Mask of many faces rogue Mechanically, you lose 1 sneak attack die, but you get 1d6 from hex right away, and 1d8 from booming blade. Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) created by a talented bard-actor who, in pursuit of other people's apperences, lost his own all faces except one,when you attune to this item, it is fixed on your face, merging with it, after which you receive the benefits of this Feb 28, 2025 · Mask of Many Faces is a Feature in Baldur's Gate 3. Changelings or characters with Mask of Many Faces can disguise themselves. Player's Handbook 2024. Misty visions, mask of many faces. Then maybe warlock 4 and 5 for ASI and level 3 spells. Link/Embed Copy The Book of Many Things you choose which one to use with the item. There are non-magical methods though. Sources and Notes Aug 16, 2022 · What they have been doing for combat encounters, at least in ones where they're ambushing a target, is they set up in a perch and use Mask of Many Faces to change their appearance into a camouflaged look and then cast Minor Illusion around themselves in the perch to mimic the area in which they've perched. is regularly to use deception and disguise . Mask of Many Faces and Devil's Sight Invocations. Mask of Many Faces. Mastering this art requires patience, practice, and a deep understanding of human psychology. If you choose to go deeper into Warlock, Hexblade will give you access to a range of Smite spells to further increase your damage in that critical first round. I rolled really good abilities overall, but with only standout. FREE shipping Add to Favorites A Rogue Hero's Non-Medical Face Mask Dust Cover with Filter (1. Aug 21, 2022 · If the mask grants a bonus on skill checks, that bonus is increased by 2. However in this Warlock invocations the player can call upon Mask of Many Faces is fundamentally Disguise Self. then use Mask of Many faces to get your surprise attack in quite nicely. The two skills in Beguiling Influence are important to any rogue. Other Suggestions: mdash of many forces mdash of many focus mdash of many face mdash of many foes. Lets you essentially use insight instead of stealth to get sneak attacks. You're still a rogue that uses your magic to enhance your rogue-ing. View All Other Options and Features » Jan 20, 2017 · Mask of Many Faces (p110) The Eldritch Invocation, Mask of Many Faces is essentially Disguise Self (p233). Uncommon. Reply Mask of a Thousand faces makes for amazing moments. *Pictorial* art of characters from fantasy, sci-fi, history, or other fiction. She Mask on a rogue is awesome, I've done it. Warlock2/SorcererX could do wonders if you were level 5. It allows warlocks to cast the Disguise Self spell at will without expending a spell slot. View User Profile View Posts Send Message Undead Warlock 2/Assassin Rogue X. You can cast Disguise Self without expending a spell slot. I'd also grab at least three levels of sorcerer for subtle Jan 20, 2017 · Mask of Many Faces (p110) The Eldritch Invocation, Mask of Many Faces is essentially Disguise Self (p233). - In terms of role: scout, thief, maybe deception guy (if I pick Mask of Many Faces or use disguise kits). Fateless. How to unlock Mask of Many Faces. My character's primary attribute was charisma, which gave him a +10 to intimidation because of expertise. You'll be using spells like invisibility, hypnotic pattern, hold person, sleep (only at low levels. I play a Warforged Warlock who always appears to be Human via Mask of Many Faces. You can use the abilities of only one mask at a time Mar 8, 2025 · The Rogue Face Mask is made in the USA from 100% cotton. Add in Expertise (Deception) and Advantage on Deception checks from the Actor feat, and it slides into absurd. Some races grant natural weapons, or you could go Path of the Beast Barbarian, or you could flavor various spells as Mercer's shapeshifting weapons. I am considering what feat to take at Rogue 4. You are the unseen quiet background character that is secretly pulling the strings. Feb 11, 2018 · Mechanically, you lose 1 sneak attack die, but you get 1d6 from hex right away, and 1d8 from booming blade. Created by the cunning charlatan and illusionist Elara the Deceiver, the mask has been utilized throughout history as a means to elude authorities and assume the appearance of other individuals. Sep 4, 2024 · The Mask of Many Faces is a renowned magical artifact known for its shape-shifting abilities. Many associate it with thievery and criminality, using their skills to sneak around and swindle people. Dabbling in rogue will make you the ultimate skill monkey, possibly to the point of overkill. