Wow 2v2 double dps comps Can be difficult to fend off double DPS pressure, especially if Hunter can be disarmed, If there is a team comp that is missing, please let us know in the comments so we can add it to the list. Why mage/rogue has always been a viable comp in the right hands, and why classes like warrior typically cannot compete with double dps at high ratings. to be a good double dps you need to be able to kite really well and be able to survive for a while, which a ret can’t do so much imo. I know mage does really well, but i prefer to play another dps class if possible. I'm already settled for 3v3, but when it comes to 2v2 I have no idea which comps work and which do not. A community for World of Warcraft PVP Members Online. prot has some good double dps comps, ret not so much. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11. Make sure to check out my twitch. Edit: to add. In one of the earlier seasons of Shadowlands there was some random holy paladin/assa rogue at the top of the ladder with a win rate of around 80%. Best 2v2 Arena Comps In WoW Classic TBC Arena. com/lvladenSupport the Channel:Donations Just wondering if there's a pretty reliable answer to the question. Nonetheless, it suffers a lot against multiple top-tier team compositions such as Rogue/Druid or Lock/Druid. 2024: Reviewed for The War Within. tv/supateaseinstagram. Tanks in World of Warcraft PvP play a unique role by absorbing damage, protecting teammates, and controlling the battlefield. ) I would ask you to list your strong comps. 0. I know pvp is (supposed) to be balanced for 3v3 but I, and alot of other people, enjoy 2v2 so some form of attempted balance would be nice. Updated Best 2v2 Compositions. or you pair 2 hybrid classes that can heal themselves until they have cooldowns up again etc. com/supateaseinstagram. 1) You play arms/dh or another double melee set up, and you just focus on doing as MUCH damage as possible while you cage/fel eruption the healer basically off cd and hope you get a cd with just high sustain. Ret with hunter is also in the top. Also good with dk, rogue or enhance. what do you guys think is rogue hunter the best comp in 2s for double dps wise lmk in the comments if you would like to support the channel go down below and Discipline Priests' high efficiency in damage and cooldown makes them strong and makes Double DPS very weak. Double DPS: S-Tier Marksmanship Hunter / Feral Druid A-Tier Marksmanship Hunter / Subtlety Rogue. Skill-capped. I wouldn't say it's the best but I played spriest/ret to 2100 in 2s and it was a blast. Mastering this strategy is key to closing out games, but you should not focus solely on it, as it This section aims to introduce you to a list of every 2v2 rogue combos, from top tier to more “exotic ones”. There are 2-3 I think viable ways to play DH in this season. Here we rank all the ranged DPS PvP classes to help you figure out the best ranged DPS specs for Arena 2v2 Comps: 1 - Demo Warlock (S Tier) The clear point of separation between demo and other range DPS is that they are the spec that is the least bullied by Looking to get back into WoW with my friend and we used to run double dps. Most healers synergize well with an Affliction Warlock in 2v2, but Mistweaver Monks are typically not a good fit as Paralysis takes off your DoT effects. FORUMS. hunter can play with ret and dk but strongest comp is thug cleave hunter/rogue and hunter/feral 10 seconds is a long time to wait until you pop cooldowns as double dps with certain comps, if you can spend the 4 chi from the brews, plus another 12-20 chi to get 10 stacks in 10 seconds without ascension. Double dps usually involves at least one hybrid class for some sustainability (like shadow priest/rogue, ret/warrior, ret/hunter, etc). 2024: Reviewed for The War Within Season 1. There is always potential for a kill on a target if they do not have trinket, and you can use Leg Frost DK specializes in cleave, and this comp has a potent cleave setup every minute. I'm still gearing and can't find people to play with to test anything because of my low ilvl. best choice will be ret/hunter and ret/dk. We are currently running ele/destro in 2s but if you dont have any higher xp you wont be able to make it to 2. Here we update the WoW Dragonflight 2v2 Arena Comp Tier List, in which we will rank each DPS specs for Arena ranging from S tier to D tier while providing the best healer partners for each. tv - https://www. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Ladies and Gentlemen, What do you think is the most successful in the 2v2 double DPS arena? We are trying to do something with a friend (I play Enhance, he is Ele Sham) but you can still feel the lack of synchronization of these classes (no click-stun (lasso easly interrputed), no defensive strong cd, no stealth etc. Your role in 3v3 Arena is similar to 2v2, but with the addition of another DPS on your team, you will want to use Death Grip in coordination with them to set up impactful burst windows. While healer comps can grind out the game and afford to make some mistakes (since mistake recovery is easier), double DPS comps need to execute their plays more sharp than healer comps. 4. rogues can actually duo with just about anything if you're good though. A friend of mine plays WW monk, we would like to push 2s up to 2k+ any synergistic dps specs for 2v2 to go with WW monk? I was thinking feral perhaps? Thanks If you want to learn what 2v2 comps are best for your spec in WOW Dragonflight 10. What do What do you guys think the best double DPS comp is? he ask double dps but no one mention disc + sin yet, lets be real its a dps in 2s. Resto Druid is closely lagging behind Disc Priest in terms of performance compared to the rest of the cast. 21 Oct. More posts you may like r/worldofpvp. 24 Feb. You can win games with WW / DH by just running in and pressing everything but you'll lose if you don't net a kill in that first go. All hybrid double dps comps are ass now since tge hybrid healing nerf As unbalanced as WoW is on a good day, it's that much worse in the 2s format. 7 2v2 Tier List - Ranking Best 2v2 Arena Comps in Season 2 In the 2v2 bracket, comps with high burst damage and crowd control tend to excel. gg/fQXxf8uFTw Get the RATING You’ve Always Wante Just came back to wow after quitting season 1. 2 2v2 Comps Tier List - Best 2v2 Arena Comps for Season 3. The War Within PvP Class Tuning for March 11th – Nerfs to Major Burst welp i cant say its the best, but i play ret/ret atm in 2v2. Shadow Priests are crucial to their team. Let’s use this as an example: Rogue Assassin/Sub + Fire mage - Viable Assassin/Sub + Surv Hunter - Decent Rogue + Ret Paladin - Viable Assassin + Destro Lock - Viable Rogue + Shadow Priest - Viable Feral as double dps right now is garbage tier, they have pretend hybrid offheals. The comp is always fairly decent if you guys are on the same page and play the long game (not the easiest comp to Hey guys, I what are good DOUBLE DPS 2v2 comps with a Ret ? I was wondering maybe it would work with a hunter or DK, but I’m farily new to arenas, so I’m trying to chose a good start TYVM, Love U All #wowdragonflight #dragonflight #dragonflighttierlistBEST DOUBLE DPS COMPS for 2V2 in 10. You will climb higher with a healer though, a pres or disc would likely be your best choice r/wow. Mindgames, Lifeswap, fast MD, double Dispel, and Rez legendary. The fistweaver hits faeline for the buff and doesn’t have to worry about range as much with his dps. 1. Ideally, you will be playing with a healer that can stun. For 3s i d stick with your 2s partner and add something like paladin (all 3 could work - shockadin, ret, holy), or do feral rog bm, or war rsham feral. 15 Dec. For 2v2? Seems like Ret/War Double dps comps are tough I feel like having a healer allows me to recover from my mistakes in arena with a double dps you have to be very precise with your cc and interupts and Being a double dps I never beat the as old as time comp war/heals r/wow • MM Hunter vs Ele Best 2v2 Comps for Hunters Marksmanship Hunter. Im playing Night fae what are some good comps double dps comps that are good with boomkin right now. With a solid damage output (insane mage burst options) and heavy control chain, RM always was considered as the best double DPS for 2v2 arenas. The most obvious choices would be Rog or mage, but maybe… Hi guys, I’m back after more than one year without playing and I’m Havoc Domon Hunter + Holy Paladin (S Tier) Havoc DH now has the best instant CC in the Most WoW players really enjoy the double DPS comps because of its fast paced style, and of course it’s really hard to deal with 2 heroes that can really damage you a lot. These compositions have been ranked based on their strength and effectiveness on ladder, With S tier comps being the best, A tier being strong but having What are the top double dps comps at the moment outside of rogue mage? Is rogue mage still the dominant double dps spec? I'm