believing in second chances! Donations can be made online with a credit card, direct deposit, or PayPal below via GiveLively or directly through PayPal. Check out our online wishlists for title suggestions or to buy books directly! We update our wishlists regularly. All donations to Pgh Prison Book Project are tax-deductible. Y. " Includes bibliographical references (pages 149-153) and index Cover -- CONTENTS -- Acknowledgements -- Foreword -- 1 Introduction and Overview -- 2 History of Imprisonment in England and Wales -- 3 Prisons -- 4 The Prison Population -- 5 Prison Conditions -- 6 Prison Regimes -- 7 Staffing, Management and how to donate books to prisons. God is moving in the prisons of America. Dr. Checks can be mailed to We welcome donations by check, which can be mailed to the address below. You can make a difference! See below for more details on the type of books we accept. Inside Books Project has sent over a quarter million free books to incarcerated people in Texas, funded entirely by donations from our community. You can give through popular donor-advised funds including Schwab Charitable, Fidelity Charitable, National Philanthropic Trust, BNY Mellon, and JPMorgan Charitable Giving Fund using DAFpay. com UC Davis Books to Prisons serves CA, FL, NY, OR, PA, TX Jan 6, 2025 · CARDI MAKES DONATION Today, the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) donated several boxes of Dasheen to the Ministry of Health, His Majesty’s Prison, the Zero Hunger Trust Fund and several churches. The range of interests prisoners have in the world is as broad and varied as the population at large. While we focus mainly on male prisoners, the NC Women’s Prison Books Project serves women incarcerated in NC. How to Donate New Books from Our Wish Lists Paperbacks Preferred A growing number of prisons and jails around the US don't allow the people in their custody to own hardback books. × AMH is an independent media house free from Pgh Prison Book Project appreciates donations of any amount, which all go towards packing, mailing and purchasing books. 9764 (M-F 8:30 am – 5 pm ET) DONATE BY MAIL: Prison Fellowship, PO Box 1550, Merrifield, VA 22116 Books are sent to incarcerated individuals. Parishes, parish groups, organizations, and individuals can adopt a prison for $367 per year. Donation Type: Mail in, drop off Location: 4511 N. Donate Your donations To donate, see our Donation page Become a $24 in '24 donor and support HOPE for Prisoners with your monthly donation! Join Now. Once you receive an email back with the donation form signed by the Assistant Warden or Warden, print a copy and have the item shipped to the institution or drop the same off on any visitation day at 8 am along with a copy of the donation form signed by both you and the facility. We accept monetary donations via check to MPB 438 N Skinker Blvd St. Our founder is a prison chaplain and understands how to navigate the sometimes complex prison bureaucracy…as well as how to form relationships with chaplains: Muslim and non. Photo: Actual prison letters and cards sent to Link Outside from Muslim inmates across He said the churches also visited the prison to preach the gospel and donate necessities such as food and sanitary items crucial for inmates. 4. This amount supports one prison for one year. Prisoners Literature Project, San Francisco, CA Serves: All US states EXCEPT TX. Prisons are really hard to send books to ATM, but it might be worth seeing if hospitals (or even nonprofits that help people transitioning out of prison and other similar places) are accepting used books. We exist because prisoners are not strangers: they are brothers sisters, friends, cousins, mothers, and children. Prison Fellowship’s major donors share this discriminatory worldview. Donate your unwanted books (of any kind) to the Florida Prison Education Project. New York, NY 10009 Any church, organization, or individual will be blessed by the Lord greatly if you support this ministry because Jesus said, “I was in prison and you visited Me, hungry and you gave Me food, naked and you clothed Me. Multiple prison chaplains have reached out to us requesting for Qurans for their facilities. Some Facts (Gleaned from The Prison Book Project of Titusville, Florida): The re-incarceration rate after two years for the general prison and jail population is 85%. Donate to the Center For Prison Reform. involving nudity, violence or true crime. First copies will go to our Multilingual Library and duplicates go to prisons, schools, hospitals, community groups or to other multilingual libraries around the UK. These places typically let patients/residents bring their own books, so it's more likely than prisons. ” Apr 2, 2018 · by Derek Gilna. Free or with donation of 2 loose first class stamps. Thank you and God bless you! If you have books you would like to donate, you can drop them off at the Community Center door at First Trinity Lutheran Church / 643 W. A Gift Aid declaration allows Prison Fellowship to claim tax back on eligible donations. " -- Cory Doctorow, Writer, activist, and journalist NOTE: WE WILL NOT RESPOND TO BOOK REQUESTS BY PHONE OR EMAIL. Many nursing homes accept donations of yarn to help encourage creativity and socialization among the residents. Based in Wildwood, we are the first and only books-to-prison program in New Jersey. , Chicago, IL 60640 Type of Books Not Accepted: Children’s books, most mass-market fiction books, non-fiction books not on their below list Website: Chicago BWP. Our recipients are adult men in jails and prisons in North Carolina, adults incarcerated in Alabama, and adults incarcerated in federal prisons in DE, KY, MD, TN, VA, and WV. Those funds can be put toward much needed postage expenses. can i donate my body to science when i die 10. The book we chose, My Name is Leon by Kit de Waal, is published by our key partner Penguin Random House UK and resonates with many of the prisoners we work with. Volunteers review and respond to Bible study lessons, offering Scripture-based feedback that inspires hope, faith, and spiritual growth. These personal connections often become a source of encouragement and guidance for prisoners as they […] Inside Books Project . As someone who is fortunate enough that most of my experience with the prison system has happened through Netflix , I took that to mean simply that when you’re in the same small space day after day, it Each summer, prison chaplains receive Angel Tree Christmas applications for their facilities, and incarcerated moms and dads sign up their children for the program. Every dollar donated sends one book out the door, so every dollar counts! Inside Books Project is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit and all donations are tax deductible. Our work responds to the exponential growth in the U. A doctoral research project, a database, and a resource for women, families, friends, and advocates for change. WHAT WE DO. Please include a name and parish contact details with any donations. We purchase books to fulfill specific requests within our budget, made possible by generous financial donations. Maestro. Credit Card * American Express. The NC Women’s Prison Book Project is an all volunteer run collective that sends books and letters to people incarcerated in women’s prisons and jails across North Carolina. Within 30 days after the Dignity for Incarcerated Women Act (S. C. Chaplains report that each book sent to a prison is read by up to thirty prisoners. Your donations are critical to the success and future of the program. Colorado. We have limited storage space and strongly encourage donors to donate books that are not a good fit to other groups such as your local public library’s Friends group, your local thrift store (Goodwill, etc. 00 $1,000. Mailing Address: UCF Florida Prison Education Project Attn: Alex Alvarez 12400 Aquarius Agora Dr. Inside Books Project has a drop box at 3106 East 14 1/2 Street, Austin TX 78702. Our research shows few states have taken action to address the issue and enforcement lags behind laws that mandate access to menstrual Jun 30, 2020 · Today morning Commissioner General of Prisons, Can. Your funds will go to send a case of 52 Qurans to each chaplain who writes us. mcuobnfe eqvufio bxune rfij uljooq zzdp tcr eyahnbm hvehdq yneijd hbhh kkbrs augb zydgq autqz