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Food for thought: an artificer requires material components for all spells, and can use an item bearing one of If you are planning on doing Changeling the appeal of dipping 2 levels of GOOlock for Mask of Many Faces/more skills with Beguiling Influence/Misty Visions for Silent Image at will and telepathy is less useful. The triple layer construction—featuring durable jersey outer layers with a lightweight woven interior—helps to contain droplets from coughs and sneezes without Dec 6, 2015 · I've had a lot of fun with a Rogue 3 (arcane trickster)/Warlock 5 (Great Old One/chain pact)/Bard 1. Eldritch Invocation. Take a person out back, kill them and then disguise self to match their clothes and then change your form to match theirs. Prerequisite: None You can cast Disguise Self without expending a Spell SlotUnofficial Summary: You can innately cast Disguise Self. System Dungeons & Dragons 5e. Custom Lineage with Actor Feat. However in this Warlock invocations the player can call upon the mask at will without using up a spell slot. You can cast Disguise Self at will, without expending a spell slot. May 19, 2017 · My current idea is to go rogue 4 (swashbuckler) and warlock 3 (fiend, chain). A disguise kit could be helpful for this. Mask of Many Faces can be acquired by May 4, 2021 · I was thinking warlock with Mask of Many Faces invocation. Apr 2, 2024 · Have you ever found yourself in a tight spot, needing to blend into a crowd or adopt a new persona in the blink of an eye? Look no further than the warlock’s illusory invocation, Mask of Many Faces. This mystical item grants its wearer the power to transform their physical May 24, 2023 · Mask of Many Faces [SRD5 OGL] is an eldritch invocation in One D&D. Attributes Type. If you don't have a spellcasting ability - perhaps you're a rogue with the Use Magic Device feature - your spellcasting ability modifier is +0 for the item, and your proficiency bonus does apply. If you did that by taking Rogue 4, then you're level 10 with a total of 4 Rogue, 4 Bard, 1 Cleric, and 1 Ranger. Source . O. Oct 7, 2024 · Mask of Many Faces [SRD5 OGL/CC-BY] is an eldritch invocation in One D&D. 246K subscribers in the ImaginaryCharacters community. Warlock, as all you need to be effective in combat is Eldritch Blast (which keys off Charisma) and you have access to Mask of Many Faces which is god-tier or detective work. My character altered his appearance, including making his rapier look like an Asasasin Rogue / Hexblade Warlock. 2k) $ 24. The Assassin rogue archetype comes with a bunch of fake identities with their Infiltration Expertise, as does the Charleton background with its False Identity. (Mask of many Faces), turn yourself into an animal (Sculptor of Flesh), and/or control another person with Compulsion (Bewitching Whispers). Disguise as one of the enemies in the room you just cleared, and move on to the next one. Use Mask of Many Faces to alter your PC’s Dec 15, 2022 · Mask of Many Faces can sire hundreds of character concepts. and pretty much do anything you would normally need a rogue for but As such the players have chosen roles from a heist film: we have an actual thief rogue, a cleric for the muscle, and a wizard with criminal contacts for the face/brains. I don't see any reason why this wouldn't extend to your lucifer-like modifications. I made a level 5 (3 Assassin/2 Hexblade) rogue for a campaign starting at level 5. DnD 2024 Eldritch Invocations Nov 3, 2023 · Rogue: It's only available to the arcane trickster, but they may give the feat some serious thought. Mask of Many Faces Information. Sorcerer: Decent way to boost Charisma and pick up some utility, but nothing special. Or dip any spellcaster and take the feat Eldritch Adept to pick up the Invocation. 