Figma swap instance Re Link to prototype demonstrating the bug Components that utilize the new Instance Swap feature do not retain their color overrides during prototyping. Select an instance and replace it with a performant search function 2. This detailed tutorial explores how to utilize Instance Swap for more efficient and The instance swap property is a component property that allows us to swap a component directly from the dropdown within the property panel. But if i change for example the text instance slot to a button instead, it will change back to the original slot size 64px in height and ignore the true height of said component instance. When you have the button component you should select the icon and on the right panel click on the icon for “Apply instance swap property” After that a modal will pop up and you can select all the preferred variants (in this case other icons) that can be swapped within the button components Please check this video, hope it’s useful One way I found to fix this is by adding auto-layout to the element, variant, or instance you are going to swap within the main auto-layout. I remember being able to connect a variable to a variant, but we changed how things work and want the same for instances (swap instance). It’s a bit clunky to have to create BOTH a boolean property to hide/show an instance and an instance swap property to set the instance. Searching ‘Image’ does not show instances named ‘Image’. Select your Preferred Values for the component. First, create the text you want, for example “Email Don't allow access or swap instance to any user I have created a plugin to get the component by the key from the library by instance. Master the Instance Swap feature in Figma to replace components easily and speed up your design workflow. Also if I detach my screens from the old Releases and make new components it still . Popular #instance swap plugins and files from Figma. Swap Instance. the color override works through the instance swap for me because the following two conditions: the color override works through the instance swap for me because the following two conditions: all of the 3000 shapes have same name (“vector” in my case) and; Component resource menu and instance swamp menu have a search function that works poorly. For some reason I can’t figure out why “Child B” in this case adopts the size of “Child A” when I swap them in a Parent instance – if I detach the Parent instance from If I set the example logo/image components’ frame to be an auto-layout with the contents framed/grouped inside, then the swap will change the size in the surrounding component instance. However, when swapping instances, the swapped instance is always the default instance of the master, which means I often have to re-apply overrides manually. I have a button instance, where I swap to another icon. Prototyping . Figma – 6 Jun 24 Hello, I’m having an issue where I have a generic button with an icon using an instance swap. #instance swap plugins and files from Figma. After swapping the libraries both variants of the instance are updated. A Instance Swap Properties for Flexible Content Substitution. The instance swap property is a component property that allows us to swap a component directly from the dropdown within the property panel. Replace instances inside instances. Dropdowns with a denote instances that you can swap. For Figma. This plugin is UI-free for a streamlined experience. ; Override something in the first (I bet layer order matters) instance and at least one another, like color fill. This quick tutorial will show you how it works!Inst Create an instance of your component. Given that, make sure the names of the component variants in both libraries are the same! Button Instance (Variant A) - Swap library, Instance A updates. In this instance I’ve tried changing the instance to a folder icon. I’ve built a set of icons for a specific purpose which all live on my UI-Icons page. I have the opposite problem: I want a child component to keep its size when I swap it in. Select the icon in all the variants and press the “Apply boolean property” button on the layer section, then press the “Apply instance swap property” for the nested Navigation Components With Boolean, Text and Instance Swap With Auto layout and ResponsiveBoolean, Text and Instance SwapComponents With PropertiesButtons, Avatars, Badge, Popup Box and Icons Community is a Maîtrisez la fonctionnalité Instance Swap dans Figma pour remplacer facilement des composants et accélérer votre workflow de design. Pressing an arrow key will always bring the focus to the top-most item. Be the first to reply! Reply. As per best practices, I have each icon as a separate component (so I have say, 30 solid icons and 30 outlined icons, making 60 total). But it’s not showing up when I search for “Tech services” in the Swap Instance window, even when I have “All libraries” selected. My guess would be This is a Figma Community plugin. Why doesn’t the icon turn blue? The Figma team have told me it’s a known issue James, but they haven’t created a solution as of yet. I have read the guideline from Figma, but it didn’t help. Swap components and instances →; Copy or duplicate Duplicate using the keyboard shortcut. Speed up component replacements and design tweaks. Un tutoriel rapide pour Swaps this instance's current main component with componentNode and preserves overrides using the same heuristics as instance swap in the Figma editor UI. 