Ffxi windower macros made easy windower macro scripts are so 2010. Reply Asura. yes I have init file in scripts folder. When I pl I usually make person specific macros so I can just tab, hit control 1/2/3/4/5 etc. Player Search · Thanks to some help on the windower discord I've made a basic bar swap for going in/out of town. Activating macros and switching between macro palletes is so much easier. By Meru in forum FFXI: Everything Replies: 40 Last Post: 2005-10-11, 18 · I appreciate the quick responses hitetsu. Has anyone had any issues with saving them to server? as in I saved my macros to the server, then i reformatted my laptop, reinstalled POL, FFxi, windower, etc. An example of my BRD macro and A collection of scripts for FFXI, for use with Windower and Ashita. But it works great if you mix and match one equipset and one Windower macro. Try it out! 6 days ago · I am going to start this section of the guide of giving you a table that will explain to you the different target options you have when making macros. However, now I'm interested in this shuffle. I made a . I have a 10 Set macro book for SMN and dream of something like that for BLM that just has everything in one big book with /macro commands that trigger other sets in the book. This is a mashup addon using Lazy and Targeter. txt file called Smite FFXI Multi-Boxer Tool. Player Search · Windower. However, questions: 1) Where the hell do i put Dec 13, 2015 · I think one of the best improvements that was made to FFXIV over FFXI was the controller setup. e. let · waits work fine for windower macros, you can get by using /wait . · Windower macros allow for infinite macro lines per macro key. Windower macro's :O. 329 users online . Contribute to Mirdain/Silmaril development by creating an account on GitHub. myomen - quick way to use your tele ring to · This is a guide to setting up macros through ffxi windower. · Is there any way to write macros outside of FFXI without using something like Windower? I don't want to add more lines, I just want to write in an easier way. AllWarps by Ivaar - Gives access to the menu options for the following warps: Homepoints, For any of the Windower scripts, place them in the scripts sub-directory in your program files. Had a problem with another similar macro and it seemed if I kept my thumb on alt it wouldn't do the 2nd ability List of custom addons. dat files for PC users) Meaning say youve been a WAR and Melee roles your entire FFXI life. Game: FFXI. 5 or /wait 1 and it will figure in, as far as your ws numbers, check your tp, I noticed not alot of acc for ws, and with any multi hit ws, if you don't have enough acc, you won't get high numbers. I have the same issues, where Summon commands don't show the icons. Displays recast time for Abilities or Spells /item ffxi windower macros · #2 I would remove "input /ws expiacion <t>" from your . Server: Carbuncle. Why Use Windower Macros instead of the in-game macro editor? Really you can do anything you want with your macros by doing this. For example, to run Trust is a Windower 4 addon for FFXI that turns your character into a Trust. By lugado 2013-04-20 bot. · Not going to post my actual setup since I'm a windower user, but back when I didn't use windower macros I had a main set I idled on that had macros to jump to other sets with spells, along with important spells like stun A system of windower macros through tells (or some other network control solution) is a very good choice. [+] Asura. Reply. I am sure this has probably been posted somewhere but i couldn't find it. Actions can be made easier with shortcuts, example //atar pa /dia. g. 4 days ago · Over a year ago the FF 11 development team finally expanded the macro system from one set of 20 macros to 20 books of 10 macros sets, at the same time they added the /macro command, when used properly it will allow · as flion said treat windower scripts just like macros except they have more lines, you have more control over waits, and they are less laggy than ingame macros. The Windower Team for producing the Windower client and resource files which make using the program a whole lot easier. Next, we'll write windower scripts that go in the "Windower/scripts/" folder. Some have been modified by me to suit my own needs, full credit goes to the original creators. EasyFarm was originally developed for personal use, purely for farming items like beehive chips, which were used in crafting. lua lists as "Type Bitmask". SCH Macro sets. :D Reply With Quote Similar Threads. I am not here to bash anyone, shove ideas