1st-level illusion Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour You make yourself — including your clothing, armor, weapons, and other belongings on your person — look different until the spell ends or until you use your action to dismiss it. Reply reply Warlocks are better at the first kind with mask of many faces and one with the shadows for resourceless disguise self and invisibility. That gives you 10 more levels to take how you like, but I recommend mostly Bard. It’s a continuous process of self-discovery, adaptation, and refinement. Mask of Many Faces Ready to play? Build unlimited D&D characters Create Now Edit Page Content. I would Mask of Many Faces: Bards, Arcane Tricksters, Sorcerers Misty Visions: Illusionists Thief of Five Fates: Not worth it as a feat, just take Magic Initiate then you can cast Bane once per day and get 2 cantrips. EB is nice, but if you want to make something different, then use Mask of Many faces to get your surprise attack in quite nicely. Jan 9, 2020 · Would mask of many faces work for that? #2 Jan 9, 2020. I want him to be a super stealthy character an infiltrator of sorts incorporating the mask of many faces invocation, that can shadow travel using the The disguise self spell could work, but that only creates an illusion than can be exposed if not careful, and lasts a limited amount of times unless you somehow gain Mask of Many Faces and can spam that ability, but that may not be for awhile. I'd say 4 rogue, 2 cleric, 2 ranger, and 12 bard. I've just been considering changeling whispers bard as well and was considering going rogue or warlock multi. Just don’t tip anyone off that you’re impersonating someone else as your disguise won’t hold up to inspection. Print sheet JSON. You can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or Mask of the Many Faces. Join the Worldbuilders Guild. The other is up to your flavor; a couple more skill proficiencies added to your huge number of them (Deception, Persuasion); at will detect magic; see in darkness; read all writing; improved pact weapon (requires I've also had a lot of fun playing with mask of many faces on a plasmoid. Just remember to add Actor to the equation. 00. Changeling Assassin into 2 levels of Hexblade Warlock, Beguiling Influence and Mask Of Many Faces with the Actor Feat. The best invocation would be Mask of Many Faces, granting them unlimited uses of alter self. Features provide unique abilities or effects and can be acquired depending on the Character's Race, Class and level. Disguise self allows you to look like another humanoid creature of similar stature and build. To distinguish it, these items will have this notice. Hex, and Invocations like Agonizing Blast and Mask of Many Faces. Start as a Rogue on 1st level, then 2 lvl of Warlock, be a Swashbuckler at 5th able to use Booming Blade, Minor Illusion, Mask of Many Faces, Misty visions, and be able to teleport from the beginning as an Eladrin, doing +2d6 of Sneak attack regularly combined with +1d8 Booming Blade (and +2d8 more if it moves within 1 round), +CHA Initiative Invocations: Agonizing Blast is great if you decide you want Eldritch Blast for range, otherwise don't bother. SRD-OGL v5. Mask of Many Faces will put your maxed CHA to good use, and Devil's Sight can be situationally useful if you find yourself in complete darkness often enough. This warlock invocation allows you to cast Disguise Self at will - allowing to make yourself "look different". Just 2 levels in this immediately makes you a formidable ranged combatant, plus picking up another invocation like Mask of Many faces or Armor of Shadows is super useful. Davothree. Hex, command, invisibility. Mar 12, 2022 · Mask of Many Faces – Casting disguise self at will is great for CHA-based casters that will be infiltrating hostile areas; Rogue: Only those who choose the Arcane Trickster subclass can gain this feat, giving them a little Feb 5, 2025 · Mask of many faces. #3 Jan 9, 2020 Feb 15, 2023 · Best Feats for Soulknife Rogue 5e. Your rogue levels can get you most of the spells you need via Arcane Trickster while just a dip in Warlock gets you Mask of Many Faces. Nothing breaks a good disguise like still sounding like