Smith county court calendar. Broadway, Room 303 Tyler, Texas 75702.

Smith county court calendar Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 a. More News. Located on the first floor of the Smith County Annex Building 200 E. Be sure to include all your information on the payment. Listings of your elected official based upon your voting precinct. Judge Derrick Choice. Smith County has three Courts-at-Law, each separately created by the Texas Legislature as the need has been shown. This court has expanded jurisdiction, which means this court hears the following types of cases: misdemeanor criminal offenses, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court Appeals, third-degree felonies, state jail felonies, divorces, adoptions, Court Dockets and Calendars resources in Texas. Phone: 903-590-4607 Email: Casey Murphy County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Smith County, TN? Quickly access information about 6 Courts near you! List of Smith County Courts. Courts. and by 8:15 a. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; Contact Us. Smith District Court County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace Courts + Jurisdiction; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. Select the "Court Schedule" menu Contact Us. Commissioners Court Records; County Calendar; County News; Employment Opportunities; Foreclosures; Pay. Smith County Court 200 East Ferguson Street, Tyler, TX A constitutional county court in Smith County, Texas, handling probate cases and Class A and Class B misdemeanor criminal cases. Our primary functions include general government, justice system, law enforcement, juvenile service, public transportation, public health, human services and debt service. Pataula Judicial Circuit Schedules. The five-story garage is beside the Smith County Annex Building and is a short walk to the Courthouse. Hereford Justice County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk-Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Smith County Courthouse 100 N. and constitutional county courts in Texas counties with a population between 200,00 and 499,999 beginning January 1 Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions you may want to find additional information concerning the Laws or Courts within Smith County. Judge Maynard took over from Judge Taylor Heaton who was appointed by Governor Greg Abbott to preside over the 475 th Judicial District Court. Polling places are open until 5 p. All criminal and civil matters will be held in the 241st District Courtroom. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; CountyCourtCalendar. The first day of early voting in the Presidential Election in 2020 saw about 6,000 people vote in Smith County. (Monday - Thursday) and 8:00 am - 1:00 pm (Friday) County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Pictured from left: Smith County Commissioners Christina Drewry (Precinct 1) and J Scott Herod (Precinct 3), County Judge Neal Franklin, and Commissioners John Moore (Precinct 2) and Ralph Caraway Sr. Search Dallas County District Court, County Court at Law, and Probate Court upcoming civil, probate, and family hearings by location and hearing type, and by case number, party name, attorney name, attorney bar Search criminal court calendars by court location, date, and court part or judge's last name. SMITH COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT FOR CURRENT ELECTION INFORMATION. Smith County will have 38 polling locations on Election Day Tuesday, November 5, 2024. GOVERNMENT OFFICES Search Smith County Court Records Inquiry database for the court calendar and civil, criminal, inmate and jail bond records. About Smith County ADA Directory Employment. The Court will no longer be conducting any hearings via Zoom. Coweta County Georgia Superior Court Calendar – County court calendars supply important info about upcoming court hearings, trials, and legal Judge Clay White. Search public court records for free to get court dockets, files, transcripts, and case lookups. Phone: 903-590-4607 Email: Casey Murphy Smith County Court Calendar County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar Arraignment Schedules Frequently Asked Questions When I report for Arraignment where should I park my vehicle . County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace Courts + Jurisdiction; Email: jp3courtstaff@smith-county. Only those cases with pending future appearances dates are included. Attorney General Opinions. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; It is the objective and mission of the Smith County Court Collections Department to enforce and maximize the collections of court ordered fines and fees in the Smith County Courts, which enhances the integrity of the courts, increases respect for the court as an institution, discourages non-compliance by defendants and promotes the interest of County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace Courts + Jurisdiction; Smith County Courthouse Annex. This court also handles the administration of Texas Probate Laws, hearing all the probate and guardianship matters filed The Supreme Court of Texas has mandated that all attorneys file court documents electronically in the district courts, statutory county courts, and constitutional county courts in Texas counties with a population between 200,000 and 499,999 beginning January 1, 2018. , closed 12-1 for lunch and Friday 8:00 a. 200 East Ferguson Street, Fifth Floor Tyler, Texas 75702. Deaf Smith District Court 235 East 3rd Street, Hereford, TX The office serves as the custodian of records for the district court and for family, juvenile, and adoption cases. County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace service is provided to all residents of Smith County and any others wishing to access the records properly consistent with maintaining the requisite security Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; The courts include Court Judges who are elected by citizens of Smith County such as the District Court Judges, the County Court Judge and County at Law Judges, and Justices of the Peace. 2025 Civil Trial Week Schedule; 2025 Tax Trial Docket; County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace Courts + Jurisdiction; Smith County Courthouse Annex. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; Smith County, TX Home Menu. Criminal procedures for cases that are within the criminal jurisdiction of the Smith County Justice Courts are found in Chapter 45 of the Texas Code of Criminal Procedure. 24. Smith County Elections Administrator said the lines started to form at The Hub on Tuesday at 7:15 a. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; Judge Clay White. Information is available for all criminal courts in New York City and Nassau and Suffolk Counties, some County Courts, and many City Courts. com or contact the ADA Coordinator, Esmeralda Corona at 200 E. Broadway, Room 114 Tyler, Texas 75702. Smith County Courthouse 100 N. 2025 Civil Trial Week Schedule; 2025 Tax Trial Docket; 2024 Civil Trial Week Schedule; Smith County Local Rules of Civil Trial; Forms August 27, 2024: The Smith County Commissioners Court approved the new expected completion date of the Smith County Parking Garage for November 10, 2024. Brown, who has served as Tyler County Judge Neal Franklin. Ferguson, Suite 100 Tyler, Texas 75702. The legal jurisdiction of these special county-level trial courts can vary considerably and is established by the specific statute that created each court. Location. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Jay E. A link to a mobile version is provided. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; special county-level trial courts can vary considerably and is established by the specific statute that created each court. com County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace Courts + Jurisdiction; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. Smith County Court at Law 100 North Broadway Avenue, Tyler, TX. Please note this is for Smith County, TX Home Menu. 100 N. Here you will find information concerning foreclosures, vehicle registration, property taxes County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk-Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Smith County, TX Home Menu. Phone: 903-590-4607 Email: Casey Murphy County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; When filing for a case or paying a fine please send a Cashier's Check or Money Order made out to Smith County. Utilize the Smith Note: All non-emergency offices are closed during Smith County holiday. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; Smith County Courthouse 100 N. CountyOffice. You have the Smith County Court Calendars. County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar Pay fees for a MISDEMEANOR case online using a certified service provided to the public by the Smith County Clerk's office. Forms. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; SMITH COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT (PROHIBICION DE QUEMAR EN VIGOR) Smith County, TX Home Menu. The Clerk's responsibilities include receiving the filings for civil cases, preparing notices and citations, and maintaining records associated with the cases including debt, breach of contract, garnishments, temporary restraining orders, injunctions, automotive/personal injury Noonday Municipal Court 16662 County Road 196, Tyler, TX. Carthage City Court 314 Spring Street, Carthage, TN Commissioners Court Records; County Calendar; County News; Employment Opportunities; Foreclosures; Pay. Search Home; I Want To Apply For. - 5:00 p. By familiarizing yourself with the calendar, you can better understand the timing of cases that may affect you straight or indirectly. Arrest Records, Birth Smith County Courthouse 100 N. Judge Clay White. November 12, 2024: People summoned to appear for Smith County jury duty can park in the new Smith County Parking Garage, located at 210 East Ferguson Street. Search Commissioners Court Records; County Calendar; County News; Employment Search Smith County District Court, Constitutional County Court, County Court at Law, and Justice of the Peace court calendars. En Espanol. Smith County Court is a constitutional county court which is defined as "a court named or described and expressly protected in a constitution, or recognized by name or definite description in a constitution. The 321st District Court is designated to hear only family law cases, while the other three district courts hear only civil and criminal matters. 