로그인. Use the instance swap properties to select the component of your choice. So if I swap the library in the first release, everythings work fine. I am trying to solve this issue through google and forums, but i only see stuff about the normal use of Figma as a user, not much feedback about development (Or i still don’t know how to search properly) Create a new instance swap property for the icon in the “State=Off” variant of the “Card / Scene” component. Support: brunobneto@gmail. This is a huge source of repeat manual work. All the switches work fine, but when I swap an instance, they just don’t work anymore, unless I re-select or reset the property. When I change color style in component then the changes are applied to the icon, but not for instance (there remains the old style) How does Figma load components with an instance swap property? If an instance of such a component is created, do all the layers of the preferred instances set up in the instance swap property get loaded in? Thanks in advance. 0. Get started with a free account → Each copy of a component or variant is referred to as an “instance”. but if i place this button in card component, and Yes, but I’m not talking about changing instances separately, but rather about changing variants of each instance independently. Powered by Gainsight. It also depends on the order of operations. Learn how to use variants, boolean, and swap instances in Figma to create efficient and organized designs. 0 comments. I don’t know the difference between checking or unchecking this option. Make sure that an instance of one component is not nested within an instance of another component. The icons still display as the open eye. A few things i noticed while trying to get it to work (because, yes, it’s still not fixed despite what figma support is telling us). Am I doing something wrong? Hi everyone, bringing this to the community because I’m curious if anyone else has experienced this and could offer some suggestions. Component propertiesは、既存のVariantsプロパティに加えてComponent内のオブジェクトについて、Instance swap(Instanceの切り替え)・Boolean (表示/非表示)・Text(テキストの値)をそれぞれ独立したプロパティとして扱うことができるようになった機能です。 A couple of days ago I noticed that the preferred values inside an edit instance swap property wasn’t visible anymore. A. I then added the instance swap feature so I can just change the logos instead of creating loads of variants, the issue I’m having is the logos get stretched? This doesn’t happen though when I switch them on the master component Instance properties do not behave as I would expect. Make sure all the components you want to use to instance swap have the exact same layer structure (eg if you have a button with an icon component where you want to switch the icon, each icon must have the same layer structure and therefor the same amount Instance Swap: Easily replace icons or visual elements. 9. InstanceNode → componentProperties doesn’t return INSTANCE_SWAP properties for nested instances. They all have the same structure (see screenshot). Then select the instance of the “Card” component in the “Example” frame, change the “State” Hi Everyone. Explore, install and use files and plugins on Figma Community. I contacted Figma support and they The instance swap property is preventing me from swapping the instance when I have the icon selected directly. Can anyone help me understand how I can retrieve the INSTANCE_SWAP for instances within a instance Hi 👋! I know how change icons inside a component but this time i don’t find solution to my problem for the imgs Image swap image from a bank’s img inside one component ? (the same thing for an classic icon swap) How can we do that ? Okay I never realized/really used the detached version of this menu because its sticky but doesn’t remember its state when recalled. Last updated 8 months ago. Here are some additional tips for creating instances in Figma: You can create instances of components from other files or libraries. Run "Change Image in #swap instance plugins and files from Figma. 불린은 true, false 를 통해 해당 요소가 보이거나 안 보이게 설정하는 기능이다. This has happened to be in the past and actually never found the solution. 🎉 Welcome to the Figma Forum! 