interested in the following classes/specs: Warlock, DK, Rogue, Shadow Priest, Enh/Ele, Mage My partner is flexible in what he can play. im sorry for the confusion. Im debating to play either warrior for double dps or resto druid as healer. Would like to start 2v2 with a rogue friend of mine. Now, both the Windwalker and the Frost DK use cooldowns to apply immense pressure to the Really just depends on skill level and comp synergy. You can get gladiator and even the new infernal rank 1 title from only playing 2v2, You've got polymorph blind gouge roots blanket CS hands down the strongest double DPS composition in the game and will remain to be so for the duration of the Burning Crusade. Arms is one of the worst specs for double dps. com/articles/wow/ Join our Discord server: https://discord. Double DPS combo is less forgiving and definitely harder to play than healer + DPS. ret, rogue, mage, feral, sp, are always good for double dps. 0 [Early Season 1] TIER LIST. Looking for group tool to help find teammates The ability to reset the fight and overcome cooldowns. However if you want to play with your friend resto is the only option being blunt. com provides video-based tutorials from leading pro players and an in-game add-on that packages essential PvP helpers, offering visual and in-depth insights to enhance your gameplay. Uziwry-firemaw February 24, 2023, 7:45pm #1. WW really sucks at healing other people as all you have is vivify and DH doesn't have anything for you. The changes and new tier sets brought by the 10. All hybrid classes have comps that are viable for high rating. I usually played a healer in a healer/dps comp, but looking for a change of pace. Feral / Surv is arguable one of the strongest 2v2 comps. Be sure to follow the Stream and Socials to find out when I go live:https://www. In 2v2 Arena, you do not have many options. Your primary goal is to DoT both enemies while avoiding damage. priest/Ele S. Greenwòlf-illidan September 3, 2021, 10:57pm 1. 2 talents probably, even if itemization is going to be lacking, this comp should be viable throughout TBC all the way from S1. Other notable double dps comps are fmage/sub rogue or survival hunter/feral. That is, unless you play something like rogue mage. Your healer or DPS partner should then stun your kill target. Technically, playing healer/DPS and double DPS differs a lot in many Welcome to the 2v2 Composition list, In this guide we’re going to be ranking the most popular 2v2 compositions by tiers and giving you a brief run down on their playstyle as well as strengths and Weaknesses. 2024: Updated Best Team Compositions. Skill Capped. I’m thinking about double dps in order to make funnier and faster games, I have DK Pally Sham Mage and Warlock to choose from, and I was thinking of leveling a rogue. Your role in 3v3 is similar to 2v2 Arena. Updated Best 3v3 Compositions. One example to help out double dps might be +20% damage if no healer present. as for double dps teams, they simply cant out damage our burst, we normaly have 1 of them dead in a few seconds and we then throw out 2 WoG heals the one of As such, double DPS comps are not favored for an Affliction Warlock. PVP. 2024: Updated for The At lower level of play, healer comp will be much stronger. com/lvladenSupport the Channel:Donations As destro? Probably easier to get conquest points doing this rather than solo shuffle Wouljd appreciate any advice!! Here’s the concept - I want to make a list of all the classes and the double dps comps they can be a part of. 7 2v2 comp tier list is for you. Boomkin/rogue, feral/rogue, ele/destro, enha/bm etc. 2 2v2 Arena Comps Tier List. Spriests are just scary. While the meta continues to evolve, understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each comp is key to mastering 2v2 Arenas in WoW TWW. twitch. granted we are not the best rets in the world but so far the only comps that realy hurt us are disc / feral or H-pall / warrior. Shadowlands Top 10 Double DPS 2v2 Arena Compositionstwitter. Healers easily out dps 2 damage dealers this patch. Rogue/SP is a very debutant-friendly double DPS team, and Rogue/Warlock has a lot to bring on the table but is less It is possible to play Beast Mastery with DPS specializations in 2v2, but it is not recommended. I know Ret is good in 3v3 and solo shuffle, but I enjoy playing 2’s with my friend and I think that this bracket Double DPS comps in 2s might be more strict tho Reply reply Top 2% Rank by size . Your role in 3v3 is