How to reduce 1911 recoil Even with reduced loads (230gr bullet using 5gr W231) the Kimber has more snap/hit. Any The . I have a 12# in my ball gun. 45 Super V16 (ported) uses the same recoil spring when using . One of the key components that contributes to its performance is the recoil spring guide. 9mm is probably the lightest recoil for the 1911 in your choices. I believe the recoil spring needs to be replaced. Using attachments to help with recoil will mess with your game so bad if you begin to rely on it so just practice. Recoil and the 1911. I will consider this mod a good one since it is so inexpensive too. I would start there. Here are links to Recoil Spring Replacement Kimber Pro Carry in . In most cases, your 20# spring will permit firing both . Head over to our website to find what you're looking for. With that Reducing recoil not only improves accuracy and speed but also minimizes shooter fatigue, making every shooting experience more enjoyable and effective. 45 Super, standard practice is to use a heavy recoil spring (24 lbs is what I often see recommended in a 5" 1911, although I have also seen--and used--both heavier and lighter than that). This guide, often overlooked, plays a vital role in managing the recoil forces generated during firing, ensuring smooth and There is a point of diminishing returns for shooting light loads in a 1911 that still allows good reliability. Here is an example: I put a traditional 3-port compensator on my 45. How would this 14lb spring effect the functioning of the gun when shooting standard 9mm. 45ACP-9mm-38Super. Mine uses a 9lb recoil spring, 18lb mainspring (hammer spring), and a very rounded firing pin stop. And I have found a lower recoil spring is also in order. Use attachments to reduce horizontal recoil not vertical recoil. A 1911, when operating correctly, should eject spent brass and throw it about 6-8 feet to the right and slightly to the rear (unless you have a left-handed gun). Rifle Fit: Using a rifle that fits your body can lessen perceived recoil and improve overall control. It takes very little effort to Hardware & Accessories. 45acp loads in IDPA in my full size Colt 1911, and am currently using the stock 16lb. Ports are generally intended to reduce rise but are windows There are other ways to reduce slide to frame impact than just dropping in a heavy springwhich affects other things too. SS, Colt 1991 A1, Norinco 1911 Cavalry, Walther P99 QPQ, Jericho 941 FS, SIG P226 ; Like them all ! I've run shok-buffs in all my guns not only as an added preventative measure . 5 pound recoil spring? 18. nrahq. Exceptional manufacturing and engineering using (When shooting a 1911 pistol, the thumb safety serves as a built-in shelf for the dominant thumb to press down on. org/defa I currently shoot 170PF . Technique: Employing a consistent, smooth trigger pull helps absorb the shock of the shot. True if too heavy you will experience failure to eject, and stoppages. The greater the space (open on the frame), the greater slippage during recoil. 38 super recoil springs? John needs your help Wolff says to use the recoil spring that will let the gun throw empties well clear but not into orbit. Among our variety of products, the user has the option to select between Adjustable, Telescopic but also Captured fixed recoil Get Yours HERE! https://www. 5 lb recoil spring when using . The largest factor in recoil is the ammunition. Why do you think you need a greater than 18. When I load "bear loads" (hot 220grain WFNGC bullets) in 10mm for my G20, I use heavier recoil springs to maintain reliable function and reduce possible battering of the slide and associated parts. http://membership. 45acp is 16lbs. The DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction Rod is a direct replacement for the stock recoil rod and does not change the configuration of the pistol. Grip techniques3. 45 ACP Flat Wire Recoil Spring System is a worthwhile upgrade for any 1911 owner who seeks to enhance the performance, reliability, and longevity of their pistol. Going further, through searching it seems the sweet spot for tamed recoil in a full size 1911 is a 14lb recoil spring with a 23lb mainspring. I’ve tried tungsten guide rods with Wolff springs of various weights, stainless guide rods with ISMI springs of different weights, and after experimenting for a couple weeks, threw the factory assembly back in 🤷♂️. Grip the R The only way to reduce it would be to reduce the load (my preference *), use a muzzle brake, or increase the mass (and ultimately the inertia) of the gun. I believe the original 1911s were about 18#. 8. 0 0 0. Intuitively, you'd think putting a heavier recoil spring in your gun would "reduce recoil", because the slide will hit the frame at a lower velocity, but that same "reduction" can make for harder-to-manage muzzle flip. Unlike other muzzle brakes that only expel gasses, our Mil-Spec Muzzle Brake Recoil Compensator works by adding weight to the barrel end – both help reduces recoil and improve shooting accuracy. quickly revealed her sensitivity to recoil, so I bought her a Model 70 in . 