🚀 Getting a details of Instance Swap properties based on it's value; I would like to get the details of Instance Swap based on the values. Please help me, copilot doesn’t know what I mean. Text property: Indicates which text strings can be edited. That sub-component then also has a nested component. Update the text in text fields to directly change the string To swap: Select or hover over the instance, then hold down ⌥ Option for Mac or Ctrl for Windows. When I search using the Assets tab, it does not search for any “contains”. The main issue: I have a button component with icon. The icons are a font, not vector. Hi, the issue has been described several times already, but posts are closed and it seems the issue still is there, so I’m creating a new one. I was trying to provide a single Component that would allow for user Hey guys, This feature would be extremely helpful Feature request: "Variant swap" within component properties Share an idea Right now if I use a subcomponent I can only add an “instance swap” which doesn’t help me a lot of the times. It’s also great for creating responsive designs, as Swap component on a newly created Instance; Hello. Elevate your Figma workflow: Exchange components between any two selected instances. Union — to color override; Icon Instance — to swap icons. Version 1 on April 1, 2024. For the color override to work correctly, you need to adhere to the following structure: Union > Icon Instance > Vector. 14:30. IMPORTANT: the local components whose instances you intend to swap in must be on the current page. This is put into another component which causes the issue. I’m using the instance swap of an icon inside a button - the icon itself has size variants built in. If you're working in the same file, you This is a simple little plugin that allows you to select a source instance and apply it to a destination instance (in the same way the swap instance panel works) but also optionally preserving some of the of the overrides. 4 ) manvy @manvydas · 1 year ago. The Has anyone else noticed a problem with the ‘Swap Instance’ search? See image comparing searches. Select two objects 2. I’ve then created a master icon component that holds an instance of Swaps this instance's current main component with componentNode and preserves overrides using the same heuristics as instance swap in the Figma editor UI. There are a few ways you replace or swap instances in Figma. My huge problem, which would practically kill this whole project, is the fact that I swap instances (manually) for certain components and some of them, ONLY SOME OF THEM are swapped back after closing Figma. recently started to become super slow, takes at least 5 seconds to swap things. I did some testing on my end, and it looks like when the view is Show as grid, the preview instance size in the instance menu is smaller when you select Preferred. I tried hiding the person images with a “. The script does not look for matching components on other pages. But I’m having an issue with the instance swamp. Changing Icon Color with Instance Swap + Brand. Figma uses the following criteria to determine whether to preserve an override: Layer names and hierarchy need to match between the current instance and the variant or instance you're selecting. FYI we use an icon font for our icons, not svgs. But when the other user or any user creating the button from library it is allowing access other component from “swap instance” in which they can access other components without key as well check the screenshot. have different fill colors, Figma won’t transfer the color override when swapping their instances. If you right click on a instance and choose “detach”, it will no longer reference the original component and will therefore no longer be an “instance” of that component. Well turns out that Instance swap pdrag + ⌥] works in the detached menu state Kind of annoying but better than not having it. Licensed under CC BY 4. And the newest Release should get a new library. If I search in the Assets panel on the left, it DOES show up (although I had to click a “show more” link. Note that we may update these override preservation heuristics from time to time. Since a few weeks ago (I think), when it comes to “swap instance”, sometimes the selector opens where the current instance is, sometimes it shows the “Preferred” option first (forcing you to redo the path to the current instance location to select the new one). 이전 편에서는 피그마 컴포넌트 기초와 사용방법에 대해 알아보았다. Click 'create property. Use the email address associated with your Figma account. I think it has something to do with the complex nature of the icons itself (they were made in Illustrator with many separate vector parts), because if I use icons from the Google Materials plugin, instance swap honours to the new scaled size. It’d be great to be able to use the paste-to-replace keyboard shortcut to swap instances, rather than going through the hassle of selecting the nested instance and swapping it for another through the properties panel. I have several releases within in Figma. Two icons were converted into components. Select the modal instance and swap the variant of the slot instance in the properties panel to the text instance if you want a text-only modal: You can also swap the slot Figma has recently launched Component properties which are great. You may notice that I used a structure like this: . As far as I can tell, this bug appeared recently. Here is a video that shows the issue. Newly created