similar to 2v2 arena. Any advice is appreciated! Hi, guys. Also refering to Ele/Destro/Healer in s8 or Ele/Frost Mage/Healer s1-s3 Your best bets are: Rdruid / Destro / Shadow priest Rdruid / Destro / Windwalker Rdruid / Destro / Frost mage Holy pala / Destro / Shadow priest Holy pala / Destro / Windwalker Holy pala / Destro / Frost mage Rshaman / Destro / DH Rshaman / Moonkin / Destro Other viable but slightly less-good comps include Rdruid / Destro / Assa rogue Rdruid / Destro / Arms Drustvar - World of Warcraft PVP Leaderboards and Stats. priest/Boomi S. I just came back to the game a couple weeks ago. Rsham is also good with a destro lock. The Subtlety Rogue and Frost Mage duo is a classic double DPS comp known for its explosive damage and control capabilities. If you want to play the best comp in Dragonflight S1 then you have to play holy paladin/dh. It can be quite difficult to kill a healer in 2v2 by yourself, so you will likely be focusing an enemy DPS. Always Mage/Rogue is probably the most popular double DPS comp. Spriest with a rogue or mage are two of the best double dps comps in the game. Pointless Top 10: Double dps comps in 2s are worthless when it comes to 2s arena when the enemy team has a healer. Watching Bicmex/Suffre go 74 straight wins in a row was insane. I heard that Ret was super broken after the rework, but I didn’t play it during that time. Dragonflight 10. Hi ! Gonna chime in here aswell, i am a multi Gladiator on Monk with 2. SEARCH. I'm not looking for a healer comp, I prefer it the double DPS way. 3k in 2s. skill-capped. When you and your partner are ready to use your burst rotation, you should use Entangling Roots and Solar Beam on the enemy healer. Best Devastation Evoker 2v2 comps? Question If you want double dps, then fdk, spriest, ret, and maybe sub are your best bets. BM Hunter BEST double DPS comp, arena games vs multiple different comps showing the insa BM Hunter BEST double DPS comp, arena games vs multiple different comps showing the insa Your role in 3v3 is similar to 2v2 Arena. 7 and why double DPS is probably a bad idea. The top 1000 players in your region are immortalized here. I would say hpala is the hardest to play in 2v2 unless your partner is a cc machine. So, could you please enlighten me about WW Monk double DPS comps? These are all the best and most viable 2v2 arena compositions for World of Warcraft Cataclysm expansion and all its PvP seasons. And all of the healing specializations that work best with Survival Hunters are ones that have access to the Disorient diminishing return category ( Discipline Priest , Preservation Evoker ) and ideally, the stun diminishing return category as well ( Holy Priest , Restoration Druid ). 1 . Been playing ele + boomie in 9. The meta changes over time, but it will naturally change less and more slowly in a game as well understood as TBC Classic, with most of the changes coming in the form of better gear for classes that scale well as we progress in tiers. If you want an easier climb, shadow priest or fire mage are the two best for double DPS feral 2's imo. 2 Patch will affect the performance of each class in WoW Dragonflight 2v2 Ranged DPS Tier List - Best Ranged DPS PvP Classes for 2v2 Comps. 14 Nov. Trust me, druid is superb atm to outheal 2 dps in 2s. Hi! Which 2vs2 comps do u think will be the strongest in MOP? Is double dps the way to go because of the high dmg and good selfheals/hybridhealing? Or is restodruid going to be the king of the hill in 2s with symbiosis ? Discuss! TO YOU WHO ALWAYS ARE SAYING "PICK WATHEVER U LIKE PLAYING" OR "2vs2 DONT MATTHER" READ BELOW!!! Me and my Subtlety Rogue in 2v2 is about setting up crowd control on the enemy healer for your team, whether you are playing with a healer or with another DPS, and then stunning your kill target so that both you and your teammate can burst it down. In a later season of Sl, Volatriux and Jimjim(holy paladin) won the 2v2 tournament, farming all the meta comps. Double dPS and healers- looking for options. End of story. I'll give multiple circumstances to help in answering: Double DPS vs 1 heal, 1 dps; 1 heal, 1 dps vs 1 heal, dps. For those looking to advance their PvP skills, Elite heroes of the Alliance and the Horde fight for glory in Arenas and Battlegrounds. After your Solar Beam fades, use Cyclone and Mighty Bash on the enemy healer. I'm mostly interested in the private server meta, not OG retail wotlk back in the day. When your team has damage, you will want to use Paralysis on the enemy healer and then Leg Sweep your kill target. Before you use your burst rotation, make sure the enemy healer is in crowd control. A wow pvp poem. Stupid-blackrock September 8, 2019, 5:18am #8. The weak link of the lobby. Ret/Mage Boomi/MM Mage/Rogue Ret/MM Rogue/MM Feral/SV S. 2) Is play as a peel dps for a strong ranged. r/worldofpvp. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. 3/2. 4 in the current meta (in 2s). Double dps COULD work I guess if you were playing like off heals on ele & he played aff. Beast Mastery needs to ramp its damage before it can do meaningful burst, and has limited healing/ options when health has been lost so requires a hybrid that is able to "reset" the fight (e. ret/enh ret/rogue ret/disc is also good choice. I think it is a really good comp if you can find a competent warlock to run it, Skill Capped. This is usually fine against rogue-mage but I tend to have more friction against shaman-warrior. 4 . In this The War Within 2v2 arena tier list, we have ranked the best classes and specs for 2v2 comp. For those looking to advance their PvP skills, A list of Arena comps and their names for those who don’t know and are curious. While surv/rdruid is still probably the best 2s comp, double hybrids are super frustrating to play against and can easily be 2400+ with many different variations. With the latest tuning adjustments, certain classes and specializations have risen to the top. com/supateasetwitch. 12 Nov. For those looking to advance their PvP skills, Wow Shadowlands Top 10 2v2 Double DPS Comps Tier List (After Recent Changes)With all the hope going on in the 2v2 community to bring back 20% dampening at th That doesn’t require a lot of CC and also requires only limited coordination. I have a friend coming back to the game and he’s probably gonna main an hunter. Not sure where they will end up the season but with coordination it was difficult to play against. Experiment with these top-tier Although Demon Hunter has been iconic in the 2v2 bracket with how much consistent damage this spec can provide, it has fallen behind quite a bit despite recent buffs to I would like to try to play it as double DPS. The best 2s comp right now is still WW / Hpriest by a landslide, coming next season it might be a bit different though with the Hpriest nerf. I’m prob going to stick to 2s with randoms and prob won’t be using comms or very limited. 2024: Updated for The WoW Dragonflight 10. Popular comps include Rogue/Mage for spell cleave, and Ret Paladin/Warrior Only double dps that dominates the 2v2 bracket for the most part is mage rogue Rshammy is pretty good in that comp too, hpally can work but its not ideal since holy pallys are pretty cast dependent. Double hybrid dps in 2s has got to be the 3rd best comp. Then stay tuned, because this Dragonflight 10. 2 PvP Tier List - DPS & Healer Ranking for Solo Shuffle in Season 3. 1 Like. i just want to know if warrior and ret pala are a 'solid' 2v2 double dps comp. io's PvP guide for Retribution Paladins in 2v2 Arenas. 2 Best 2v2 Comps - Dragonflight 10. with an ability like Lay on Hands or by locking down the enemy DPS with In The War Within patch 11. I hope everyone can keep an open mind to my suggestion to buff certain specs, classes, and comps in 2v2. In order to perform the best as a Marksmanship Hunter in 2v2, your spriest/rogue and mage/rogue are generally considered 2 of the best 2 DPS comps. Feral is tankier than ever in Bear if you don't pick Cyclone Double dps 2v2 comps for 9. Play about 100 games and you'll get in a groove. If youre only doing 2s, double dps is definitely funner to play than dps/healer imo. 1 but pretty stuck at 1600 cr. MM Hunter/Rogue: The 2v2 version of the famous thugcleave, to be honest, it's not as good as it is in Cata. Tier List for 2v2 Similar to the other double DPS comps that have a rogue in them, Rogue/Shadow Priest has a ton of damage. I saw that this is the second most played 2v2 comp, and just wondering what strategies you use to win against them. For those looking to advance their PvP skills, In s1 s2 feral rog, in s3 4 its rog/bm + feral for double dps For heal + dps in s4 its feral +rsham (say what you want these were getting glads in pservers). What are the best double dps comps throughout the expansion (not just in the first or last season)? Skill Capped. Just from the way the two play styles work they are a brawler comp that wants to throw hands, that’s why I likened it to one of those cartoon clouds you see when characters in cartoons fight. Ranked from S to C tier by m Hi Friends! So i have been getting into PvP lately! (am only at like 1650cr) I play arms warrior and usually find a random healer around my CR (no specific class) What I want to know is who should i generally be focus? The healer or the dps? (I know that it changes depending on what comps im versing but if you could give me some general tips! e. 09 Sep. The absolute best 2s comp with an arms is a Resto Druid and it’s by a lot. WoW Dragonflight 10. 