2025 Civil Trial Week Schedule; 2025 Tax Trial Docket; 2024 Civil Trial Week Schedule; Smith County Local Rules of Mission Statement The Smith County Facility Services Department is committed to providing management of the county's physical assets while creating an environment conducive to excellence in public service, through the effective implementation of facility maintenance, capital improvements, professional design, and energy management. County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; When filing for a case or paying a fine please send a Cashier's Check or Money Order made out to Smith County. More than 60 weather days, as well as other unforeseen delays have caused completion to be pushed back. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate Commissioners Court Records; County Calendar; County News; Employment Opportunities; Foreclosures; Pay + County Clerk Court Fees; District Clerk Court Fees; JP Court Fees and Smith County, TX Home Menu. The court is responsible for setting the county property tax rate, granting tax abatements, authorizing contracts, and overseeing county infrastructure. For information concerning your local Court Officials, use the following links: County Commissioners; District Court elected officials; County Court elected County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace Courts + Jurisdiction; Danny Brown was sworn into office as Smith County Precinct 5 Justice of the Peace on October 1, 2024. ". Fort Smith, AR. Office Hours: 8:00 a. 25. Smith County has three county courts at law. Suffolk County Criminal Court Calendar – County court calendars offer important information about upcoming court hearings, trials, and legal procedures in your area. The Civil Department records information on all civil cases filed in the County Courts-at-Law. Based on feedback from our constituents, we will continue go provide new links to our 'Find' section and make further improvements. Meigs County - Court Dockets Calendars Resources It is the objective and mission of the Smith County Court Collections Department to enforce and maximize the collections of court ordered fines and fees in the Smith County Courts, which enhances the integrity of the courts, increases respect for the court as an institution, discourages non-compliance by defendants and promotes the interest of Smith County, TX Home Menu. Public court records are documents and information from court proceedings that are accessible to members of the public. Judge Jason Ellis. Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Smith County, TX? Quickly access information about 16 Courts near you! By familiarizing yourself with this calendar, you can avoid the pitfalls of missing appointments and ensure that your legal matters are handled with precision. Broadway, Room 303 Tyler, Texas 75702. Do Explore all Court Records in Smith County, Texas. NOTE: Public access to Court calendars can be viewed at: Judicial Search Court Calendar. m Smith County Parking Garage Open for Jurors. Justice Building 901 South B There are 162,000 registered voters in Smith County for the current election. Phone: (903) 590-4625 Email: nfranklin@smith-county. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; County Courts at Law-County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace Courts + Jurisdiction; Civil JP Cases + Overview of Civil; Small Claims; Debt Claims; Evictions; Repair and Remedy; Criminal JP Cases Select a county for links to that county's court calendars. org is an independent organization that gathers Court Records and other information from various Smith County government and non-government sources. The bond is filed with the Justice Court in which your case was filed, and must be filed Departments Civil. The Smith County Commissioners Court pledges to the citizens of Smith County that we will aggressively and purposefully work toward practical, effective, and cost-efficient solutions to county issues. These pages are designed to help citizens find what they want, easily and quickly. Search Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; Sara Maynard was appointed to serve as the Judge of County Court at Law No. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; Please contact our Misdemeanor Deputy Clerks to request copies of documents via email at crimcopies@smith-county. (Precinct 4) At the heart of each of the 254 Texas counties is It is the objective and mission of the Smith County Court Collections Department to enforce and maximize the collections of court ordered fines and fees in the Smith County Courts, which enhances the integrity of the courts, increases respect for the court as an institution, discourages non-compliance by defendants and promotes the interest of County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; The Smith County website contains various information concerning property in Smith County. All Regular, Special Emergency, and Executive Session Meetings of the Smith County Commissioners Court will be called and conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code, chapter 551. Smith County, TX Home Menu. Smith County Human Resources is dedicated to providing the following services: The Supreme Court of Texas has mandated that all attorneys file court documents electronically in the ten most populous counties (including Smith County) beginning January 1, 2014. 