🔫 Master Recoil Tuning for Your 1911/2011 Pistol with John Vlieger of Shooters Connection! 🔫In this concise, four-minute guide, John Vlieger, an experience In this short video, I will show you how to save time and frustration in getting your recoil spring & barrel bushing reinstalled into your 1911. Does a lighter recoil spring reduce felt recoil or is it the opposite? I'm usually shooting 230gr hardball out of it. The most important thing about recoil control is not fighting the gun. Thread starter JNG; Start date Aug 20, 2006; JNG CGN Ultra frequent flyer. Overview: Elevate your shooting precision and comfort with our top-tier 1911 Recoil Reduction systems. 45 ACP and . 9. It reduces felt recoil and muzzle rise by 3-5%: However, these take some tuning to prevent jams. So, when you pull the trigger, and the hammer hits the primer igniting the powder and the explosion within the casing in the DPM Recoil Reduction Systems for Colt 1911 pistols & clones directly replace the stock recoil rod and work due to the multi spring intricate rod combined with different external springs, spacers, plugs or washers. 45 Government Model recoil spring should be replaced every 5,000 rounds, 3,500 rounds in a Commander-type . 460 Rowland® from the same set-up. Remember to SHARE, LIKE, and SUBSCRIBE. bunkerbranding. Using 1911 Recoil Springs in your Sig Sauer P320 Transform Your 1911 Shooting Experience with Premier Recoil Reduction Solutions. ) Stance is the other main component to managing recoil, and these days most shooters adopt a form of Yes, suppressors reduce recoil! Just like muzzle brakes, suppressors work in the third element of recoil. More for softer recoil springs; less for soft loads. Is it possible to reduce AR-15 recoil by using a different About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright DPM Recoil Rod Reducer System for 1911 5" Barrel & Clones . 6. 2) The Recoil Spring – Not really. Recoil springs were 16 lbs, new ones. 1" of travel. I have a 38 super / 9mm 1911. Reactions: fflincher, You can't reduce total recoil (sounds like a movie) without changing Here’s how this works. When I show you a simple method to make sure your 1911 recoil spring is tuned correctly and not binding up in your pistol. DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction System for 1911 Government 5" Barrel & Clones "Bushing Only" The DPM System is a direct replacement for the stock recoil rod and does not require any modification to the pistol. I would start by trying a 17 - 18 lb. Nothing else. But I doubt that I can do that, given that I want a very The Ed Brown 1911 Commander . 460 Rowland® Conversion, when fitted to a stainless steel 1911 with a 20# recoil spring may not reliably eject low-powered . Among our variety of products, the user has the option to select between Adjustable, Telescopic but also Captured fixed recoil Recoil spring weight is not the important item with a 1911. E. Find the weight of recoil spring that will not allow the slide to lock back, lower spring weight 1 pound, (1/2lb if available) at a time until it does lock back. The mainspring factory rating for a 1911 . taylor-tactical-supply. Properly hold the gun or at least hold it the way you are shooting though it might not be best. One important component of the 1911 is its recoil spring, which helps to manage the recoil of the pistol and ensure its proper functioning. The reason you need a buffer is that the gas system passes too much gas to the gas piston. I have run across a FLGR "plug" [that captures the recoil spring ] not fit inside the Slide. If however, the brass is just barely clearing the slide, then you may need to reduce the spring tensions for the load you are shooting. The rib elevated the sights and provided a lot of weight to the slide. Check out wilson combats website. 45’s. Look at the ammo package for muzzle energy. Courtesy Hornady. Lighter might give you a harsher initial stroke, but a lighter return. Heat treated shot peened 2. mainspring and a 16 lb. The problem with heavier springs, though, is that, although they help tame rearward slide movement, they make the slide slam harder when going forward They were a common addition to a M1911 when I shot competitively. Equip yourself with time-tested 1911 recoil reducing accessories for best Good afternoon, A friend of mine recently picked up a used Charles Daly mid size 1911, and it's having problems feeding. 977 pounds-per-inch. 35 posts · Joined Recoil springs in Charles Daley (Armscor) compact 1911 I just bought a Charles Daley Compact 1911 (3 1/2 inch) from a gun show and am going through it completely as it's filthy. Ditch the “cup and saucer” approach. SHORT VERSION of my Step by step tutorial (start to finish) on replacing the captive recoil spring on DPM Recoil Reduction Systems for Colt 1911 pistols & clones directly replace the stock recoil rod and work due to the multi spring intricate rod combined with different external springs, spacers, plugs or washers. There is a noticeable difference with my Kimber when comparing the recoil impulse to various government model 1911's using the same load. Muzzle flip is managed in four different ways wrists (grip), elbows However, the 45 has plenty of recoil with typical ammo so they can often run just fine with the added weight. 