4 as ele sp but obviously games different now. Patch 2. Generally, you will grip the enemy healer on top of the DPS target that you have been hitting, and AoE stun them or AoE CC them together, which allows you to spread pressure to . If you’re dead set on double Shadow priest is really only option to be successful imo, in SL me and a buddy played 2s to like 2. Success in Dragonflight 2v2 Arena relies on teamwork, communication, and adapting to your Players currently on the World of Warcraft US 2v2 PvP leaderboard Skill Capped. I'd say play whatever you prefer preferably something you can 1v2 on and when your friend is bored of being hardstuck way lower cr then you are used to you don't feel like you lvld a character just for it. tv/LvladenPvPhttps://twitter. priest/Affl Thanks to necro and excessive hybrid healing, tons of double dps are viable in 2s. Contrary to a healer limited to partnering with a DPS, the rogue can choose between a Healer partner or another DPS. Like a ret plus fire mage could climb to 2k right now. Essentially you want strong off healing or heavy control/stuns to be viable for double dps. Your sustained damage is almost nonexistent, so you will want to avoid the fight in between your set-ups. The War Within Best 2v2 Comps for Each Spec | WoW TWW 2v2 Comps Tier List 9/2/2024 11:21:16 AM; The War Within M+ Dungeons Guide: Season 1 Dungeon Pool, Loot Table, Bosses and More 9/2/2024 11:00:20 AM; The War Within Raid Tier List (DPS, Healer, Tank) - TWW Raid Ranking 9/1/2024 5:53:00 PM Rogue x Mage is the biggest BS i've dealt with for years. 2-2. Visit our articles site: https://www. There are many comps available to Marksmanship Hunter in 3v3. 16 Feb. The Silence prevents the healer from It is important to make use of cross CC, meaning you should try to time CC with your healer onto the enemy healer and DPS to not only stop their healing output, but also stop them from disabling your damage output with abilities such as Disarm, Mortal Coil, Polymorph etc. 21 Aug. or more generally in WoW PvP, but only consistent mage rogue teams will make it to the top of the ladder. gg/scwow Get the RATING You’ve Always Wanted: h Both are solid picks. enh/boomy/ele work too. com/supacastingtwitch. You need to maintain your DoTs (Vampiric Touch and Shadow Word: Pain), but you must also crowd-control the enemy healer and DPS. A small I've been playing some 2v2 lately and am currently playing rogue/mage a whole lot, now that I've synced up with a pal I'm reluctant to 2v2 with another partner, Figured I'd try an alt out, but I'm exclusively playing 2v2 double dps - could anyone recommend some 2v2 Best double dps comp (2v2) for aff lock . The ever-evolving landscape of World of Warcraft's 2v2 Arena mode continues to captivate players with its unique blend of strategy, teamwork, and individual skill. Which classes would play well with unholy dk considering fury shaman and hunter priest are so popular at the Theoretically, Ferals would bring the same benefits that they do in 2v2 Arenas if placed in a triple DPS team, but it is very difficult to perform well with triple DPS comps in the competitive brackets. 2024: Updated Recommended Team Compositions. After the stun, cast Polymorph and use your burst I think rogue mage has to be the best double dps 2s comp, but double hybrid can do pretty well too. 7. Kiting and positioning far away are key to winning 2v2 games. Was wondering what some of the better double dps comps might be for hunter. For those looking to advance their PvP skills, Skill Capped. I’m gonna divide it between viable, decent, and fun. The Death Knight uses Death Grip on a healer to grip them on top of their DPS. WoW needs COOL rewards for low xp players So I usually just pug 2v2s with any random dps. Any viable double dPS comps with the meta shake up? I was considering lock/feral but not sure if this is decent above 1800. gg/Zpvx3JuWYou can su All of the DPS specs that work best with Survival Hunter are melee specializations. Reply It would be a lot easier for Blizzard to balance 1v1 than a 2v2 of double dps. Its not glad worthy, so arent we but i want to know if we could reach 1800 or 2k with it. Assassination Rogue + Discipline Priest. 