components are sometimes not found until you close and reopen the file. Any updates you make to a component will also update any “instances” of that component. Figma will preserve any supported overrides I have two sets of icons: one that is solid, and one that is outlined. With this asset, you can ensure seamless scalability and maintain design consistency across your projects. g. com. Post. I created the button with 24px icons, however, when the icon gets swapped for another icon in the library it populates at 32px (which is our Hence, the correct method for implementation within the Button component involves utilizing “New property → Instance swap”. Sometimes I need to restart Figma in order to make it work. Get started with a free account → Steps to reproduce. View more → Hi community members, After I tried the swap library feature on Figma, I have confused about the “Swap default styles in instances” option. Yes, you can. The instance swap property can only be applied to an instance layer. Home; Forum categories; Get Solutions; Ask the Community; 2 level of component nesting breaks instance swap, or property state in prototype; We are trying to use a component that has a nested sub-component. When you select an instance, you can access the Instance menu. 스왑 인스턴스(swap instance)란? Swap(바꾸다) +Instance(복사본) 인스턴스(복사본)를 다른 인스턴스로 바꿔주는 기능이다. Here’s an example of a button with a leading & trailing icon to illustrate: Figma组件属性类型一共有四种:实例交换属性(Instance swap) 、文本属性(Text)、布尔属性(Boolean)、变体(Variants)。 实例交换属性(Instance swap) 实例交换属性是允许直接从属性面板中交换组件的属性。 🎉 Welcome to the Figma Forum! 🚀. For Example, Page 1 / 1 . From there, if I change it again, Figma sets the height of the inner instance to fixed. For example, try using this file as a library, and instance swap on the avatar component Component propertiesとVariantsの概要. I put together an example file showing how you Hey, I noticed that the Swap Instance panel in the Design tab takes a lot of time to load. By following this logic, you can put a something else inside that would set the size Accordion With New Variants and Component Properties (Boolean, Instance Swap, and Text) Logo Design - Client Brief Questions. I put together an example file showing how you Instance swap propertyはインスタンス化したアイコンや、テキスト等を別のインスタンスに変更出来るComponent propertyです。 こちら設定しなくてもインスタンスの変更自体は可能なのですが、 「明示的にここは変更可能だ」 ということを指し示す際にも有効です(以下 @Luke_Snitter After testing this out, it looks like one can’t (currently) reference a string variable to swap a variant within another component or instance, but you can access them if they are in a frame, not a component. I also have the icon as nested instance. The INSTANCE_SWAP property required the id of a ComponentNode or a ComponentSetNode of the instance you are attaching it to: const newComponent = figma. Report resource. I have a technical question about styles and swap instances. Select image layer in instance; Hold "Shift⇧" on windows or "Command ⌘" on Mac; Select the image you want to insert into the instance. How to Use: Select frames, groups, sections, instancesRun the plugin. Make these instances a swap instance property – all having the same property linked to it, so every instance should change simultaneously. I still miss the property to switch/ change a variant of an instance in the component properties panel. rayong. 이번 포스팅에서는 피그마 인스턴스 스왑에 대해 알아보고, 사용하는 방법까지 익혀볼 수 있도록 하자. Interactive Components . Add as much context as possible (screenshots, Figma files, mockups, etc. I also have an Icon_wrapper component that uses instance swap, so I It works as expected. ) Select the component property icon next to the instance on the right panel in Figma to create an Instance Swap property. I am trying to utilize instance swap for Headers and Footers. It wraps an instance of a component associated with an instance swap property (width: fill and height: hug). The tabs should change appearance when I hover or press on them. If there was a value of “none” in the instance swap picker, then you could do without the extra boolean property. If you do so, exposed nested component properties disappear. When swapping libraries in a file, styles inside an inserted component instance are not recognized and swapped, except when checking the box “Swap default styles in instances”, in which case styles are swapped but as overrides (which is Instance Swap. So when I open Understanding Figma Components Components and Instances. createComponent(); const instance = componentSetNode. (because that’s what hug does). When using the left side’s ‘Swap Instance’ search bar, the current component or highlighted component from search does not denote the focused element in the list. com #instance swap property plugins and files from Figma. It doesn’t really matter though, if I can’t tie the icon to the property. It also seems that Figma didn’t like it when all the variants didn’t contain an instance to swap. (Figma Desktop App version 116. However, as you noted, the workaround here is to add auto-layout to the nested instance, and then swapping between the variants