625 = 5. Bad Hand. I think the cheapest way to accomplish reduced recoil is to add weight (aside from the FP retainer). View attachment 1692101 View attachment 1692102 It is just as important to learn how to properly hold, handle, and fire a 1911, or any gun that might give you a bit of felt recoil, as it is the tune down your load to reduce the recoil. Once I decide on a 1911 model, what can I do to reduce the recoil? Thanks in advance. Rating - 0%. Heavier guide rods, skeletonized or cut-out slides, heavier frames, and ported barrels can all reduce recoil. How do I reduce recoil? I consider the correct recoil spring weight to be a choice for a balance of function and comfort. There are shooters that can tune their pistols to shoot light loads with heavier springs. recoil spring. Like 41 Charlie and Mike0707 said 5" 1911s chambered in 9mm are very easy to manipulate. My science background dictates that you put a higher power spring, since it will move the slide back at a slower rate. It takes more energy to start, and keep moving, the slide to the rear. 5 pound recoil spring in a 5 inch 1911 is way over what should be required for proper function. We'll cover how recoil works, how to reduce it without causing jams, and which The right grip will help you get better recoil management with less effort. The rear of the guide rod should contact for front surface of the barrel lower lugs and not make contact where Actually there's a lot to be said for just buying the right weight recoil spring to start with. Certainly recoil springs can be easy to change. Pistol recoil is unpleasant to deal with, but pistols wouldn't work without it. Even so, recoil can slow down your follow-up shots and still be somewhat uncomfortable, especially over a long range session. this is my first 1911 and i love shooting it. Recoil Compensator: A recoil compensator redirects gases upward, counteracting muzzle rise and helping to keep the sights on 3. I no longer help or support I used the MP7 and it had comical levels of recoil, when we switched sides with the enemy somebody on the enemy team played the same operator with the same gun and muzzle attachment and was shooting 3x the distance and magdumping with like zero recoil. So you can finally shoot with precision and without “Mil-Spec” & “Loaded” models in . erikpolcrack Discussion starter 194 posts Harrts Recoil Reduction System. 45 ACP is known for its distinct recoil, there are several methods to mitigate its effects: Proper Grip: This is the most crucial element. Gunsmithing & Troubleshooting. 45 is set up for SD loads, and uses the standard 23# mainspring and an 18# recoil spring. Reducing mainspring weight will let the pistol function with a heavier recoil spring, needed if the barrel has a tight lockup. a. 243 Win. Mainspring used to reduce hammer tension. Use this Link to save $10 off the normal NRA Member ship Fee of $35. A heavy spring will increase the duration to full stroke and give a harsher return to battery. it can be used on all calibers, and they have one for just about every gun maker. Can adding weight to the rifle reduce recoil? LimbSaver offers a snap-on recoil pad, but other great options are our Skeletonized Recoil Pads, as well as these special stock systems. My SD loads are a bit hotter than factory, so the 18# spring seems to allow the sights to track better for may gun as opposed to the standard 16# recoil spring. ” That’s the way to control a handgun, shrink groups, and get recoil under control. Recoilaction and reactionis really no more than acceleration brought about by a force applied. htmMaking sure you have the correct weight recoil spring in your gun is going to ma A typical 1911 Government model recoil spring has a free length of 7". Slide weight (mass?) is more the key factor. How to play this M1911 Loadout. Save Share So on the John Stayer 50,000 round 1911 post in this forum, it mentioned him using a DPM Systems recoil reduction system. I want to replace the recoil springs but, since this is my first compact 1911, I don't know anything about this set-up. The DPM system claims to reduce recoil - but does it? I've had it installed in my competition gun for about a month and over 1000 rounds1000 rounds into For . There are several recoil buffers that tout mechanical advantage--Hartt's recoil reducer, Sprinco, and tungsten full-length guide rods. Our solutions are designed to provide: Superior Performance: Enhance your While the 1911 . I saw someone using a ISMI glock 17 recoil spring. Sometimes in 4 inch and smaller 1911 variants they can be not so easy to change. A 1911 . The combination of a flatwire recoil spring on a solid guide rod, correct hammer spring weight, and a shock buff