or playstyles down people's throats. No seriously though it takes some getting use to in order to tab between windows efficiently. - I always made 3x melee, RDM BRD X parties. executed as //lua e scriptname. Game: Control various aspects of the game rendering engine. Open your Windower · With windower 4, I have literally started again. · 1. Feb 6, 2025 · The latest source and information for this addon can be found on GitHub. MyGear 1. Global Topic · FFXI Auction House Online. net/; if you're going to use it, get it straight from the source, trojan-free. Windower macros are very easy to edit. Execute the script in game with //lua e <script_name> (without the file extension). The purpose of Juggler is to simplify the use of Ready commands for jug pets by providing dynamic macros based on the active jug pet's abilities. By Asura. The key things you need to do: 1. This setup is reliable even in laggy · Depending on the script, you may have options for ending it without logging out: Many scripts that loop will either call themselves at the end of the script (i. Player Search Forum » Everything Else » Tech Support » windower macros . com An FFXI Windower 4 addon that targets the nearest enemy to you based on a target list. The only communication that happens is when you toggle in-game auto target on or off. An FFXI Windower 4 addon that targets the nearest enemy to you based on a target list and can automatically attack it. txt to run the script. Posts: 185. Information about how to configure and use Windower v4. Player Search · FFXI Auction House Online. I'm a little new to the red mage thing, I mostly play thief, so I'm used to making just weaponskill and Racc gearswap macros and I · FFXI Auction House Online. Feb 6, 2025 · The macro consists of two basic units: a list of your current party members, and a palette of cure spells. Jul 1, 2022 · been following my own guide on fedora 36 kde plasma. Aug 6, 2021 · This came about because we're looking to see how we can make more efficient macros, however, it's not easy to test the minimum wait times you can get away with between actions. Nor am I saying that these macros are the only way to play this game. I made my own custom icons · I got the ingenous idea of binding my secondary character's macros to the F-keys via key binds as FFXI takes dominance over alt & ctrl + 1-0. Execute the script in game with //lua e <script_name> Windower can be found at http://www. area tends to treat {S} zones and Al Zahbi as a place you couldn't possibly want to see combat in, so it's not perfect code, but it's functional and your biggest issue most of the time should be having to manually swap for beseiged. do you know what to macro? · I just made a quick video of running around in FFXI with Ashita using Ubuntu 20. The MountRoulette says it's loaded in Windower Console in that list of windower addons that pop up when you start the game. windower macros. However, if someone posts a macro setup that you think would work for you May 13, 2021 · /console exec rng/stp. This sets what's between the < > brackets used for targeting in macros. · FFXI Auction House Online. Power Search. May 19, 2006 · (Windower Macros can be added later once its stable, So ATM its mostly the . One of the beauties of Sch is having access to all these spells so why not set it up so you can use them all. · ** Macro usage: /con ez cycle cyclelight * Cycles through element modes in the following order: Fire, Wind, Thunder, Light ** EX: //ez cycle <<<< If you were in Light mode, then you will change to Ice mode. · This is a guide to setting up macros through ffxi windower. and tab back quickly. The in game macros only offer a very select few choices of commands you can use for copying macros. Scarmiglione. This is using wine from apt. I've tried things like /console exec BST/ws. The client sends an outgoing chunk (id 0x0DC for those who like to verify things themselves) that windower data. Working as intended. Not sure why. Not possible without either of these two code bases. And of course the community which has made all this possible through their suggestions and feedback (and the occasional thank you) which makes working on this program a joy! c-sharp visual-studio gplv3 game-bot ffxi . You can try long form, but good luck on the formatting. Why Use Windower Macros instead of the in-game macro editor? UNLIMITED MACRO LINES that's the short answer Really you can do anything you want with your macros by doing this. I wrote a guide on how I use precast/preshot sets with windower macros yesterday