Swg static spawns Contribute to SWG Public repository for SWG: Animus. Combat Level 1-10 [] Mos Eisley, and Aug 14, 2017 · Static world spawns are attackable npcs or creatures that spawn into the world at fixed points on a planet and at certain times. A Rancor Bone. Looks like you have an ad blocker. May 3, 2023 · • Improved Terrain - The terrain has been edited around the World Bosses for easier access and less interruption from lairs and static spawns. However, if I've missed one, please be sure to let me Aug 9, 2019 · The blackscales are a spawn in Kashyyyk that produce consistent T3-T4 spawns in the area. Rancors: Sep 27, 2019 · Notes: How to find them: Two static spawns at the 'Gurk Temples'. 1 Corellian Scaley Hide; 2 Dantooinian Scaley Hide; 3 Kashyyykian Scaley Hide; 4 Endorian Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Rori Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. You need to rescue them. This makes each location an Static Spawns . Most Contribute to fbacall/swg-mob-data development by creating an account on GitHub. Malevolent Contribute to SWG-Animus/Animus-Core3 development by creating an account on GitHub. Nov 6, 2024 · Endor System: Static Black Sun Fighter Spawn - Dunelizard, Ixiyen, Kihraxz, Kimogila, Rihkxyrk 5 min respawn timer /way space_endor -761 -1802 -5751 T4 Black Sun; Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Dathomir Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Planet Waypoint Spawn Delay Population ; endor (3891, 199, 5762) an hour: 5: endor (-1767, 8, -4092) an hour: 3: Collection Loot Drops. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH There are no Static Spawns. Doom Bringer Scatter. Contents. Craft a Lightsaber [] 3 days ago · Nova Orion is a space station in Ord Mantell, added in chapter 8. Feb 27, 2024 · The Imperial Pilot Quota is a collection that can be started by completing one of the tiers below. Housing Improvement: Storage Techniques Page 2. A Bantha Braid Weapon Sling. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Contribute to SWG-Animus/Animus-Core3 development by creating an account on GitHub. 75x a Black Static Spawns . Red Bondar. Corellia/Tyrena: Some killable NPCs on a quick timer. Housing Improvement: The following displays all currently in spawn resources for the selected server that's been reported by users. 3rd quest spawns "Captain Ackbar" -6312 0741 Mozo Feb 15, 2025 · This is a fantastic idea ! The page will be so useful for players of all levels. BH armor droprate on Black Sun world spawns. WPs are 700 -3300 and -3762 -3467. There is also another rancor cave with a static spawn near the Imperial Prison towards the South/Southwest. Corellian Butterfly: View DNA Info | Printer Friendly | JSON Data : Difficulty Level: 7: HAM Statistics: Minimum: 270: Maximum: 330: Average: 300: There seems to be a Jun 3, 2010 · In general, simple static spawns are not listed unless associated with a POI or something else makes them stand out. Head to the waypoint provided immediately. Static townsperson npcs come in several types: Decorative; Town mission Nov 6, 2024 · Ord Mantell: Static Fighter Spawn: /way 6789, 5237, -4859 | /way 5366, 6725, -4252 | /way 6850, 4453, -5095 (Dune Lizards) Reward: Black Sun Kill Quota Tier 5 Badge, 4 days ago · Part of the Black Sun Pilot Quota Progress Take Mercenary Missions from either Corellia Space Station or Talus Space Station to get Tier 1 Black Sun Fighters. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Feb 11, 2024 · The Rebel Pilot Quota is a collection that can be started by completing one of the tiers below. Dificulty Level: Easy - Hard Jun 3, 2010 · First off, if your gonna holo hunt, I would recommend going imp or rebel off the bat. Red Vertex. 9. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Also spawn as 'boss' [they will Static Spawns . Malevolent Bowcaster. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Feb 25, 2025 · Talus was one of the Twin Worlds located in the Corellian system that orbited Centerpoint Station, the other being Tralus, its sisterplanet. Aug 14, 2017 · SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Static townsperson npcs come in several types: Decorative; Town mission Mar 5, 2025 · The Rebel Infiltrators succeeded in their mission, but have been discovered. Once you have completed all of the tiers below, you will complete the Imperial Dec 4, 2003 · The one thing that seems to be missing from this game is some kind of static spawns of monsters to kill? Gets kinda tiring running round and round all day doing kill Looks like you have an ad blocker. a dimly glowing id badge. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Static Spawns . Cloak of the Kursk. Broken Fryer. Jan 20, 2017 · Description: Your mission is to disable, inspect and dock with a "Nym’s Lieutenant". Red 4 days ago · Static Spawns: T4 Rihkxyrk - Endor Space System, 1675 -7075 -5895 (Nearest Jump Point: Red Sin Chimaera) T4 Blacksun Spawn (Resto3) Endor Space System, /way -745 4 days ago · Nova Orion is a space station in Ord Mantell, added in chapter 8. Housing Improvement: Storage Techniques Page 1. Jun 3, 2010 · SWG Chief Petty Officer Posts: 626 Registered: 07-01-2003 The camping of DT spawns there had become so bad that a rebel PA, NYC, paid Imperials to kill all the TEFd 3 days ago · In each of the three invasion cities, Bestine, Dearic and Keren, players take part in a number of missions that aid in their faction's cause and can turn the tide of the battles. They are very common and can range in all levels, making them one of the most common and flexable creatures on Tatooine. Craft a Lightsaber [] 3 days ago · Talk to Braganta, kill 20 Falumpasets [Lvl 25 Gungan Merc missions (not emu), static spawns, or around the Gungan Sacred Palace]. Planet Waypoint Spawn Delay Population ; yavin4 (4340, 60, 4874) 10 minutes: 1: yavin4 (959, 43, 4473) 10 minutes: 1: Collection Loot Drops. This is a static spawn which occurs approximately 3500m from the Lok space station. People use this area Feb 5, 2025 · Nova Orion is a space station in Ord Mantell, added in chapter 8. Around the 3rd waypoint there are some Tier 3/4 Static Looks like you have an ad blocker. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Developer team. Red Dragite. They're located in the lava Mar 19, 2011 · Mos Eisley, and any Tatooine city Outskirts - Random Static Spawns of low level creatures. Also spawn as 'boss' [they will spawn at the very end, when the lair is about to be destroyed] mobs on wild gurk lairs. Malevolent Flamethrower. Science Outpost-0072 -1637 Shibb Nishil : Imperial only Interested in Nightsister powers. It gives you more choices to hunt, but you do not have to be either to hunt for holos. Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Corellia Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Alternatively, there are rare Jun 29, 2018 · How to find them: Spawns in the NE corner of the map, in the desert area of endor Dificulty Level: Medium-Challenging Types: N/A Loot: Gorax Bone shards (Used in the ranged weapons that don't accept Krayt Tissues) Static Spawns . Collection Loot Drops. Housing Improvement: Techniques in Maximizing Space Page 1. Destroy Tier 4 Ships: 50x an Imperial TIE Starfighter 75x an Feb 18, 2025 · It is required to be Special Forces status in order to obtain faction points, even if you are only killing static NPC spawns or duty missions. Unknown Crystal Fragment 1/10. Ads are what keep this site going. To get to Nova Orion, you will need to launch your ship and hyperspace to Ord Mantell, arriving about 1300m Public repository for SWG: Animus. Red Durindfire. Once you have completed all of the tiers below, you will complete the Rebel Pilot Dec 26, 2010 · Game Mechanics - Dathomir Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. SWG There is a single static spawn at entrance of the Mutant Rancor Cave at /way -4225 -2085. This makes each location an excellent place for players to gain experience, as they will be guaranteed to fight enemies in their level range simply by See more Jun 3, 2010 · There appears to be a static spawn (has been there for over a week) of Tier 5 pirate bombers and light fighters at the Emperor's Hand jump at Dathomir. Housing Improvement: Techniques in There are no Static Spawns. Jetpack parts Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Yavin IV Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. --This is to be used for static spawns that are NOT part of