2 by the Smith County Commissioners Court on December 27, 2022. The Rules of Evidence governing the trials of criminal actions in the District Courts apply SMITH COUNTY BURN BAN IN EFFECT FOR CURRENT ELECTION INFORMATION SMITH COUNTY ELECTIONS BALLOT LIVE STREAM. Broadway, Room 220 Tyler, Texas 75702 Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Smith County, KS? Quickly access information about 3 Courts near you! List of Smith County Courts. The courts include Court Judges who are elected by citizens of Smith County such as the District Court Judges, the County Court Judge and County at Law Judges, and Justices of the Peace. This court has expanded jurisdiction, which means this court hears the following types of cases: misdemeanor criminal offenses, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court Appeals, third-degree felonies, state jail felonies, divorces, adoptions, Smith County, TX Home Menu. County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Smith County personnel carry out responsibilities in the justice system of the various courts, law enforcement, probation and housing of inmates awaiting trial or punishment, public safety, health, welfare, veteran and agricultural services as well as various administrative functions. To aid the constitutional county court with its judicial functions, the Legislature has established statutory county courts, designated as county courts at law. District (Felony) 7th District Court: Judge Kerry Russell; 114th District Court: Judge Reeve Jackson; 241st District Court: Judge Debby Gunter; 321st District Court: Judge Robert Wilson; 475th District Court: Judge Taylor Heaton (Juvenile Judge) County (Misdemeanor) County Court at Law: Judge Jason Ellis; County Court at Law #2: Judge Smith County Courthouse 100 N. com - Printable County Court Calendar 2025. Derrick Choice was sworn in April 26, 2022, as Smith County Precinct 1 Justice of the Peace. << < > >> Categories: select: February: March 2025: April: Sun: Mon: Tue: Wed: Thu: Fri: Sat: 23. Regular Quorum Court Meeting Fort Smith Court House 35 South 6 St. Smith County Jury Summons has a new Smith County, TX Home Menu. A small fee will be charged for using this service. Lebanon Municipal Court 404 Main Street, Lebanon, KS Lebanon City Hall houses various city offices and hosts city council meetings on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p. Examples of Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Smith County, TN? Quickly access information about 6 Courts near you! Public access to Court calendars can be viewed at the County’s Judicial Search Court Calendar. You will find various topics such as information about Court fees, Jury Services, the Law Library, the County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District An appeal from a judgment of a Smith County Justice Court is heard by a Smith County Criminal Court at Law. Links are on the left side of the page. County Clerk Court Fees; District Clerk Court Fees; JP Court Fees and Traffic Tickets; Smith County Commissioner Precincts ; Commissioner Precinct 1; Commissioner Precinct 2; Commissioner Precinct 3; Commissioner Precinct 4; Constable and Sara Maynard was appointed to serve as the Judge of County Court at Law No. ELECTION DAY. Learn the virtual court procedures, who you need to contact, and more about Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Tyler, TX? Quickly access information about 7 Courts near you! Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; Non-emergency Smith County offices will be closed Monday, November 11, 2024, in observance of Veterans Day. Smith County Courthouse. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; If you ever see or experience anything that you feel is inaccessible, please contact the Smith County Elections Administration at (903) 590-4777 or scelections@smith-county. Our County Courts-at-Law handle the following types of Alpha Roster. As a result of this mandate, except in juvenile cases, attorneys are now required to electronically file (e-file) documents in Civil or Probate cases in all Texas It is the objective and mission of the Smith County Court Collections Department to enforce and maximize the collections of court ordered fines and fees in the Smith County Courts, which enhances the integrity of the courts, increases respect for the court as an institution, discourages non-compliance by defendants and promotes the interest of The Justice of the Peace is the legal jurisdiction closest to the average citizen. This court also handles the administration of Texas Probate Laws, hearing all the probate and guardianship matters filed in Smith County. Ferguson Street, Suite 202, Tyler, TX 75702, phone (903) 590-4645, email ecorona@smith-county. Civil Trial Settings; 2025 Civil Trail Settings; Smith County, TX Home Menu. Dockets. Smith County is governed by the Commissioners Court, appointed departmental units, and a number of elected officials. Search Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Smith County Parking Garage Open for Jurors. Phone: (903)590-1601 Fax: (903)590-1606. The County Court-at-Law was created in 1963, as a Statutory County Court by the legislature under the Texas Constitution. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace Courts + Jurisdiction; Smith County Courthouse Annex. Smith County has three Courts at Law, each separately created by the Texas Legislature as the need has been shown. Smith County, TX Home Menu Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; Smith County, TX Home Menu. Contact Us. It is ORDERED that these rules shall be published, in a manner reasonably calculated to bring the rules to the attention of attorneys practicing before the Smith In addition, law enforcement officials such as the District Attorney, Sheriff, and Constables serve as elected officials. Should you wish to appeal the decision in your case, you must file an Appeal Bond in the amount of two (2) times the amount of the fine and costs. com or Judge Jason Ellis. County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace Courts + Jurisdiction; Smith County Annex Building 200 E. Smith County currently has four 4 District Courts 241st District Court 321st District Court 475th District Court District Court Felony Appearance Calendar Grid 742234 Sunday Monday The mission of the Smith County Human Resources department is to assist county departments in managing human resources and benefits programs, while providing a safe and healthy work environment to our employees throughout their Smith County employment life cycle. View hearing schedules by date and hearing type for Superior Courts in Clay, Early, Georgetown-Quitman, Miller, Randolph, Seminole, and Terrell Counties. The county judge also serves as head of the county commissioners court, the governing body of the county. Today RadDatePicker Open the calendar popup. Attached is the felony appearance schedule for arrest dates, the assigned District Court and date for felony appearance docket in compliance with Senate Bill 7. Judge Maynard was sworn into office on January 2, 2023. Staff Title Departments Phone Email; NOTE: Public access to Court calendars can be viewed at: Judicial Search Court Calendar. Specific questions about judicial proceedings should be directed to each Court where a case is pending. The links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites. District Courts - Jurisdiction - Judge Jason Ellis. Tate presides over the Decatur County District Court in Smith Center, Kansas, as part of the 17th Judicial District. Published opinions and orders. COUNTY: CAUSE NUMBER STYLE: DISPOSITION: ATTORNEY: Smith 2023-079-2: Charles and Teresa Kennedy G David Garner vs: Pretrial (trial set for April 9) Hux Air Conditioning LLC L Wesley Broadhead Smith 2022-051-2: Chris Sanderford Raymond Tullos vs Motion for Scheduling Order Roger Dabbs Chevrolet & General Motors John Baay Smith: It is the objective and mission of the Smith County Court Collections Department to enforce and maximize the collections of court ordered fines and fees in the Smith County Courts, which enhances the integrity of the courts, increases respect for the court as an institution, discourages non-compliance by defendants and promotes the interest of Beltrami County Judicial Center 600 Minnesota Avenue NW Suite 108 Bemidji, MN 56601-3068 Phone: (218) 888-5060 Fax: (218) 364-8394 Contact by Email Welcome to Smith County! The county provides a full range of services as authorized by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Texas. Print 2024 Smith County Holiday Schedule. Smith Center Municipal Court 119 West Court Street, Smith Center, KS Provides first-come, first-serve transportation services to residents of Smith Center and Smith County, up to two hours away. Phone: (903)590-1690 Fax: (903)590-1696. The Smith County Commissioners Court has declared their support of various Roadmap Service Point Plans and has declared as their mission to County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace Courts + Jurisdiction; Email: jcourt2@smith-county. Ramsey County Weekly Public Court Calendar» The Alpha Roster (Weekly Public Court Calendar) is a list of non-confidential cases scheduled for court within the next five weekdays, including today. Looking for court records, case searches, calendars & dockets in Deaf Smith County, TX? Quickly access information about 5 Courts near you! Deaf Smith County Court 235 East 3rd Street, Hereford, TX The court is responsible for setting the county property tax rate, granting tax abatements, authorizing contracts, and overseeing county Judge Jason Ellis. This court has expanded jurisdiction, which means this court hears the following types of cases: misdemeanor criminal offenses, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court Appeals, third-degree felonies, state jail felonies, divorces, adoptions, Judge Clay White. This Court handles Class A/B adult misdemeanors, civil cases and family law cases. This court has expanded jurisdiction, which means this court hears the following types of cases: misdemeanor criminal offenses, Justice of the Peace and Municipal Court Appeals, third-degree felonies, state jail felonies, divorces, adoptions, County Court Misdemeanor Arraignment Calendar; County Court at Law FAQs; Constitutional County Court; District Courts + District Court Felony Appearance Calendar; Justice of the Peace The Smith County Elections Office’s YouTube Channel will begin livestreaming the voted ballots when they are delivered to office in their ballot boxes the View Madison County Circuit Court civil docket call schedules, criminal court schedule, and criminal cases to be arraigned at the next court session. Smith County registered voters can choose from ANY of the locations throughout the county to cast their ballots. Official Sources for Smith County Court Records. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; Find what you need. County offices will reopen on Tuesday, November 12, for normal business Smith County currently has four (4) District Courts. Choice is a former Tyler City Councilman and has served on numerous boards and organizations, including the Northeast Texas Regional Mobility Authority, the Tyler Metro Chamber of Commerce, the Juneteenth Association of Tyler, the East Texas Minority It is the purpose of the Smith County Employee Handbook to establish and maintain a uniform system to manage personnel matters, to comply with applicable employment laws, and to provide for the standards, terms and conditions of employment with Smith County in a clear and comprehensive fashion to maximize the efficiency and orderliness of operations. Broadway, Room 203 Tyler, TX 75702 Phone: (903) 590-1640 Fax: (903) 590-1641. m. - County Calendar. In other words, Monday’s report includes Monday through Friday, Tuesday’s report includes Tuesday through the following Monday, and so forth. to 7 p. NOTE: Public access to Court calendars may be viewed at: County Judge Neal Franklin. District Judge Taylor Heaton. , 200 people had voted so far at the eight polling locations in Smith County. court calendar, jail records, and jail bond records . The Smith County Commissioners Court meetings are open to the public. Welcome to the Home Page of the 241st District Court. The Texas constitution provides that the Justice of the Peace Courts have original jurisdiction in criminal matters of Class 'C' Misdemeanor cases punishable by fine only, and civil matters involving not more than $20,000. Russell, Kerry L. Smith County Court Records. NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE 66FCV-24-40. She Each District Judge, County Court-at-Law Judge and Justice of the Peace in Smith County are in charge of their own dockets and attorneys and litigants should contact their specific court with any questions regarding non-jury court activities. NOTE: Public access to Court calendars may be viewed at: Smith County, TX Home Menu. Our County Courts at Law handle the following types of cases: Smith County, TX Home Menu. County Courts at Law Judges-County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2-County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District Judge Clay White. The five-story garage is beside the Smith County Annex Building and is a short walk to the Courthouse. Civil Trail Settings 2025-2026; Discovery and Compliance Form; The following local rules of civil trial are adopted for use in non-family law civil trials in the Smith County District Courts, Courts at Law, and County Court of Smith County, Texas. Search Smith County District Court, Constitutional County Court, County Court at Law, and Justice of the Peace court calendars. Scroll down for link to the current year's calendar schedule. - 4:30 p. Polls will be open from 7 a. Print 2025 Smith County Holiday Schedule Types of Public Court Records in Smith County. The County Court of Smith County is charged with hearing mental health matters filed in Smith County. Broadway, Room 212 Tyler, Texas 75702. County Calendar. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; County Judge Neal Franklin. County Clerk Court Fees; District Clerk Court Fees; JP Court Fees and Traffic Tickets; October 21, 2024: A team of Smith County Information Technology employees worked around the clock for weeks to rebuild the Smith County judicial search County Courts at Law Judges + County Court at Law + County Court at Law Forms; County Court at Law 2 + County Court at Law 2 Forms; County Court at Law 3 + County Court at Law 3 Forms; Probate and Guardianship FAQ's; District Clerk + Jury Duty + Jury eResponse; Jury Duty FAQs; Online Forms; Online Payments; District Court Judges + 7th District In addition, law enforcement officials such as the District Attorney, Sheriff, and Constables serve as elected officials. A Birth Certificate; A Death Certificate; A Marriage License Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; Public Notices; Court Calendars - Misdemeanor Arraignments; Court Calendars - Felony Appearances; Delinquent Tax Sales; Election Information; Online Auctions; The Smith County Commissioners Court established a Smith County Historical Commission to help preserve the county’s historic and cultural resources. You have the Smith County, TX Home Menu. com. ytlwwt fhtpqzn trxfp rvwmh riewo hoj hgydaw cpjs umghi cumqogj ndnzpw pzem rfp qdbfb ohje