lol. Console: Control the appearance and behavior of the Windower console. Language: JP EN DE FR. There's no communication with the server when in-game auto target takes over. Posts: 53. The FFXI macro system does not support them in any way. The games macros that are limited to six lines per macro key. I do recall that world. First Page 2 Carbuncle. txt document in the windower scripts folder named victorysmite. So, download/enable the Send addon in the Windower Launcher. Geriond. I launch the game fresh. This can with windower have you only using TWO macro sets (not 10) and with general FFXI only macros get Feb 12, 2025 · Call them Jeunoan Cardians instead of Macro Test Dummy. By Ohemgee in forum FFXI: Everything Replies: 42 Last Post: 2006-04-03, 18:11. · Wanting to clean my BLM macros up and make better use of the sets in the book. 588 users online . Windower4/scripts. , you're running skillup. Hi, I use windower without spellcast and have had no problems with any of my gear scripts before with casting a spell on my WHM pre-cast or midcast. If you use windower, save yourself macro space by selecting alliance members with Alt or Ctrl + F1-F6 hot keys. Before update these worked fine, after update Addendum Black line won't trigger. when installing the 2017 runtime, I had to use the run a commandline shell for debugging in winetricks. version, as I've only started 2 weeks ago. Source; Source. users online Global Topic. I'm a little new to the red mage thing, I mostly play thief, so I'm used to making just weaponskill and Racc gearswap · /console exec "VictorySmite". Input: Create keybinds and manage the behavior of the keyboard and Apr 27, 2005 · I still prefer to use the normal macro buttons + a few extras (ctrl + f1 - f10). However, in order to avoid constant resizing during bard rotations and other busy moments, the macro does not automatically shrink when members leave the party. 2. guildwork; By Lakshmi. Server: Asura. I'll say how I have it set up exactly and work through an example or two. txt"] Won't work with Equipset to Equipset, or from Windower macro to Windower macro. txt Dec 22, 2024 · It's like having a second macro bar that works for my mule. Posts: 99. In game type /console exec <filename>. It works for all 22 jobs and can attack, nuke, pull, skillchain, follow, roll, sing, and more, consolidating the functionality of EasyFarm, Cure Please, Rollbot, FastFollow and many others into a single add-on. So I may have for example 6 gear swap macros for rdm stored in windower per lvl cap. · Treat windower scripts exactly like in game macros Only with an infinite number of lines. With Runes, there's no need to worry about buffs dropping and having to flip through macro pages to reapply the same (or entirely different) sets. Alias: Create Windower pseudo-commands that can be used in the same way as built-in commands. Feb 6, 2025 · The table is a key -> action mapping, where the key is a combination of keys to press (denoted by the + sign) and the action can either be a Windower command or another table. Mar 25, 2018 · If the command is contained in a macro, then use /con send. Tronsy 2011-05-27 14:35:38 Link | Quote | Reply . · waits work fine for windower macros, you can get by using /wait . Aug 12, 2020 · So far so good. The latest source and information for this addon can be found on GitHub. I started to try a melee job not too long ago and have had a problem with my WS macro that I just never bothered to figure out how to fix because I was still barely even playing it. これは日本語でも機能します! Feb 6, 2025 · MacroChanger Contents. Again, so far so good. Are there any easy to follow guides on what all I can do with windower sripts some where? All I can find is how to make basic ones. run(true/false) will start/cancel auto-running. Forum » FFXI » Jobs » Scholar » SCH Macro sets . I'm currently using Windows 7 OS but haven't been able to find any recent threads concerning how to write up the new pathway. ** Macro usage: /con ez cycle target # * Changes targeting mode to #. What I'm wondering is, what kind of timing should I use to get an effect similar to spellcast, with the 3 swaps for precast mid cast and post cast, but without actually using it. user: Tronsy. By joining the community of elite members quality ffxi gil cheats, walk through, bots, macros, guides, tips, and strategies will be within your reach! With MMORPG becoming one of the top players is made easy! Check out the website and uncover some of the best kept secrets shared only by privileged MmopGuides. These automatically resize when the party structure changes. 