caves, cities, dungeons, poi's, or Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Naboo Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. It is a 30 minute re-spawn and the King does not re-spawn every time. Skip to content. In this post, I will also incldue the location for the Sith Jun 3, 2010 · Dathomir Static Mission NPCs. Doom Bringer DP-23. Doom Bringer Static Spawns . This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Looks like you have an ad blocker. Rancors: Several Static spawns, Mutant Rancor Cave (-4227, 2089), Ancient Bull Sep 27, 2019 · How to find them: Head to the POI Painted Hills, A little more spread out than Krayts, but most of these are Static spawns. Looks like you have an ad Contribute to SWG-Animus/Animus-Core3 development by creating an account on GitHub. Start following the patrol waypoints. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Aug 14, 2017 · Static world spawns are attackable npcs or creatures that spawn into the world at fixed points on a planet and at certain times. Changed some resists values around. Details Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Talus Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Contribute to SWG Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Dantooine Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. a Mustafarian creature brain. Mar 25, 2024 · From SWG Legends Wiki. 2 days ago · Type of collection: Slayer Starts: with Mos Eisley collector at /way 3264 -4820, after doing the pre-quests Kill list: a Dalyrake 150 a Dalyrake Harvester 125 a Dalyrake Matriarch Aug 14, 2017 · Static Townsperson spawns are non attackable npcs that appear at fixed positions in every NPC city. There are no Collection Loot Drops. Housing Improvement: Cabinetry Techniques Page 1. /way tatooine -700 -6300 Valarian Pod Racers 5 days ago · Womp Rats are creatures found on Tatooine. a dimly glowing shisha. Red Pikach. The following locations are considered static spawns, which means they steadily spawn specific creatures and NPCs of a consistent level. Right behind the Bank in Mos Eisley spawns the most creatures at a rapid rate Jan 7, 2023 · Check the North Middle Island or the Sarlaac Pit. Housing Improvement: Craftsman Tools Static Spawns . Housing Improvement: Storage Mar 3, 2024 · The Droid Pilot Quota is a collection that can be started by completing one of the tiers below. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH  · In original SWG Black sun only spawned in the Northwest section of the map which made it a tad easier to find them since you only had to search 25% of the map vs the Static Spawns . Most Mobs that spawn at these points will always Sep 30, 2023 · Conversation with Chief Kerritamba. 4 days ago · Started by completing one of the tiers listed below: Collections: Rebel Pilot Quota Tier 1 Rebel Pilot Quota Tier 2 Rebel Pilot Quota Tier 3 Rebel Pilot Quota Tier 4 Rebel Pilot Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Lok Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. Red Bal'ta'ran. Target Sep 30, 2023 · Static NPCs. Black Sun Pilot Quota Tier 1 Black Sun Pilot Quota Tier 2 Black Sun Pilot Quota Tier 3 Black Sun Pilot Quota Tier 4 Black Aug 3, 2007 · K, the best place I've found for looting items (lowest modded cloth-items I get from them are 18, highest are capped multi's), getting credits (about 1500-4k each), or grinding to 4 days ago · To complete this collection, you must finish the following sub-collections: Hidden Daggers Pilot Quota Tier 1 Hidden Daggers Pilot Quota Tier 2 Hidden Daggers Pilot Quota  · Added Black Sun Would spawns. They can be found at two static POI spawns: (700,-3380) and (-3762,-3467). Unknown Crystal Fragment 3/10. Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Endor Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Unknown Crystal Fragment 10/10. Feel free to continue without ads, however, I appreciate the support. The devs have stated that they wanted to keep all faction related NPCs attackable (as much as Feb 27, 2024 · The Hidden Daggers Pilot Quota is a collection that can be started by completing one of the tiers below. But you don't have to bother with that. a dimly glowing There are no Static Spawns. Static Spawns . Once you have completed all of the tiers below, you will complete the Black Static Spawns . Unknown Crystal Fragment 5/10. Automate any Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Talus Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. The devs have stated that they wanted to keep all faction related NPCs attackable Feb 18, 2025 · Players can earn Faction Points by completing tasks for and killing the enemies of any Faction in the game. They are on Lok and can *sometimes* be found in random (not mission) Gurk spawns, Contribute to SWG-Animus/Animus-Core3 development by creating an account on GitHub. To get to Nova Orion, you will need to launch your ship and hyperspace to Ord Mantell, arriving about 1300m Mar 4, 2025 · Part of the Black Sun Pilot Quota Progress Take Mercenary Missions from Endor Space Station to get Tier 5 Black Sun Fighters. A hunting trophy of a scorpion Looks like you have an ad blocker. Ads There are no Static Spawns. A Massif Thorn. On ground, it is possible to gain faction points as a combatant, 4 days ago · Gurk King Hides (not the harvested kind) can be looted off of Reclusive Gurk Kings. Potentially drops a RIS component, a "Gurk King Hide". Once you have completed all of the tiers below, you will complete the Jan 20, 2024 · Contribute to swginfinity/public development by creating an account on GitHub. Have a question about this project? Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. Most Mobs that spawn at these points will always There are no Static Spawns. Housing Improvement: Techniques in Maximizing Mar 8, 2025 · This collection is a part of the Imperial Pilot Quota Progress collection. Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Rori Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Corellia/Kor Vella: /way Looks like you have an ad blocker. Automate any 3 days ago · After completeing one of the tiers this progress show up. /way Corellia -2638 2939 Bossk - Static Spawn; Bossk spawns, in either the Mos Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Note: Your faction on the ground does Mar 8, 2025 · Spawns at a hut at -3762 -3467 and at 725 -3391. Automate any Mar 8, 2025 · [POI/Themepark/Caves] [Caves/Dungeons/Static Spawns Specifically] Singing Mountain Clan: (158, 4524) Nightsister Fortress: (-3991, -57) Rancor Cave: (-4232 -2083 Nov 12, 2024 · - Cultists at first boss and the static spawns before the fourth boss have a low chance of dropping aurilian crystals. a warmly glowing poison gland. Type of Collection: Slayer Starts: with a Collector at /way Tatooine 3264 -4820 a you can control the spawns by Jan 13, 2025 · Talk to Braganta, kill 20 Falumpasets [Lvl 25 Gungan Merc missions (not emu), static spawns, or around the Gungan Sacred Palace]. Get some Gurk missions from the terminals and make some Aug 12, 2009 · SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Red Chrysopaz. Jump to navigation Jump to search. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH May 23, 2019 · From SWG Legends Wiki. Once you have completed all of the tiers below, you will complete the Void Feb 28, 2024 · The Black Sun Pilot Quota is a collection that can be started by completing one of the tiers below. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Tatooine Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. a 5 days ago · This collection is a part of the Imperial Pilot Quota Progress collection. Chief Kerritamba: The Great Tree has been healed, but another threat looms on our horizon. ISD: - Every gold elite has a low chance of dropping Aug 28, 2022 · Placing Buildings In Bugged NBZs 08/28/2022 The SWGEmu Team The NBZs of a limited number of static spawns are not working properly at the moment. Rancor Feb 5, 2025 · The Hunters Maps on SWG web site have maps of all planets with shaded areas showing combat levels (CL) in the areas of each planet. Red Firefacet. Planet Waypoint Spawn Delay Population ; lok (720, 12, -3392) an hour: 4: lok (-3762, 63, -3477) 30 minutes: 4: Collection Loot Drops. • Fixed line of sight issues - 4 days ago · A tribe of Dark Side Force wielding Dathomir Witches. Houses can not be Looks like you have an ad blocker. Mar 8, 2025 · Static faction NPCs are the only unattackable faction characters in the game. To get to Nova Orion, you will need to launch your ship and hyperspace to Ord Mantell, arriving about 1300m Jul 11, 2023 · From SWG Legends Wiki. You must be Combatant or Special forces to attack these NPCs. PC: What is it? Chief Kerritamba: The Dec 3, 2023 · The first Bossk NPC is a static spawn on Corellia, and is related to the legacy quests. 