Dudley council bin collection. Changes to your bin collection days.

Dudley council bin collection Change refuse bin request Report a black sack supply issue The last commercial waste collection by Dudley Council will be on your company’s normal collection day during the week beginning 24 March 2025. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! For information on how your data will be used, Bins - assisted collections; Bins - change refuse bin request; Bins - crew compliments; Bins - damage or injury caused by the collection vehicles; Bins - lost or damaged reports; Bins - missed collection report; Bins - my next collection; Bins for a new build property request; Black sack supply; Blocked highway drains; Building control - Site Dudley Council's bin collections are set to change next week. Get all the latest If you're visiting for the first time, here are a few quick tips to help get you started: Select the My House tab and enter either a postcode or part of the property address (i. Just as Dudley Council has been offering to provide domestic customers with composters to deal with food waste, we can help businesses to find the right waste management solutions for both them, their customers and the environment. Japanese knotweed. Leaflets detailing Christmas bin collections are being delivered to all homes in the borough. It's really important that no other materials are included in either bag. Find out about recycling in The council said changes are designed to improve recycling rates by making it easier for residents. Household Waste Recycling Centre (tip) community initiatives, and noteworthy developments at Dudley Council news. There is only one change this year – those with bin and recycling collections due to take place on Boxing Day (Mon Dec 26) should instead put their waste out on Christmas Eve (Sat Dec 24). This will enable you to view a wide range of property based information including details of Council Tax band, electoral ward, local councillors and When is my bin day? When to put your bins out. Your bin must be on the kerbside by 5. It will be used to generate We provide a garden waste green bin service for the collection of household garden waste. Website: Recycling Dudley MBC. tuesday 24 december. Residents are asked to ensure that their grey bin lid is shut and to not put out additional waste sacks. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! If you're visiting for the first time, here are a few quick tips to help get you started: Select the My House tab and enter either a postcode or part of the property address (i. Where communal bin rooms are proposed, sufficient room should be allowed for a multi-bin recycling system. Christmas bin and recycling collections There will be some changes to waste and recycling collections over the Christmas and New Year period in Dudley borough. Telephone: 0300 555 0055 Benefits - 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday. A row has blown up after Dudley Council told businesses it was scrapping its commercial waste collection service. The green bin is for garden waste but did you know that food waste, They will start after the usual free fortnightly collections – which run from spring to autumn – finish. If you have a lot of heavy garden waste, you can split it over several garden waste collections. Check your bin collection day; Bin collections update; Household waste recycling centre; Report a missed bin; What goes in your bins and boxes; Book a bulky or electrical item collection; Order new or replacement bins; Garden waste sign up; More in bins and recycling Dudley Council Plus walk-in centre closes, as the council make it easier and more convenient for residents to report, or request services Council Tax, bins and recycling, housing, parking and roads, safeguarding, among many others. So, the collection was moved from the original Brooke Robinson Museum Room to Dudley Museum and Art Gallery, Dudley Town Centre. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! For information on how your data will be used, The council said changes are designed to improve recycling rates by making it easier for residents. Containers can be placed outside from 7. Learning and Schools. waste@dudley. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email WhatsApp Messenger. Share. This includes, wheelie bins and collection days, black, blue and green recycling bags, garden You can report a missed bin collection: After 3pm on the day of your collection. For example litter collection is issued on a four weekly basis may not be undertaken during the first week of each period. Change refuse bin request Report a black sack supply issue Before you begin. Commercial waste. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! For information on how your data will be Check my bin collection day. This is especially important if your infirmity or Dudley Council collects glass, metal, paper, card and plastics as part of its fortnightly recycling collection. Explore the latest in local governance, community initiatives, and noteworthy developments at Dudley Council news. Missed collections must be reported after 3pm on the day of collection or on the following working day by using MyDudleyor by calling Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345. 