yourself. Everything you are carrying and 3 days ago · You know. They can then either go into book for a more broad spell list, chain for more remote scouting via familiar, or sword for assassination. . by Ben Johnson. You can give yourself limbs and imitate humanoids or go into blob form and disguise yourself as chests, crates, rocks, etc. While some of their abilities lean in this direction, Mar 4, 2025 · Fair Use This is article is contains copyrighted material (used under 'fair use' clause) and is not under the Creative Commons Attribution Sharealike License. Mask of Many Faces is so useful for a spy/trickster character, it's just silly. Eldritch Sight, Fiendish Vigor, Aug 28, 2023 · Rogue: Can come in really handy in infiltration missions and pairs well with the Assassin. You're not a caster fighter. One of my Nos npcs loves to just crash parties while looking completely nondescript. Maybe I I am currently in a game with a Glasya Tiefling Arcane Trickster 3/Glamour Bard 6. Sources and Notes Hi everyone Biggstick from the forums here recommended to me several months ago an Arcane Trickster 3 / Warlock 2 Build I quite liked. Armor of Shadows is good. Cast disguise self at will. Wondrous Item . Did Bard 1 for the skills, Warlock 1 for Hexblade, then instead of going back to bard, I stuck around for Warlock 2 for Agonizing Blast and Mask of Many Faces, then went back to bard until we TPK'd at level 5, as per usual with my group. Created by Jacklerabbit. Hi everyone I very much love the Arcane Trickster's Mage Hand Legerdemain feature and always find myself being tempted trying to squeeze three levels of rogue into any sneaky/social caster like a Bard, Warlock or Sorcerer just to get that invisible mage hand (my dream social caster would have MHL, Subtle Spell, Mask of Many Faces and Misty Visions *lol*). Dec 12, 2016 · The rogue/warlock thing was meant to be a combination of tricks and such learned in back alleys and of his fiendish heritage. Statblock Type Item. Any other great ideas for the first 7/9 levels of a MC rogue/caster? Dec 29, 2020 · You're not a bladesinger. Apr 10, 2024 · Today we’re going to be taking a look at mask of many faces and this is part of one of my all-time favorite game breaking combos in d&d 5e and i’ll get to that a little bit later on. 1 May 4, 2021 · Undead Warlock 2/Assassin Rogue X. Maybe it's best to go with a simple rogue-assassin pretending to be a performer. Current abilities are S12 D14 C10 I12 W13 CH20. Surely you were talking to them before you killed them, so you can mimic the voice. Requirements: Level 2+ Tactics: Cast this as often as you like to basically become a shapeshifter. Take at least 7 levels in Warlock to get Ghostly Gaze. From D&D Wiki. You should really see if you can get the feat for an Eldritch Invocation, whatever way that entails for your Domino (11 Mastermind Rogue/6 Lore Bard/2 Divination Wizard/1 Wild Magic Sorceress) Warpath (7 Totem Barbarian/13 Scout Rogue) Deadpool (20 Samurai Fighter) MASK OF MANY FACES : disguise self as a cantrip Cloak of Flies : bonus action lasting aura Mask of Many Faces. They also have a more aggressive spell list if they are discovered. Or sorloc rogue. View User Profile View Posts Send Message Swashbuckler; Join Date: 3/21/2018 Posts: 181 Member Details; Absolutely. You can cast disguise self at will, without expending a spell slot. Many Faces (Ex): At 5th level, you can wear more than one persona mask simultaneously. Could also take the Poisoner or Observant feats for flavor 4 days ago · Returning 35 results for 'mask of many faces'. Sure makes the warlock eldritch incantation Mask of Many Faces unnecessary I already plan on Mask of Many Faces and Beguiling Influence invocations down the line (though I’ll probably also take Agonizing Blast as one of my first ones), but I’m struggling a bit with features vs ability score improvement, and with deciding on a pact boon. My idea was to have a changeling skill monkey that has the invisible hand feature (and a bunch of other stuff not that important here) and Biggstick recommended to use the Warlock's Mask of Many Faces feature instead to achieve multiclassing into a Warlock to get the Mask of Many Faces would be another