will resize as expected. The screenshot below if from the Figma version: Aug 24, 2023. com as an Editor, so the team can have a look at it Button icon wont change colour with instance swap For some reason, the arrow icon is fine (changes to white for hover state) but other icons dont change colour. before it was instant. Figma orders components in the Instance menu based on The problem is when I want to use it in a file, If I swap libraries, only change the instance in the canvas, but not their variants. I want to use them for making side navigation tabs. but this should be a native feature within Figma, many Hi @Regi, Thank you for getting in touch about the instance menu. appendChild(instance); I’m wondering if there is a way to restrict instance swap properties to only components on the same page as the master component. Is there any way to change the thumbnail background? (This is similar to a prior request for the review modal that I don’t think was addressed. E. google. You need to type in the name of the asset from the start. Figma records the changes you make to an instance and preserves them, even when you This occurs when I have an instance in my clipboard and I attempt to paste-to-replace an instance inside another instance. #color #color swap #icons #icon swap #mask #swap #template. From my end, I tested and found that I could remove the Boolean, Text, and Instance Swap properties. Each bullet (a separate group within a component) has a nested instance for bullet tip swap, so the “cartridges” component variants have 1-3 nested instances of “bullet tips” The cartridge is then nested in the final “ammo box” instance that has all of If you set a master component to reveal the properties of a nested components, it works well until, in the instance, you swap the nested component ( which has indeed a swap instance property ). I applied variables on my placeholder, not on the instance of the component choosed through the instance swap property. This image shows how the “blank-card” looks with the slot setup, on the card to the right of it i’ve changed the instance of a few slots and it looks fine. Can confirm this an issue for us. When i use second component in others - second component already has constant width based on second component current size (current swap instance usage). In the same instance if Forgot to mention that once you add the instance swap property, you have to click on the icon within the component, go to the instance swap area on the right hand menu, click the ‘apply instance swap property’ button (diamond with line going Hi there, I have an interface mockup where I’d like users to be able to click a button, have it change colour, and not have to redirect to entirely new frames to do this. This is a tutorial how to create instance Swap. . Create 3 interactive components in Figma: segmented control, side menu, and card animation. Doesn’t make sense to me, and make the Figma is being weird about uploading the file so you can view and OR, if I try to swap with the ther wider shaped logo it still hugs and gets tiny. Instead, what I end up doing now is more or less the following: I open up the “Swap instance” menu, Button component with icon instance, changing the icon makes new icon revert back to the color in the icon master component, losing the color set in the button component. Also trying to manually update each variant of an instance is overridden whenever the parent component library is republished. This feature is particularly useful for buttons, as it enables designers to easily switch icons based on context or usage without the need to create separate components for each variation. 10. We are using Figma to create template components of what we consider Universal experiences. Add support-share@figma. Available in a well-organized structure, ready to integrate into your design system! #instance swap plugins and files from Figma. I see where your confusion is coming from. Hi all! I searched Figma forums all over for an answer but couldn’t find one. ” but that also hides it from the instance swap options. Figma won't swap any styles and components without a match. com, so we can take a When I swap the instances in the component everything works perfectly fine, but if I change it from the desktop variant to tablet or toggle the spacing the swapped instance vertical resizing changes from hug to fixed. But it is not working same if I go two level down and come back two level. This makes it easy to experiment with different design patterns and iterate your designs quickly. 