5 - A useful tool that takes the gear you're currently wearing in game and writes the macro text file · What I did was I made a simple script with aliases and wait timers that spammed bar spells and kept sublimation going, then I just copy pasted it a hundred times to make it run for several hours. ffxi. updated to the most recent version of it today. Now knowing what each of these means, you can make the · FFXI Auction House Online. could even use it from the menu or using some other tools automatically as needed. windower. This will be painful, as I need to write, literally, hundreds of macros again. So far my script looks like this: Feb 16, 2025 · No more guessing if you have the latest version of Windower or the plugins! Every time you launch Windower 4, it will check and make sure all of your files are up to date and update them accordingly! Getting new plugins is equally as easy! Just click on the "Plugins" menu in the launcher and download the ones you want. Global Topic · I am a returning player and want to use Windower's basic macros but cannot find a /console exec command that works for my ingame macros. · Windower Macros Item Search With the addition of the cancel plugin to the windower plugin repertoire, some FFXI annoyances can now be fixed by use of SpellCast. Again. Decide to go mage. Chefm 2009-09-20 23:34:45 Link | Quote | Reply . anyways, i've done everything right, as far as i can tell. made a . txt' - which is bad practice), or run an previously defined alias. Setup and Scripts. I have seen a lot of BLM marco sets and looked to see if · Item Search . Just takes some getting use to but then it's just as easy as regular play. I can call my windower macros inside a regular ffxi macro, and I do this for gear swaps. Runes is a Windower 4 addon to help automate the management of Rune Enhancement effects for the Rune Fencer job. If you're Feb 6, 2025 · Control basic Windower features such as screenshots. txt in the FFXI macro bit, and, for the life of me, I cannot remember the macros needed for each line, the /equip etc etc to use the actual ability or spell. They could've made them different levels, from Jeunoan Cardian Very Easy to Jeunoan Cardian Very Difficult (or JCVD, which might occasionally attack you back, heh). i restored my macros from the server and now everytime i log out, or zone, or anything of that sort it resets my macros back to my dancer palette which is highly annoying Game: FFXI. Chefm. Other features include: current count of Ready charges and time until the next charge is ready. And it works for alliance, though you may need to · Item Search . What is a macro? I will give examples of how, when used properly, gear swap Macros are stored locally (~\SquareEnix\FINAL FANTASY XI\USER\xxxxxx\) and the information is injected directly into the game so unless the GM thought seeing 19 things changed back-to-back was a bit odd (assuming that can see those things, assuming they don't presume you have four in-game macros you hit fast), you're fine. 3. Feb 27, 2019 · Could make that possible. Cure Macro · FFXI Auction House Online. but it works, and makes dual boxing easy enough once you get used to it. Once in game and outdoors, I type //mr and I get on a random mount. Example: In Dynamis Divergence, quickly target the closest statue amongst other enemies, even if it is right behind you. Load //lua load targeter. New Items 2024-11-14. My Cure IV script (c4. Feb 2, 2022 · Then the appropriate macros would look like: Line 1: /equipset 50 Line 2: /ra <t> Line 3: /console exec [path to your windower set for whichever midshot set you want, for example "RNG/Stp. Player Search I'm trying to use windower scripts to add gear swaps to my red mage macros. Player Search フォーラム » Windower » Support » Windower 4 Macro Support Help · as flion said treat windower scripts just like macros except they have more lines, you have more control over waits, and they are less laggy than ingame macros. In the following subsections you will see the ones that I prefer to use for each macro, but you may prefer a different target option so I shall list each out for you. lua you have made. To run a windower script, put the text file in the Windower\Scripts directory. · You could easily make a Windower macro to do mass trading of singal items for you while you watch TV. Offline. Is there a way around having to change all my windower macros? · It now generates resources based on Windower's own resource files instead of using the thrice-damned "database" xmls that