make a world of difference in muzzle climb that you First and most importantly, you need to establish a proper grip on the gun. 1. What is recoil? Newton's 3rd law of motion, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. See my tutorial on how to Replace a Recoil Spring on a Kimber Pro Carry 1911. DPM Recoil Reduction System for 1911: Revolutionize Your Shooting Precision Unlock Superior Performance with Our Advanced Recoil Management Technology. The recoil spring was tuned to the slide and the load. The . B. I may go up to an 18 pound spring if I were to feed a gun a diet of +p ammo. Designed for enthusiasts and professionals alike, these systems enhance the iconic 1911 platform, providing a smoother shooting experience with significantly reduced recoil. A muzzle brake is designed to reduce felt recoil, a compensator is for reducing muzzle climb, and both are typically separate devices attached to the end of a barrel. 45 uses a 23 lb. LOL I have a Ruger SR1911. A high, firm grip with both If you have a Rock Island 1911 pistol with a threaded barrel, all you need to do is get one that fits the threads and install it yourself. Save Share Reply Quote Like. Think “high and tight. I love the gun overall. The design and ergonomics of the grip also play a crucial role in how recoil is perceived. How does a recoil pad help reduce AR-15 recoil? A recoil pad can absorb some of the recoil energy, making it more comfortable to shoot. Recoil springs do not reduce recoil. 45 ACP Handgun. 10mm 1911 shooters use a 25 - 27 lb mainspring to reduce recoil damage WITHOUT increasing return-to-battery damage. These methods fall into several categories: grip techniques, firearm modifications, ammunition I recently bought a NIB PX4 in 45 ACP and it may be because I'm used to the smooth recoil of my Springer 1911 but the recoil spring on that PX4 is tough!! 6 feet, I would leave it as is. Location Waterloo Region. Can I use a precision stock to reduce AR-15 recoil? Yes, a precision stock with adjustable length and comb height can help in reducing recoil. 9mm in a decent sized all metal 1911 should be a soft shooter. I plan to experiment with lighter & heavier springs, but in theory, I believe a heavier spring would reduce felt recoil better than a lighter spring. Check out our DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction System for Springfield 1911 4" Bull Barrel Compact EMP & Range Officer. Personally I swapped for a tungsten guide rod so it works with It is imperative that you get your second shot to go where the first one went!! One way to shoot “Flatter,” and more consistently is to use the correct recoi It depends on the strength of the recoil spring. DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction System for 1911 5" BUSHING BARREL 10MM AUTO & 460 ROWLAND - 12 ADJUSTABLE SETTINGS. The force generated by burning powder and expanding gases create pressure and directional movement of the gases. A 9mm Glock will go several thousand rounds more than a 1911. "The 1911 was the design, given by God to us through John M. it spiked my interest for some of my . This M1911 loadout is build to increase the prime range and muzzle velocity, increase fire rate, reduce recoil control, and suppress the weapon when firing. Shoot a Lighter Projectile. I believe they are a little thinner and won’t restrict the travel of the op rod quite as much. The DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction System is a direct replacement for the stock recoil rod and does not require any modification to the pistol. The 1911 is a legendary firearm, renowned for its accuracy and reliability. i was wondering if i replaced It can put undo stress on the slide stop and lower barrel lugs on a 1911, by slamming the slide forward. Recoil, or kickback, is the backward momentum of a gun when you fire it. To allow for the use a lighter recoil spring fit a flat bottom firing pin stop and/or drop in a heavier mainspring (a. Mechanical recoil reduction system, that replaces your recoil spring and guide rod. View 1911 Parts: View Parts for Glock: View Parts for Ruger 10/22: View Schematics : Ammunition Ammunition. Drawing the slide back while pointing the gun forward horizontally has gravity help lower Presma 1911 Muzzle Brake is the best solution to reduce recoil on your 5in 1911 . When the springs Also, a 9mm carry comp 1911 would be an excellent choice for self defense when shooting +P+ loads, and the compensator will be even more effective to dampen recoil and reduce muzzle flip. In my What ammo are you shooting? How close are your pairs when you shoot doubles? I honestly really like the stock recoil spring in gen 5s. Lower doses of Unique with lead bullets will leave you in a cloud after each run. This M1911 is very good for up close and personal battle, you only need 3 shots to eliminate the target with suppression when firing so that you can be more stealth and avoid Hello All! If you want to reduce felt recoil, do you put a higher power recoil spring in the 1911 or a lower power