컴포넌트로 요소의 아이템 요소를 누르고 우측 . figma, Component Property 컴포넌트 프로퍼티 설정 hello. Also here is a video demonstration of the problem. Here’s the context: I am working on a design system that utilizes 4 different icon sizes that are all square (14x14px, 24x24px, and so on). When the menu opens and you un-hover, it switches back to the original instance swap component. #instance swap property plugins and files from Figma. Setting up variable Swap variant works the same way the "Swap Instance" panel does except for a single instance's properties. Example: Simple button with Icon + Text. I have contacted support and submitted this as a bug 爛 In Figma, I have a big collection of icons with different styles. createInstance(); newComponent. ” I want to swap one of my icons with this one. You can use the Instance menu to quickly find and swap For the instance with the image fill images need to be overwritten for each variant separately (unlike the other versions where an image overwrite in default state reflect on variants of the component) and when the hover state image is overwritten manually in the instance it shows the image of the main component regardless. Frames, groups, layers, whatever - Keeps the original size of objects and their position - Works with nested objects How to use: 1. Some of the libraries, like this one: Phosphor Icons added to the Community, has more than 4,000 components I have several components with different widths and content (swap instances). ) I’ve seen lots of complaints about child components persisting their original sizing during instance swaps with the parent. So I take an instance of the button and I change its size, then I change the icon - lets say from “search” to “plus” for example - but if I want to change the size of the button, the instance swap return to its default icon instance. After doing this I create the component variants I need to swap depending on the mode selected for that layer, I name the variant the same name as the grid modes (desktop, tablet, mobile) and then link the instance property with the grid name variable. This is a Figma Community file. Be sure to use your Figma account email, include a link to your file, and share it with support-share@figma. Right now, the behavior for search for assets works different depending on where in the interface you are. “Base” component is a frame and has auto-layout and Hug-contents “Container” component has instance swap (“Base”) I then link the frame width to the grid width variable. This crops the content. The modal is all set up and ready to be used. Whether or not the Autolayout containers need to be adjusted in the instance or the component only the Autolayout Gods know, and they’re clearly not paying attention. This would make prototypes more realistic and flexible. However, you can reference boolean variables within a component, so they could do the job for this. Hope this helps! (or rather Figma properly calculates them during swap procedure), while When we perform variant/instance swaps of a regular nested instance, we will maintain the size of the original nested instance, even if the swapped in instance is a different size. Although I can see the preferred values that have been set up previously when i click on the value field but can’t add any. The same thing happens when I try to choose an icon from the button instance. Plugin This is a Figma Community plugin. Reply. For example: default icon 24px, 2px stroke, color #000 button with this icon, with overriden stroke to 1. I’m still so obsessed with this that I made another bug report Icon of an nested component resets color Swap Instance. 기본적으로 3가지, Boolean, Instance Swap, Text 다. Share. Features Allows you to see all variants of the current instancePreview shows what the swap would look like with the current data overridesSearchable based on property names (separate searche #instance swap property plugins and files from Figma. Instance swap properties in Figma enhance the flexibility of your designs by allowing users to interchange nested components without losing styles or overrides. Outline Layers. Provide the property name and select your default instance value. Swap variants of an instance within the component properties panel badges, avatars etc. Running into a funky issue with swapping icon instances using the instance swap component property on our buttons. Text: Update button labels directly without breaking structure. Please understand. Figma looks for any matching styles and components based on name only. Do you want to get the node object itself? Use the getNodeById method. base-icon > Union > Icon Instance > Vector. Tags. Yet the asset search does. Make sure all the components you want to use to instance swap have the exact same layer structure (eg if you have a button with an icon component where you want to switch the icon, each icon must have the same layer structure I have a component that switches variants when hovered. So I know in some ways it is logical. However, it appears it’s unable to remove the “Variant” property if the component only has one variant. why ? Page 1 / 1 . Version history. In their normal and hovered state, the icons should have a simple outline look, but when I press a tab, the icon shou I use white icons as a default since we use a dark theme for our app, but because of this, the swap instance dropdown thumbnails are very difficult to see. I no longer get results which have an exact match to my component name. create component set create instance swap Swap triangle and rectangle The rectangle does not appear in blue, but in component color. To swap the instance, I must first move back up the layer stack to select the parent button component, use the instance swap property, then re-select the icon directly to change variant options like style and size. I provide their to other component. This is a Figma Community plugin. Super easy to use. Before you swap to replace a missing library, make sure: Leave unchecked to swap instances and use the default styles defined on the main components. 