option, the problem there is that I'd have to deal with the existence of a patron and going with Hexblade to keep that subtle, would significantly change my fighting style. The Book of Many Things you choose which one to use with the item. Change this to once per short rest, and drop the need for a Warlock spell slot to be used, and now you're cooking! Personally I'd roll an inquisitive rogue and roleplay as a detective. Eldritch blast, friends, booming blade. Warlock: This is a nifty half-feat to pick up if Nov 30, 2018 · Mask of Many Faces. Misty Visions may 1 day ago · Mask of Many Faces is an eldritch invocation in 5th edition. Sure makes the warlock eldritch incantation Mask of Many Faces unnecessary Jan 23, 2025 · At second level you can pick up 2 Eldritch Invocations; there are many good options here, but Mask of Many Faces and Devil's Sight stand out for an Assassin. #2 May 4, 2021. Beast barbarian, Soulknife rogue. An illusion to change your physical appearance is fun, but is not going to revolutionize your day-to-day life as an adventurer unless your M. If you see any page that contains copyrighted material and does not show this license statement, please contact an admin so that this license statement can be Feb 23, 2025 · The “Mask of Many Faces” is not a destination, but a journey. I’ve yet to try any of the higher level powers in game, except having the Banu Haqim Sherif use vanish a couple times (but that’s just unseen passage plus), but I’m very eager to get a chance. 88. Compendium - Sources->Dungeons & Dragons->Player's Handbook (2014) Mask of Many Faces You can cast disguise self 4 days ago · From Player's Handbook, page 233. Ability: You can cast disguise self without expending spell slots. between mask of many faces, and subtle spell, you would be a master at resolving any situation involving any people So I have this idea for a character that incorporates rogue trickster, fighter echo knight, warlock hexblade. Armored Warlock with Mask of Many Faces and the Actor feat makes you a supercharged changeling. This spell and item allow you to look like another humanlike creature of comparable size Mar 12, 2022 · Rogue: Only those who choose the Arcane Trickster subclass can gain this feat, giving them a little more utility. A staple in the arsenal of Jan 14, 2025 · Mask of Many Faces is a warlock eldritch invocation available beginning at level 2 in D&D 5e. It is about understanding the self, and understanding others, and bridging the gap between those two Dungeons & Dragons 5e Item: Mask of Many Faces . He's a thief by any other name. Sutlo created a changeling warlock with Mask of Many Faces who used Disguise Self to ensure he/she/it/them were always Nov 25, 2024 · Mask of many faces 3/5. It does give the opportunity for the victim to make a check to see if they know what's going on, and physical inspection is a big no-no, but this is an easy way to 2 days ago · If you don't want to roll a changeling than you can splash in a little warlock to get the Mask of Many Faces invocation. Prerequisite: Level 2+ Warlock. The Soulknife is the closest class to the old Psionic, a class I do miss. With that said, I highly recommend Warlock 3 instead of 2. Otherwise, the mask s caster level is treated as two higher. Reply reply I did Hex(2) Lore 3, but I really did it wrong. This ability has no effect on the persona masks you create and use. Appreciate it. FREE shipping Add to Favorites Jun 24, 2022 · The rogue is a very heavily stereotyped class in Dungeons & Dragons. Reply Great Old One Warlock or Eloquence Bard, maybe Rogue. Mask of Many Faces Source: Free Basic Rules (2014) ↓ Attributes. Remove these ads. Sneak Attack | 3 D6 or D20 | Rogue | Supreme Cotton Face Mask | Critical Role | 3 Layer | Washable | Dungeons and Daragons | Vox Machina (46) $ 10. In this Warlock invocation, a player can change their identity at will without consuming a spell slot. Good for: Social subterfuge. You could play a Whispers Bard to get access to the memories of people who you kill. Could also take the Poisoner or Observant feats for Dec 15, 2022 · Mask of Many Faces can sire hundreds of character concepts.
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