spring. This is, of course, providing that the wrist can support the extra weight. i usually shoot winchester 230gr for practice shooting. You’re . A great deal of effort must go into convincing recoil to come straight back. The upper recoil spring unit is a factory Glock, the lower is from DPM. In most cases, a compensator can reduce felt recoil by as much as 50% without There are several strategies you can employ to reduce the felt recoil of a . This is probably the single most important thing you can do to fight recoil. But don't do anything unless it acts up. Finally over past 300 rounds or so noticing recoil impulse getting ridiculous. Does the rifle’s stock material affect recoil? Yes, a synthetic stock may reduce recoil compared to a wooden stock due to its ability to absorb and dampen the shock. So the compression distance is 7 - 1. If the recoil spring lacks the stored energy to feed the round from the magazine you're in a bad spot. LOG I have springs down to 9#. That’s archaic anyway. Using a lighter bullet may reduce recoil, but it can also affect the rifle’s performance and accuracy. Perfect for enhancing your firearm's reliability and accuracy, this recoil spring is expertly designed to reduce Double-stack 1911 with a compensator that you can actually afford? Springfield's Prodigy 1911 DS Comp is here. Stronger buffer springs will likely reduce recoil, too, which will be needed, since a lighter BCG will be pushed harder than a heavier one. Recoil Buffer: Recoil buffers, such as a Wolff recoil buffer, can reduce felt recoil and muzzle flip, making follow-up shots faster and more accurate. Mechanical Advantages2. 45 Super ammo. Of course the main (trigger spring) and even the bottom of the firing pin stop plus many other not real hard to change things can affect felt recoil. I see that Numrich has the original springs in stock, but I am reluctant to purchase an original spring due to quality concerns. The 1911 is a classic and beloved handgun, known for its reliability and accuracy. I use a 16lb recoil spring when shooting 38 super, and a 14 lb spring when shooting 9mm+p. 45 ACP pistols with features specifically designed to reduce recoil, such as heavier frames, ported barrels, or recoil reduction Here are 2 pro tips to help you manage your gun's recoil so that you can shoot faster and more accurately. The easy way to do this is to use a 1911 pistol buffer. And there is currently no aftermarket recoil spring About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Bring your 1911 into the 21st century. , while the factory rating for the recoil spring for the . Jump to Latest "The 1911 has unequalled ergonomics, is easy to customize for each user, and is capable of excellent reliability when properly set up and maintained. If it has difficulty running, you might need to use a lighter recoil spring. 45. 45, you may need to use a reduced power mainspring, and a lighter recoil spring to allow the gun to reliably cycle when using the lighter loads. However, when using light loads in a standard 1911 . Now, I've tested several recoil So I've got approx 800 rounds through my Sig 1911 TTT model. The Worlds Only Progressive Triple Spring Recoil Rod. Lower impulse needing less and higher impulse need more spring to help control the slide velocities. Advanced Search Cancel Create thread 1911 . Team Northwest L2681 NROI Level II CRO. But they also increase the amount DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction System for 1911 Government 5″ Barrel & Clones “Bushing Only” BLACK OXIDE VERSION. i have a kimber stainless tle with a 18# wilson combat recoil spring in it, and i love shooting it. 10/10: SHOP NOW: ISMI 1911 Government Recoil Springs: Premium Option. After doing research about recoil and the 1911 platform, I was able to figure out which parts of the 1911 effect recoil: 1) The Firing Pin Stop (FPS) – Radiused vs Non-Radiused (Curve or No Curve at bottom of FPS). If muzzle energy is not disclosed, you can determine it on your own. Introducing the DPM Recoil Reduction System for 1911, exclusively available at Mounts Plus. 45 ACP pistols that are easier to manage recoil with? 1911-style pistols, especially those with steel frames and full-size configurations, are often preferred due to their weight and balance. DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction System for 1911 Kimber Pro Carry II 4" The DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction Rod is a direct replacement for the stock recoil rod and does not require any modification to the pistol. I use STI Recoil Master guide rods on all my 5" 1911's and think they are great. If you have mouse DPI controls I think 800 is a good starting point - many go much lower Caleb from Brownells shares the top three ways to reduce recoil on your AR-15, focusing on practical upgrades for faster follow-up shots and smoother operation. A few shots from my . 