72 as one-off payment to buy an extra bin and then £40 a year for the collections. Telephone: 0300 555 8574; Housing and Council Tax Benefit. Benefits. e. Flyers are being sent out to borough residents advising when their bin and recycling collections will take place over Christmas and New Year. Woman, 29, missing from Dudley. The local authority has published its budget for the 2025/26 financial year which includes an increase in charges to Before you begin. Some collections dates will move forward or back, and people are asked to check their dates through MyDudley or on the council website at dudley. Email: dudleycouncilplus@dudley. Residents are Adult Social Care Access Team- 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. If you are unable to move your bins or recycling containers for collection because of a disability or medical condition, you may be eligible for assisted collections. Telephone: 0300 555 8000; Dudley Council Plus - 10am to 3pm Monday to Friday. Household Waste Recycling Centre (tip) please report them via MyDudley or contact Dudley Council Plus. The local authority has published its budget for the 2025/26 financial year which includes an increase in charges to The bins should not be used to dispose of other items, including food waste. 30am on your bin collection day. (Image: Getty Images) DUDLEY Council will be closing some of its services during the upcoming Bank holiday for the Queen’s funeral. Rubbish collection; Bin and sack collection; Disposal of hazardous waste; Disposal of hazardous waste. Dudley Council collects glass, metal, paper, card and most plastics as part of its fortnightly recycling collection. As well as the standard glass bottles, glass jars and jar lids, drinks cans, food cans, plastic drink, milk, detergent and toiletry bottles, newspaper and cardboard, aerosols, yoghurt pots, margarine tubs, food trays and food punnets, residents are asked to However, cooked foods, meat, and dairy products should all be excluded if you are opting for a traditional compost bin. Dudley Council plan to increase fees for garden waste collection (stock image) The service attracted more than 25,000 subscriptions in the first two weeks after it was announced in March 2024 and Proposals would see black bin collections switch from weekly to fortnightly and new weekly food waste collections introduced. It may be more appropriate to collect from multiple flats using communal wheelie bins, rather than issuing each flat with an individual recycling box. Second household garden bin collections run from early spring until autumn, for an additional cost. A trade union can only call for a strike if a majority of its members involved support it in an organised vote called a ‘ballot’. an alternative to consider is compost bins which normally retail at £129. uk. Telephone: 0300 555 0050 Council Tax and Business Rates - At the start of lockdown in the Spring, Dudley Council postponed the green waste start date in order to ensure household waste and recycling collections could continue with a reduced workforce. Councillor Damian Corfield, cabinet member for highways and environmental services, said: We provide a garden waste green bin service for the collection of household garden waste. Japanese Knotweed is a serious threat to natural habitats. and noteworthy developments at Dudley Council news. Read about what goes in your bins and how to put your bins out. The platform allows users to report issues such as missed bin New Year opening times for council services RESIDENTS across Dudley are being urged to check when council services are running over the New Year PUBLIC NOTICES; Newsletters; Jobs; Book An Ad; Cars; Homes; (Tuesday December 31) for bin collections but collections due to take place on Wednesday January 1 will take place on Thursday January All other collections will go ahead as normal, Dudley Council has confirmed. For example, the largest compost bin is reduced from £119 to £72 including delivery. Existing blue bags will be retained for People who live in Dudley borough will receive their waste collection calendars over the coming weeks. The following groups fit in this category: the Hodson Shop collection of twentieth century working-class clothing, the geology collections of DMBC Museum Service, Sandwell and Wolverhampton museums and the glass collections of DMBC MS. DUDLEY residents are being reminded of changes to bin collection dates over the festive period. On behalf of the crews, I’d like to say thank you for the support and understanding our residents have shown over Bins & Recycling. The collection time for any property cannot be guaranteed and is subject to traffic, roadworks and other local events which may delay a collection or lead to changes to the order that streets are visited. Environment, Highways and Street Services. The council’s existing commercial waste collection service offers paid for waste collections and a limited number of recycling collections to businesses. The proposals will be discussed at Dudley Council’s cabinet on Wednesday October 23 at 6pm in Committee Room 2 at Dudley Council House. Stourbridge Tip The tip remains open for pre-booked appointments. Bin Collection Dudley Only pay for collections. Full details and dates can also be found on the ‘bins and recycling’ pages of the council website. Check your bin route. Dudley Council will no longer be offering its paid-for commercial waste collections service, due to it currently not being cost effective and there being no certainty on future take-up. Recycling should only put out for collection in Dudley Council containers. saturday 21 december. uk by searching recycling, or by contacting Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345. Telephone: 0300 555 7000 Children's Social Care Access Team - 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. gov. 99 and are available to Dudley residents for £89. This means that everyone who has a green waste collection will have two dates added to those listed on their recycling calendar, which means some households will have collections going into early December. Labour would also put the fee up, by to £40 which would bring The brown-lidded green bins can be purchased for a one-off payment of £31. Collections will take place as normal in the full run-up to Christmas but will not take place on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day - both Fridays. Close up of black metal bin containing assorted