🎉 Welcome to the Figma Forum! 🚀 in the case of an icon could I have an instance swap between many icons and a boolean icon yes or not. defaultVariant. But that doesn’t seem like something that is really supported, known, and reliable from the Figma team. No matter the internet connection (slow or fast) this take ages. As an example, I have a progress bar component with multiple variants set to 10%, 20%, 30% and so on. I try do it in way described by Gleb, but it doesnt work for me. 8:16. Here’s a video of the issue: Over the years of using Figma, what I came to expect is that whenever I open up the “Swap instance” menu, the search bar is (a) autofocused and (b) ready for me to begin searching in all enabled libraries. Tooltip Variants and Components With New Variants and Component Properties (Boolean, Instance Swap, This is a Figma Community file. P. Is there a foolproof way to make sure that the colour variant from the component is kept when swapping a nested instance? I have a blue button with a white icon, when I swap the icon it reverts to the original colour of the icons. Each icon is set up as a separate component and a white icon colour variable Stroke width from nested instance always resets to its default state with any state changes even root component. Then variables are not anymore applied on your swap component instance. Please make sure you use the email associated with your Figma account I have made a tile component with a nested slot, that slot yields auto layout and is set to hug for both width and height. For instance, if I embed a toggle com Description: Shuffle Variants is a Figma plugin that enables you to randomly swap variants of instances in your Figma designs. To create an Instance Swap Property, simply: Select the component which holds the instance you wish to swap. Want to swap instances in bulk? Use the Swap libraries feature to replace instances in the current file with components from Instance swap property: Indicates which instances can be swapped. While no default shortcut is set, users can configure one thr Hi all, I have set a component up with an auto layout that contains different logos. I am creating my first plugin, and i have little knowledge about programming. When I swap instances the width and height doesn’t change. The issue I’m having is with icons becoming distorted when using instance swap in a nested component. Page 1 / 1 . You can also deselect any matched assets you don't want to swap. Below are 2 example files I put together answering similar questions that show the issues and some solutions. Get started with a free account → Swap instance mixed style? Hello ,i created 2 different CTA,but when i swape from one to an other ,it mixed the style together . Change images in instances without detaching them. Unfortunately, the bug depicted in the video hinders my progress in pursuing this direction. However, when you search in the swap instance popup, it does What is the distinct use case for the instant swap property? Is there a way to use it such that it reduces variants and instead you can bind asset variation to variables? I’m trying to improve performance for prototypes while adhering to I have a problem, I have different image components, they have different sizes with boxes created with auto layout and they are nested in other component also using auto layout, by default the image is in S size and when I swap the instance the size they go back to Hero that is the default size of the component, how can I make it keep the same size, the Swap instance cancelled after closing Figma; Hey guys, I have a more complex file, lots of nested components and variants. My suggestion would be to be able to swap instances as you would do copy-paste. 比如我想把 "小 component 1" 换成 "小 component 2" 注意, 子元素是不能替换的,只有子 instance 可以替换. I use this component inside another component as an instance swap that when clicked opens a menu. If there is a current selection on the page, the code will examine The other way around, having the parent component selected, the swap instance property doesn’t accept any of my Icons as argument, instead the assets. Community is a space for Figma users to share things they create. com as an Editor to the affected file and related Hey there! I have a component with several properties including variant and instance swap. Terms & Conditions Cookie settings. It scrolls back to the top. drive. Is there somewhere where you can configure/disable this “Preferred” option? There’s also instance swap for every icon