45 ACP ammunition. They do add a significant amount of weight to the end of the barrel, enough to reduce recoil in itself. However, if you can make the for 1911’s, spring tuning is hands down the first thing to do. Handgun Ammunition 40 S&W 9 mm Luger 45 ACP Yes in my experience with 1911 Recoil springs only which encompasses being the caretaker of a large gun club residing 3 miles from Wolff gunsprings front door and having changed more Wolff 1911 recoil springs for members than Carter has liver pills . In this video we are doing the demo with a Ruger SR1911, if you have a different brand of 1911, not to worry, the parts and process are the same for all 1911’s. Both were setup with what Johnny considers the perfect setup. Brownell's offers Wolff 1911 recoil springs in a variety of weights to match specific loads. 375 or 2. This results in easier Yeah its an odd length and 1911 springs are overly long for the oem guide rod causing increased pre load etc. Felt recoil is a complex issue. The flipside of A heavy all-steel 1911 will recoil significantly less than a lightweight polymer-framed . This innovative system is specifically engineered to dramatically enhance the recoil management of However, ensure it is compatible with your 1911’s frame and slide. spring. Build your foundation first, then grip the gun better by applying the steps below. Also observed the recoil spring feels light compared to a standard 16# spring. However, ever since it was brand new I noticed recoil impulse a bit strong compared to other 1911's. 4. FIREARMS RECOIL IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS in dpmsystems. 1911Addicts is a forum community dedicated to 1911 enthusiasts. I like simple, functional tools. mainspring and a 8 - 9 lb. Guns like the Springfield Armory 1911 or the Colt Government Model are good examples. When i was finally able to acquire a 1911 (hey M1911 Recoil Spring Guide Buffer. The square bottom stop can help spread the impulse force out so it feels like less of a hit. It reduces recoil effectively. Are you tired of feeling the jarring kickback every time you shoot your rifle? If that sounds like a familiar problem, then explore practical ways to reduce the recoil on your rifle. so please try and bear with me as i try to explain this. " - Hilton Yam, 10-8 Performance. Browning, that represents the epitome of what a killing tool needs to be. Practice. hammer spring). You could reduce your spring until you start having to chase your brass. 30-’06 Sprg. If the brass lands less than 6 feet away from the gun, the spring is too Case in point; SA uses a 9# recoil spring in their 5" 9mm 1911's, I didn't care for the 9# and changed it to a Wolff 12# than an 11# settling on the 11# spring. HK USP45, P14-45Ltd. Fully stressed for maximum durability How long do the best 1911 recoil springs last? A recoil spring will typically last you between 2,000 and 10,000 rounds of shooting, but as a general rule of If you want to reduce felt recoil, do you put a higher power recoil spring in the 1911 or a lower power spring. Allowing recoil to move the pistol to one side or the other magnifies misalignment of the sights and limits recoil control. My 1911 single stack . * When I shot a lot, But there are 1911 parts in a stock 1911 build kit that could, and maybe should be replaced, especially if you have an eye on performance, specifically recoil reduction. This system works due to the multi spring intricate rod (3 springs) and controls the functionality of the pistol. If you’re not liking the effects of felt recoil with your 1911 pistol, start shopping ammo at the gun shop. We also used a recoil damper which was a spring loaded recoil spring guide that prevented the slide from banging into the receiver. Pause for a second, now lets talk about something I didn't think of before. They To manage recoil effectively, consider the following strategies: Proper Stance: Maintaining a balanced and firm stance can distribute the recoil force more evenly. Bill L must have thought so, for my own pistol. 45 auto ammo, but a 18. Proud American. The recommended standard spring set up for a 1911 . Cor Bon has some good SD ammo in 9mm. If you "try" to reduce muzzle flip you'll wind up pulling the gun down or anticipating the recoil which will mess with your accuracy. Recoil spring force comes into play over the full slide stroke to partially slow down the slide, before easily half the slide's momentum is dumped into the frame as the slide slams full open. A standard 1911 . The 21# made it hard to rack the slide, so I replaced it, but with a 16#. 9 Adjustable User Settings. Save Share Be certain to minimize any gap between the hands. Jump to Latest Follow 3K views 6 replies 6 participants last post by madcratebuilder Apr 22, 2015. MECHANICAL RECOIL REDUCTION SYSTEM The DPM Recoil Reduction System is a direct replacement for the stock recoil rod and does not change the configuration of the gun. Although these attachments do reduce range and ADS speed, it is worth the What ever the recoil impulse is, it cannot be reduced unless you reduce the charge. edu/Want to support the channel? Grab some merch 🤘https://www. Compatibility isn’t a problem, and the DPM is well made of good steel. Come join the discussion about 1911 pistols a, optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! DPM Recoil Reduction Kit - Anyone done this on EDC X9? Jump to Latest 321 views 6 In this video, Myles, the founder of Tactical Hyve, shares five ways you can manage recoil and muzzle flip better when shooting your pistol. Physicality For example, my IDPA 9mm gun uses a 19# mainspring and a 10# recoil spring. 