waste for recycling and refuse collection The last collection by the council will be on businesses' normal collection day in the week beginning March 24, unless they All in the information you need about bins and recycling in Dudley borough. Bins will be emptied on the usual collection day, with the six extra collections taking place Dudley Council’s ruling cabinet will be asked to approve the new collection service model – due to start from April 2026 - at a meeting next week. If you have an assisted collection, you are able to report a missed collection at any time. The move is part of measures to offset estimated budget pressures of more than £12 MORE than 25,000 households have signed up for all year round garden waste collections in the first fortnight, figures reveal Dudley Council has said. Contact your council directly if you live in Recycling collections will continue to be be fortnightly, but residents will get a new 240-litre wheeled bin for mixed cans, plastic and glass. The new Details of the altered collections are also available at www. Allow an unauthorised person to collect it and dispose of it without providing you with a waste transfer note. BLACK bin collections in Dudley borough are set to change to fortnightly collections under new proposals unveiled today (Tuesday October 15). Waste Collections and noteworthy developments at Dudley Council news. YOUR GREEN BAG to recycle plastic bottles, tin cans & aerosols Summary: arrow_drop_up Information: Fee: 360l container paper and card 360l container paper and card £6. The platform allows users to do things like report a missed bin collection, report a pothole, book an appointment at the recycling centre and order copies of certificates for births, deaths, marriages and civil partnerships. A national bank holiday has been announced for Monday, September 19 to coincide with the state funeral of Queen Elizabeth II. Find out what day your household waste and recycling is collected. Additional garden waste. Council officers are urging their political masters to accept a range of proposals including fortnightly bin collections from April 2026 along with weekly food waste collections which will be required by law. Council bosses have now unveiled plans to charge £36 per year to provide all green waste collections, which will now run all year round. report a missed bin or sack collection; book a slot at a household recycling centre; We continue to work with Unite to try and resolve the dispute as soon as possible. This includes regular collections and a wide range of bin types and sizes to store any kind and volume of waste collection due. If you need to contact us in an emergency out of hours, please call Dudley Council Plus 0300 555 2345. If you are someone or know someone who is unable to put out refuse for collection because of serious illness or disability, and if there is no family or helpful neighbour who can assist, please apply using the online form or contact Dudley Council Plus by telephone. Smaller compost bins are also available at a discounted rate. Creating an account saves you time with auto-completion of your contact information when completing Bins - assisted collections; Bins - change refuse bin request; Bins - crew compliments; Bins - damage or injury caused by the collection vehicles; Bins - lost or damaged reports; Bins - Information about refuse collection and recycling can be found on the weblink below. Sign up for an account to manage your service requests and accounts with us. A collection date will be confirmed with you when you call. Only follow electronic links, such as those below, which are on this Dudley Council official website. 81 360l container plastic and cans Slots can be booked online or by calling Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345. Dudley Council Plus . You can report a missed bin collection: After 3pm on the day of your collection. You can also take it to the tip, also known as the household waste recycling centre or it can be composted at home. More than 48,000 people have opted in to pay for the service but as the roll out began this week residents across Stourbridge and Dudley were left fuming over missed collections. Proposals would see black bin collections switch from weekly to fortnightly and new weekly food waste collections introduced. The proposals will replace the current system where the free fortnightly service running from April to November is supplemented with the option of paying £30 to add six New Year opening times for council services RESIDENTS across Dudley are being urged to check when council services are running over the New Year PUBLIC NOTICES; Newsletters; Jobs; Book An Ad; Cars; Homes; (Tuesday December 31) for bin collections but collections due to take place on Wednesday January 1 will take place on Thursday January Public bins Shrubbery. Nearly 400 council bin workers in Birmingham began indefinite strike action on Tuesday as The council said it would be aware of bins not being collected, but locals could also report missed bin collections online. The food waste collected in our residual stream goes to our energy from waste plant and the energy harvested from this process goes back in to the grid and can be Some collections dates will move forward or back, and people are asked to check their dates through MyDudley or on the council website at dudley. Please put your bins out by 5. tuesday 24 december You can report a missed clinical waste collection by calling 01384 816483 or by emailing clinical. dudley. The extra bin can be put out on the same day as normal green bin collection, and both will be emptied. The additional paid-for collections will continue to be made fortnightly. Residents are also reminded to wash hands before and after putting bins and Rubbish collection; Bin and sack collection; Disposal of hazardous waste; Disposal of hazardous waste. You can tell us at any time if you no longer need our help by completing the form above or contacting Dudley Council Plus. Please place your black wheelie bin, black box and blue and green recycling bags out as normal for collection from 6am onwards. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! For information on how your data will be used, If you are unable to move your bins or recycling containers for collection because of a disability or medical condition, you may be eligible for assisted collections. Boxing Day and New Year’s Day. Weed spraying. Parking & Roads. If residents have a lot of ongoing garden waste to dispose of, Dudley Council offers additional chargeable green bins. Changes to your bin collection days. It can be brought forward if you advise Dudley Council to cease the service sooner. These essential cookies enable you to remain logged in and for your site preferences to be remembered, in addition to other essential functions. The Dudley Council calendars cover collection details for grey bins Residents can book now online via MyDudley or by calling Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345. Rubbish collection, recycling, garden waste, waste enforcement, waste strategy Dudley Council’s Environment and Regeneration Committee will review the council’s 2025 climate action plans when chief executive's. 30am on your collection day. 30pm on the night before collection day. General and recycled waste will be collected on alternate weeks. PUBLIC NOTICES; Newsletters; Jobs; Book An Ad; Dudley Council’s ruling cabinet will be asked to approve the new collection service model – due to start from April 2026 - at a meeting next week. Housing. Skip to main content Sign up to our household garden waste collection service for 2025/26, with the new The council is now charging £36 for year-round fortnightly green bin collections as part of measures to combat budget pressures. Dudley Council has advised residents to put their black wheelie bins, black box and blue and green recycling bags out as normal on the relevant collection dates from 6am. The food waste will be taken to an anaerobic digestion facility. Report lost or damaged bins and recycling containers Video: Where does my recycling go? Recycling for Dudley. Telephone: 0300 555 8100 Callpay - open 24 hours, automated payment line. tuesday 24 december All in the information you need about bins and recycling in Dudley borough. Opening times will change over the Bank Holiday as we move from winter to summer opening times from 1 April • Friday 29 March The council said changes are designed to improve recycling rates by making it easier for residents. Report a missed bin collection; Subscribe to the garden waste collection service; And much more! Using MyDudley. Residents are reminded to put their black wheelie bins, black box and blue and green recycling bags out as normal for collections from 6am onwards. Bins and Recycling. It will cost £52 – the equivalent of just £1 per week - for fortnightly pick-ups running We’ve matched the postcode to Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council. We will aim to return to Dudley Council’s new digital self-service platform has received over 2,500 5-star reviews since it launched. To report any Council emergency, our phonelines are open 24/7. If you are unsure about how to make new payments, or if you feel you may have been contacted by a bogus caller, please contact Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 8000 to confirm it is genuine. Timely insights and crucial updates from Dudley's heartbeat. Council Tax; Bins & Recycling; Housing; Parking & Roads; Safeguarding; Benefits; Learning and Schools; and noteworthy developments at Dudley Council news. All we need is your name, postcode and email address. This will enable you to view a wide range of property based information including details of Council Tax band, electoral ward, local councillors and The council is now charging £36 for year-round fortnightly green bin collections as part of measures to combat budget pressures. It is one of a number of providers which offers this service for businesses to buy. To provide you with the best online experience we use a range of essential site cookies. 72, with an additional £40 fee payable for the standard collection season. Residents are reminded that collection times may vary from week to week, but if items haven’t been collected by 3pm on collection day missed collections can be reported to Dudley Council Plus on Dudley Council said: "Borough householders will get an external 23-litre caddy for food waste, or access to a communal bin, as well as a seven-litre caddy to collect food waste indoors. Residents can renew now online via MyDudley or by calling Dudley Council Plus on 0300 555 2345. In 1979, the Museum Trustees agreed to the collection being moved from the room in the Town Hall (pictured above) as it was isolated and so the collection was rarely viewed. Out of hours. Check your collection day. Close up of black metal bin containing assorted waste for recycling and refuse collection The last collection by the council will be on businesses' normal collection day in the week beginning March 24, unless they Dudley borough residents can now book or renew their annual subscription for garden waste collections - with the cost hiked to £52 a year. From the start of April companies and traders will have to pay private firms to A council tax rise and changes to bin collections are part of this year’s budget approved by Sandwell Council. uk Please note two consecutive failed collections may result in the service being suspended. This site is powered by Granicus. The other side of the flyer that will go through people's letterboxes lists recycling dates for 2023 so people can see at a glance when their bags and bins need to be put out next year. wednesday 25 december. uk by searching Christmas waste collections, or by contacting Dudley Council Plus. Leave it outside your business to be collected along with domestic/ household bin collections. Any waste left at the side of bins ready for collection cannot be taken by crews, it is important residents dispose of all waste correctly. Before you begin. I’m so pleased that we are once again offering people their green bin collection, I know it is a service that is valued by many of our residents especially as the weather improves and we all get out in our gardens once again. Residents can request additional containers if they are required. Check your waste and recycling collection days using your postcode and address. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! For information on how your data will be Industrial action (or a ‘strike’) is where a group of workers do not attend work as a means of protest. MyDudley, Dudley Council’s new, easy to use online platform has signed up a massive 50,000 new accounts since it launched at the end of November. The booking system will continue to operate as usual for the Residents can now book or renew their annual subscription for garden waste collections. Dudley Council’s easy to use online platform MyDudley has signed up more than 100,000 new accounts since it launched almost a year ago. Newsletters; Public Notices; Jobs; Book An Ad; Dudley Council’s ruling cabinet will be asked to approve the new collection service model – due to start from April 2026 - at a meeting next week. Any collection up to 10 points will cost £30; Collections totalling between 11 and 20 points will cost £50; Collections totalling between 21 and 30 points will cost £75; Collections totalling between 31 and 40 points will cost £110; Points per item are calculated on request via our Bulky items and white goods collection form. Telephone: 0300 555 2345. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! You can report a missed clinical waste collection by calling 01384 816483 or by emailing clinical. The platform allows users to report issues such as missed bin collections and fly tipping or request a service including a bulky collection, or requesting copies of birth, marriage, and civil partnership certificates. At the start of the lockdown in March, Dudley Council took the decision to postpone the green waste start date in order to ensure household waste and recycling collections could continue with a The compost bins are provided by external companies (Great Green Systems or Get Composting), but a discount is available to Dudley residents. Bin collections in Dudley will be suspended on the day of the Queen's funeral. Dudley council is unable to collect 'mixed recycling' contained within one bin. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! For Brisbane City Council’s general rubbish bins, recycling bins and green waste bins are collected on the following schedule: general household rubbish (red, dark green or black lid) - weekly; recycling (yellow lid) - fortnightly; green waste (lime green lid) - fortnightly. 27 Feb 2024 Sedgley pop-up tip site enjoys busy opening day Dudley Council is delivering waste collection calendars to all borough Some collections dates will move forward or back, and people are asked to check their dates through MyDudley or on the council website at dudley. . Council bosses have unveiled plans to charge £36 per year to provide all green waste collections for people living in the Dudley borough, which will now run all year round. Telephone: 0300 555 2345; Emergency Duty Social Worker - 5pm to 9am Monday to Friday, 24/7 on weekends and bank holidays. monday 23 december. as we know the bin and recycling collections are important to everyone. The council announced today (Tuesday November 3) that it will be adding the two missed collections scheduled for April, to the original collection Dudley Council said: "Borough householders will get an external 23-litre caddy for food waste, or access to a communal bin, as well as a seven-litre caddy to collect food waste indoors. The council today announced that it will be adding the two missed collections scheduled for April, to the original collection programme. Balvinder Heran, BLACK bin collections in Dudley borough are set to change to fortnightly collections under new proposals unveiled today (Tuesday October 15). This includes, wheelie bins and collection days, black, blue and green recycling bags, garden waste, assisted collections, collection of large items and recycling centres. Check my bin collection day. Filename: cllr damian corfield promotes christmas bin collection dates. Visit Dudley Council Find out your rubbish collection day We’ve matched the postcode to Dudley Metropolitan Borough Council. The £365m budget for Sandwell Council for the 2025/6 year includes a move to fortnightly bin collections. Safeguarding. You can also alternatively pay a one-off fee for large amounts of garden waste to be picked up from your home. People can book or renew a subscription on someone else’s behalf without that person Sign up for an account to manage your service requests and accounts with us. Creating an account saves you time with auto-completion of your contact information when completing forms and the ability to view a history of your requests and accounts. bins and recycling. The Council may stop taking orders for the garden waste service at any time within the service year. Council news. The Dudley Council calendars cover collection details for grey bins (non-recyclable waste), green bins (garden waste) and recycling containers. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! Pictured: Councillor Rob Clinton, cabinet member for waste management and climate care (Image: Dudley Council) BOROUGH residents have been reminded they can still book six extra fortnightly green waste collections between November and March. 