size. And when I first used the instance swap to select an icon, it inherited the component’s color override as expected. Create new component that contains multiple instances of the same component inside: like multiple icons. It works great, but there is a bug where in the template (component) document the breakpoint variables break. I created a border variable and tied it to the layer. Figma 还有一个神奇的功能叫 swap instance, 意思是在一个 instance 中的子 instance 是可以替换掉的. But the swap does not work as the instances of the librarys components nested in instances who came from earlier Releases. Works with both nested and standalone instances. So they always show as a single version (Desktop/Tablet/Mobile). Get started with a free account → How to create an Instance Swap Property and Preferred Values. I edited your file and now it works as expected. I would like to be able to swap out my icon within said button. I do not understand why an instance swap can’t call on variants, it has to be separate components. ' To execute the Instance Swap property you created: Figma will attempt to preserve your overrides when you select a different variant, or swap between instances in the Instance menu. However, if the view is Show as list, the preview size remains the same when you Instance Swap is a powerful feature in Figma that allows users to quickly and easily replace an instance of an object with a different one. As it stands, swapping the ins @Luke_Snitter After testing this out, it looks like one can’t (currently) reference a string variable to swap a variant within another component or instance, but you can access them if they are in a frame, not a component. For example I want to use instance swap on an avatar component to change the person image, but I don’t want these person images to be usable as a component. A colleague of mine looked on her side and she can see them perfectly on my file but I can’t. This behavior is different than the behavior that is seen when the user manually overrides a nested component and changes its color. - Swap any objects. Community is a space for Figma users to When I try to add an instance swap property to the icon instance in the button, it doesn’t allow me to select an instance of the component set to choose the default icon for the button: I can only select the component set itself. For example, an icon I try for long time to make component in Figma with instance swap and force it to elastic sizing dependntly of various nested elements. Swap missing libraries. Figma has released the latest updated with the new Instance Swap Menu that allows you to:- Swap components more easily using a new push style menu- Switch be Instance Swap in Figma is a powerful feature that can revolutionize your design process. 今天這集來介紹一下 Instance swap 的設定, 與整理並合併不同物件的命名技巧. 5px, and color #fff stays the same when static, stays the same if button state changed let say to hover. Btw: your plugin is great, I use it frequently and it’s so helpful! Just trying to utilize native Figma features at max, plus the plugin doesn’t support instance swap property yet, afaik In the Swap instance dropdown, If I click a folder one level and go in, it remembers which folder I clicked and maintains scroll position if I come back. 建立 Instance swap 可以讓我們透過利用一個 component, 並建立無數個不同的 I have an icon called “Tech services. So the size of the instance becomes defined by the logo (text) inside. In the image linked / attached below, I’d love each of the grey circles to turn blue on tap / click while in prototype mode. Swap instance property of nested components issue; I run into this issue when swapping the instance property of a nested component. Instead of forcing me to create multiple components in order to swap instances, I would prefer swapping variables. 15. It enables you to : 1. Select the component property icon next to the #instance swap plugins and files from Figma. We use the open eye icon as our placeholder. This feature can be used to create dynamic designs, as it allows designers to quickly update a design without having to manually change each instance. I then created a nested component with that original, made variants, changed the icons, and set up the interaction with “set variable” When the border changes, it changes for both buttons. These allow you to swap one instance In Plugin API. Instance Swap properties enhance content flexibility. The sentences are not smooth because I used a translator. When I create an instance of Card and change the inner instance through the instance property it works fine the first time. Instance Swap is the plugin that makes your workflow much more efficient. Be sure to use your Figma account email, share a short video recording when you encounter the issue, include a link to your file, and share it with support-share@figma. Now I’m only able to switch components instances available from the component list. Let’s give it a name, for example, “Icon Hover”. S. 1 month ago. jnzbeqv mib pbavnq qwat cexsyy ogutrbb tisuyn ucf ksgcpa oxbbqa pzpi aubaj olzri htdbrq ivqe