7. Recoil springs have more effect in the feeding cycle. Some manufacturers offer . These Omega Mil Spec Collapsible Stocks feature a built-in recoil pad that helps with recoil reduction. Can anyone suggest a specific spring from a quality manufacturer that will A 1911 recoil spring does not have as much "strength" when the slide is closed as when the slide is locked back. The length at the working point of full recoil is 1. The innovative DPM Mechanical Recoil System utilizes a three sprin Check out the deal on DPM Recoil Reduction System for Springfield 1911 4″ Compact for EMP & Range Officer at MSP - Mounting Solutions Plus. 16 pounds is standard for a 5" 1911. 6". This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be Last but not least, modifying the Rock Island 1911 pistol itself with an upgraded gun part is also an option. 45 :hrm: Size Matters! Colt Combat Elite - Colt M4 Carbine - Ruger Mark III Hunter - SA Loaded . Keep in mind the recoil spring and Shok-Buff are being worked hard with the lower-power rating of the spring and should be replaced at 500-round intervals or when obvious signs of wear are evident. 45 ACP are factory supplied with a 16 lb recoil spring. It occurs when the force of the bullet leaving the barrel is greater than the resistance your arm or shoulder provides. Are there any specific . 45 ACP. The recoil spring force does very little to slow the slide down within its first 0. 375 inches. The DPM Mechanicam Recoil Reduction Rod is a direct replacement for the stock recoil rod and does not require any modification to the pistol. especially when coupled with reduction in recoil spring weight, was meant to reduce slide's forward momentum Best way to determine recoil spring weight with what you have is to get a recoil spring kit. 45ACP Parkered Wish List - More ARs - More Bolt Rifles - and more 1911s Improved Mechanical Recoil Reduction System for 1911 5" "Bushing ONLY" Full User Adjustability by DPM Systems Technologies. 45 is a 16# recoil spring and a 23# mainspring. The recommended spring weight for 9mm is 10lbs. k. This imbalance Between Sprinco and DPM which one is the most reduce recoil for 1911 pistol and is the recoil reduce system is working and helpful for 1911 in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. A number of companies offer stocks or units for installation in stocks A modification can reduce at least preceived felt recoil. I cannot actually measure the improvement because so far I have only shot the rifle indoors but there is definitely a reduction in the ejection force. In THIS ITEM HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED AND IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE FOR PURCHASE!Different power springs to achieve the best results of reliability, reduced recoil, a Well folks, last Saturday, I got the chance to shoot two 1911s, same guns, side by side. Come join the discussion about optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Sound mechanical design and add-on recoil-reduction devices can help, but a savvy pistol shooter’s well-tuned set of personal recoil management habits is worth a whole lot more than any mechanical recoil management There are there variables in 1911 slide dynamics; recoil spring weight, mainspring weight, and firing pin stop shape. The other value is it can help keep the slide and barrel in battery while the bullet is exiting. The DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction System is a direct replacement for the stock recoil rod and does not change the configuration of the pistol. com/1911-springs-s/139. com. Model shown: Looking for a product featured in this video? YouTube prevents us from posting links. Plus the rifle seems more quiet. The improved recoil management, enhanced cycling, and increased tolerance to different loads make this system a standout choice for serious shooters. 45 ACP long-slide uses a standard length recoil spring for a 5” gun @ 15 or 16 lbs. Hope this video helped! Interested in becoming a gunsmith?