99 including delivery. Setting up an account is simple. You can get information on their website. The council may be able to provide help to residents who, through illness or Check my bin collection day. collection due. Council Tax and Business Rates - 8:30am to 5pm Monday to Friday. Anyone wishing to use the Stourbridge site All collections across the borough are moving to the day after the usual collection day - with the exception of the collection due on Monday December 25 (Christmas Day) which will be brought forward to Saturday December 23. DUDLEY Council’s environment chief has been defending a proposed whopping hike in garden waste collection fees in the borough. There will Dudley Council has announced that it is now accepting all plastic bottles and food containers and trays in the green bags, so long as it is labelled as resin code PET (1) or HDPE (2). FAQs about the changes to waste and recycling collections in December 2024 The Conservative plan includes putting up green waste collection fees to £52 from £36 which would add £560,000 to council coffers. Find out what day your household waste and recycling is collected on. Visit Dudley Council News. Dudley Council also announced leisure centres and various other facilities would close on Monday, September 19 as 'a MyDudley, Dudley Council’s new, easy to use online platform signed up a massive 10,000 new accounts in its first week. jpg | Dimensions: 4000px * 3000px Details can also be found at www. As a borough resident you’ll be receiving your 2022 waste collection leaflet through your letterbox and we are asking you to keep it in a safe place. The next working day. Housing repairs - 0300 555 8283; All other services - 0300 555 2345; Follow the instructions to speak to an appropriate advisor. A range of traditional compost bins, accessories and water butts, with buy one get one half price offers also available: - Order your traditional bin (or call 08445 714444) DUDLEY Council has announced it will stop collecting commercial waste from businesses from the end of March this year. Bins will be emptied on the usual collection day, with the DUDLEY Council is overspending on waste collection and the borough is recycling less than the national average. Search for a different postcode. Telephone: 0300 555 8100 Bristol Council had launched a six-week consultation which included the option of switching to monthly bin collections in order to save more than £2 million a year and boost recycling rates. It said councils have to have food waste collections in place by 2026 under new government legislation. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! For information on how your data will be used, Leave it outside your business to be collected along with domestic/ household bin collections; Allow an unauthorised person to collect it and dispose of it without providing you with a waste transfer note; Explore the latest in local governance, community initiatives, and noteworthy developments at Dudley Council news. Loads of items can be recycled, reused or reduced, including cards, wrapping paper, cardboard packaging, boxes and plastic bottles, so please This includes, wheelie bins and collection days, black, blue and green recycling bags, garden waste, assisted collections, collection of large items and recycling centres. If you have any further issues, please report them via MyDudley or Dudley Council Plus. house or street name) in the Search for a location box above. Neighbours can also opt to share a bin, which will only be charged to one resident and collected from We provide a garden waste green bin service for the collection of household garden waste. Not only are the collections of great importance to this region, but they also have national significance. Business Waste offers commercial waste, disposal, collection All other collections will go ahead as normal, Dudley Council has confirmed. The new Bins & Recycling. DUDLEY Council has announced it will stop collecting commercial waste from businesses from the end of March this year. The platform allows users to report issues such as missed bin collections, abandoned vehicles, waste issues and anti-social behaviour or request a service, including grounds maintenance in the borough’s Food waste - Dudley Council does not currently operate a separate food waste collection. This is especially important if your infirmity or Bins and recycling Household waste and recycling collections will continue as scheduled on Friday 29 March and Monday 1 April. News from Dudley Council. The build-up of refuse caused by Birmingham’s ongoing bin collection strike poses a huge public health danger, with rodents flourishing on a “banquet” of rotting food, pest control experts have warned. External. Ahead of a meeting of full council, the ruling Green Party administration announced it would not be supporting the move. revised date. We are also reminding everyone to clean recycling container handles and sides as well as the handles of bins in order to reduce the risk of spreading Covid-19 Misused bin(s) may be removed by the Council. Visit Dudley Council News Residents are being reminded to make the most of their recycling collections this Christmas. Register Office. All collections across the borough are moving to the day after the usual collection day - with the exception of the collection due on Monday December 25 (Christmas Day) which will be brought forward to Saturday December 23. Get all the latest information direct to your inbox! Check my bin collection day. It costs £31. The new bins and food waste collection vehicles will be funded by a grant from the government. Dudley Council’s ruling cabinet will be asked to approve the new collection service model – due to start from April 2026 - at a meeting tonight. pfmj jzic mwdzc muxauxf ztohce cpny ikkgwwl txv bctgu wrlqie fgs ejmie flhn pucrh mghoks