XIVHotbar came with, which have (finally!) been purged from the codebase entirely. windower. it tells you the command to use in the dialogue box. Currently I have 3 sets, BLM/SCH BLM/WHM and BLM/RDM, all under the BLM book. . If it’s another table, it will open that table and new keys will be looked up in that table. · I'm trying to use windower scripts to add gear swaps to my red mage macros. Setup wine through winecfg or w/e to used a fixed res desktop. lugado. txt (full Windower macro for my midshot STP set) My Macro page 2 Ctrl# row has the exact same structure and syntax, except changing the macros to use my Flurry 1 preshot set (/equipset 41) . txt and the last line of the script is 'exec skillup. Aug 29, 2011 · Hello. AF+1 item trade in information. Jun 1, 2023 · This is why it's instant. you'd have to use a windower script instead. X is hopefully a COR/DNC, can be a BRD/WHM, a DNC simply makes your RDMing so much easier but isn't optimal killspeed-wise, and the worst option is a 4th melee (and even that is more than · It may seem like a lot and may be confusing but with it being setup this way and the repetition has made it quite easy for me. Personally, I find windowed macros much more efficient than the paltry six lines SE offers us. Pardon the title; I have a bad sense of humor. user: Chefm. Windower Macros Item Search . I see you’re running windower macros from the FFXI macrosbut I guess my question is more “does it need the input of me hitting ALT 1-9 on the keyboard, or does accessing it from the controller waits work fine for windower macros, you can get by using /wait . Run FFXI in full screen mode. Windower macros allow for infinite macro lines per macro key. E. Upon hearing a request on the FFEVO forums in 2012, the EasyFarm code was released on BitBucket, free May 12, 2021 · /console exec rng/stp. For any of the Windower scripts, place them in the scripts sub-directory in your program files. allseeingeye by Project Tako. You usually still have to type out most of your macros yourself. and yes the exe is the green mandy face^^ u tricked me! just makes no sense to me that all the plugins work yet the scripts do not;; in the scripts folder, I have sub folders for different jobs, I even tried taking them out of sub folders and just putting them into the scripts folder and renamed macro Juggler is an add-on for FFXI Windower. txt, and everything in there is · FFXI Auction House Online. Anyways, this is working fine and dandy thanks to DualSend, however, I have yet to figure out a synergy in making the key bind work with a standardized windower macro. say my lvl 70 macros set, my lvl 40 cap macro set, my lvl 40 sub ninja set, etc. if you want everything done for you you need to learn how to use spellcast, which requires learning how to write appropriate scripts using a scripting language. · I'm having a similar issue. Believe it or not. Send strips quotation marks from sent commands. I simply want to point people unfamiliar with equip macros in the right direction. txt and add a line to FFXI's macro with "/ws expiacion <stnpc>" this will pop the purple cursor up, it also stop the macro for continuing until you actually click the cursor. Windower 4 Macro Support Help Item Search . txt), for instance, is: cure4 byrth; This is a closer look at the macros I've toyed around with in Windower; I tend to look for new and creative ways to keep these macros organized. Note, that I don't have any macros or ashitacast setup so enjoy my painful play style. Judging by how FFXI players skip or miss the intentional design behind certain things, I don't think it would be Dec 24, 2009 · Macro - FFXIclopedia, the Final Fantasy XI wiki - Characters A Macro is a shortcut to execute a sequence of one to six commands, each of recast. Waits are still necessary in and out of the script. And Macro page 3 is again the same thing except using 'no Flurry' preshot sets (/equipset 42). An easy way to keep your windowed macros organized is to simply set extramacros - Allows you to set your win key and app key to activate a custom GUI macrobar/macros gambits - Create actions, reactions, and more based off job and area (and more I'm sure). Jan 8, 2025 · From there press up or down to get the right target then use /ma "Cure IV" <t> macro to cure. This setup is reliable even in laggy Duplicating macros is as easy as duplicating files! Maintain an organized structure of macro like always go left to right, top to bottom. 04. kmqmve oti glyd lphzf lbg qpjaug echpcd ufsvi mpqsa lgm jantk xmdnbyh abkrzubt oioqi pgath