👇https://www. A square bottom firing pin stop will also reduce slide velocity. Like, follow, subs You’ve made an investment in a nice gun, so remember, if you love it, lube it, cleaning your guns helps reduce fouling, cycling problems and the like. Do you handload? Add weight to As was mentioned above, the only way to reduce true recoil is to go to lighter loads - for ever action, an equal and opposite reaction will result. Variable recoil springs reduce the battery load values with increasingly greater recoil load values. Watch this demo to see how you can effectively manage recoil from a Glock 26 and To avoid these potential issues, replacing your recoil spring at the manufacturer’s recommended interval is best. co DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction System for 1911-2011 5" Bull Barrel. If you handload, you can load the ammo down, use light bullets, and/or select the proper gunpowder. sdi. As for the possible improvement of a 1911 by removing metal from a 1911's slide, It may indeed be beneficial for say a 9mm's reliable functioning. Come join the discussion about 1911 pistols a, optics, gunsmithing, styles, reviews, accessories, and more! They are all barrel mounted so exhaust gas can be captured and utilized to reduce recoil and muzzle flip. As an example, I just tested a Wolff 7lb Government length recoil spring and found that when the slide is closed the spring Recoil control might look like this if done properly: Usually this means feet shoulder width or more, weight on the balls of the feet, upper body slightly forward of the lower body, and knees slightly bent. They change the duration of the recoil impulse and make it feel different. You can't "reduce recoil" for given load in a given gun, but you can certainly change the feel of the recoil. Aug 20, 2006 1911 DK . As always, DPM products are designed and developed with user’s safety as a priority. The spring rate is 16 / 5. Traditionally, the test for a 1911 in . Basically, a recoil pad is a soft, flexible pad that serves as a buffer between the stock and your shoulder. They have complete spring sets that you can order so that you can change springs to suit your loads. And Using the Heavy Grip is a great option for producing better recoil with the M1911, making the pistol easier to use. But the Example would be all things equal a 1911 full size with a 16lb recoil spring would = a 1911 Commander with a 18lb recoil spring. Here's a video showing the effect of varying recoil spring weights in a 1911: I would take a glock and 5 hours of training over a fancy 1911/sig. Can aftermarket grips help reduce recoil? 1911 recoil spring tuning Pistol Recoil and How to Reduce It [Ultimate Guide] Bryan Hill / March 21 2024. Vertical recoil is easier to control. Quote: "As a rule of thumb, if your spent casings are first hitting the ground in the 3 to 6 foot range, then the recoil spring is approximately correct. 1911 Recoil Spring Guide⁚ A Comprehensive Overview. I am running a 10# spring with a dot and 3. . Significant recoil reduction; Better double-tap concentration; Better control and greater accuracy; Discover the ultimate in performance with our 1911 Recoil Spring a must-have among our extensive 1911 accessories at Mounts Plus. I use 14 pound springs in 5-inch carry guns almost exclusivelyand for Commanders, the above set-up works well. For those looking to reduce or virtually eliminate recoil, here are my top three recommendations. Just a Wilson combat 1911 recoil buffer. 625" and at full compression it is supposed to provide 16 pounds of force. If you wou Is there a formula or "rule of thumb" to use when cutting coils on a recoil spring to reduce the pound weight? A forum community dedicated to all 1911 firearm owners and enthusiasts. 8 BE and a 185. Often times, if using mid range loads, both the mainspring and the recoil spring may be reduced to achieve good sight tracking. The heavier the recoil spring, the faster the slide will move forward. otherwise the gun may jam. Their 1911 . but also to lower the recoil impulse. The problem comes when the recoil spring weight you want isn't available for a particular gun. I think recoil buffers can help to reduce the pounding the receiver and scope take on a Mini. The lower the muzzle energy, the lower the felt recoil will be. In fact, for a standard 5" pistol the rated spring pressure is taken when the spring is compressed to 1. The only good reason to reduce the main spring is if a person is using reduced power or mid range loads. Recoil is nothing more than Newton’s third law in action. The modern production 1911 - high visibility sights, beavertail grip safety, aluminum trigger, good I think that they have some 14lbs and maybe lower. DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction System for 1911 6" Barrel & Clones "Bushing ONLY" The DPM Mechanical Recoil Reduction Rod is a direct replacement for the stock recoil rod and does not require any modification to the pistol. Start with burst This video will give a brief overview on the steps to install the DPM Recoil Reduction System in a Sig P320/ M18, Sig P365, and Glock 43x. It came with a 21# recoil spring. For 1911 recoil springs, they may vary by caliber, as I mentioned. 45acp is 23lbs. Less recoil than a 9mm/1911 in my opinion. Would the heavier recoil spring cause the slide to cycle too quickly and thereby produce 1911 recoil reduction. 45 ACP has been how far ejection throws the spent brass. I wouldn't hesitate to lower your spring weight a little at a time.
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