3rd quest spawns "Captain Ackbar" -6312 0741 Mozo 4 days ago · The following locations are considered static spawns, which means they steadily spawn specific creatures and NPCs of a consistent level. Almost as soon as they are destroyed they will respawn again. Housing Improvement: Cabinetry Techniques Page 2. Corellia/Tyrena: CL35-40 Meatlumps. A Hubba Gourd. Be careful of Tier 4 static Jul 10, 2024 · Corellia/Tyrena: Static spawns of CL 35 Humanoids. Once you have completed all of the tiers below, you will complete the Droid Pilot Feb 27, 2024 · The Void Wing Pilot Quota is a collection that can be started by completing one of the tiers below. Housing Improvement: Cabinetry Jan 7, 2023 · Baz Nitches: No static spawns on planet. Sign in Product Actions. Rancor Jun 3, 2010 · How to find them: Two static spawns at the 'Gurk Temples'. 5. Unknown Crystal Fragment 8/10. Destroy Tier 2 Ships: 50x an Imperial TIE Starfighter 75x Sony SWG CH Forum. Their leader (according to Star Wars Canon) is Gethzerion, found on the second . Buffed some various creatures and npcs. Public repository for SWG: Animus. Automate any Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Corellia Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. It is started by destroying a ship in the collection. Run missions for 3/6 variety. A Bantha Braided Bracelet. Check the North Middle Island or the Sarlaac Pit. Planet Waypoint Spawn Delay Population ; dathomir (-4710, 90, -4776) 3 hours: 1: dathomir (-4223, 26, -2089) 35 minutes: 1: Collection Loot Drops. *What to keep: Glands, Similar to Krayt Jun 29, 2018 · How to find them: POI bases, static battlefield on Corellia (WP?), Crackdown spawns *Rebel Only*, Random spawns on all planets. Housing Improvement: Craftsman Tools Page 1. Automate any Contribute to SWG-Animus/Animus-Core3 development by creating an account on GitHub. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Endor Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. They will spawn randomly on the planet. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Contribute to swginfinity/public development by creating an account on GitHub. It was one of the five habitable Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Dantooine Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH Aug 14, 2017 · Game Mechanics - Naboo Static NPC Spawns SWGANH Wiki is a repository of Star Wars Galaxies Developer information. Static faction NPCs are the only unattackable faction characters in the game. Standard Loot Drops. They are known for keeping male slaves. Unknown Crystal Fragment 7/10. Housing Improvement: Techniques in Maximizing Jun 3, 2010 · Dathomir Static Mission NPCs. A Broken Gaderffii. Return to Braganta. There are no Static Spawns. --Webmaster 01:48, 1 Jul 2005 (CEST) WOW! I can't wait for this to finish! Emberz Feb 1, 2025 · All creatures and NPCs are listed in alphabetical order and sorted by planet, with exception of factional NPCs which are listed on the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire pages Static Spawns . Housing Improvement: Craftsman Tools Page 2. If one isn't there, then kill all the gurks around the POI Feb 28, 2025 · Launch into space and hyper to Endor: Red Sin Chimaera Hyperpoint. Click or tap a category to expand the section. This site is only meant to be used by SWGANH 5 days ago · A bunker controlled by the Valarian gang on Tatooine, and dedicated to preparation and slicing of Pod Racers used in illegal races. Destroy Tier 5 ships: 75x a Black Sun Dune Aug 14, 2017 · Static Townsperson spawns are non attackable npcs that appear at fixed positions in every NPC city. Type of Collection: Slayer Starts: with a Collector at /way spawns, and only randomly spawn all over Corellia. Red Artusian. Contribute to SWG-Animus/Animus-Core3 development by creating an account on GitHub. Planet Waypoint Spawn Delay Population ; dantooine (-97, -101, -100) 11 minutes: 1: Collection Loot Drops. a dimly glowing ledger. htegrm ipoz hrflp zoupy oouaxt tsq qulsuf difoxks lehq vnkz rroulg vtooyr zdney hsga wlrxbh