23 Jul. You will likely be playing Whirling Dragon Punch / Storm, Earth, and Fire and focusing on single target damage. 1. So we'll see heal plus DPS comps do better in 2v2 in the 10. It's all about CC. . Ive thought about warrior, Windwalker and potentially paladin to a lesser extent. Chaining your CC and interrupts win games vs healers. This will allow your Windwalker Monk to use Leg Sweep and stun each member of the enemy team. Plenty of cc to slow down DPS, and many tools to isolate two versus one Double dPS and healers- looking for options What would be the best in current meta? World of Warcraft Forums Good feral 2v2 comps? PVP. I however havnt found what I want too main yet but im wanting to main something with good synergy for 2s in arena with BM. If you have hots on yourself, your dps and pop Broccoli there is no way you can't outheal the burst of dh/ww at the same time. prot you can cheese wins with good coordination with like a sub rogue or WW or feral. com/supacasting In season 3, more comps starts to get viable, my favorite was the Bmhunter/Ench shamym/Resto druid comp, this is a really fun comp to play and it is really powerful, but with classic you'll get 2. Cyclone, hots, and bear form make it such tanky with high sustain. 2025: Reviewed for Patch 11. Triumphing in WoW PvP is about more than just power; it involves mastering strategy, timing, communication, and skill. Usually the most powerful Marksman comp will be Marksmanship + melee + healer. does more dmg than sp lol. 1, based on data from the top 50 Retribution Paladins in The War Within Season 2 across the US, EU, KR, and TW regions. spriest In this guide, we will be presenting the compositions that form "the meta" of TBC Arena in the 2v2 bracket. r/wow. Not sure what happened this patch but healers are impossible to 24 Feb. Despite the minor nerf, Assassination In this WoW Dragonflight PVP Tier List, we rank the best melee DPS, Ranged DPS, and Healer Specs for 2v2 Arena Comps. I haven’t seen a lot of talk on this. 2 drops? Pick-up your playstyle. 5, 2v2 arena battles demand a unique mix of skill, synergy, and strategy, as players face off in intense duels with just one teammate to rely on. Hi everybody. g. 2 DRAGONFLIGHTJoin my Discord : https://discord. Going in knowing you will not succeed is important especially since you are asking for the best. tv/supatease pace of the game is fast so you can play an extensive list of double dps comps to decent ratings in 2s, its nice, tho personally ive always been more of a dps/healer 2s guy since cata. For 3s TWD (Walking Dead) so WW / Dk / Rsham is a pretty straight forward comp, although i myself prefer WW / boomie. I don’t even know if making dampening only effect the healer would be a meaningful change either. Break it down by healing class, don't worry about the dps partner specifically as I know situations always change in 2v2 arena specifically and there are always comps that are just far more OP Best 2v2 Double DPS Comps in Shadowlands 9. Fligmos-llane Can Affliction work as double dps and if so with what classes, sure its for sure not s-tier god comps but it works and we had alot of fun with both Reply reply r/wow. WoW TWW PvP Tier List: Tanks. tv/zimicpvp Hey everyone and thanks for clicking on the video :) Please leave a like on the video if Welcome to Murlok. Strengths in Arena for Feral Druid DPS in Burning Crusade Classic Insane Burst Synergy in Small Windows Be sure to follow the Stream and Socials to find out when I go live:https://www. maybe you die in an opener but that happens maybe in 1-2 games out of 100. 7 max XP. Here is a list of the best team compositions for 2v2: 10. For those looking to advance their PvP skills, Dh double dps comps Team Comp Hello, a friend and me wanna start out playing arena 2 vs 2 and hes playing havoc dh now my question is what class should i play to be efficient as double dps? What are the best double dps comps for a feral in this season? Currently playing with a rogue but after 2k it is just a coin flip - too many comps that is almost impossible to kill (paladin + x, hpriest + fury war, hprist + dh, etc). Ret+ SP is good combo but Ret has to play really good to help SP get some room and casts because SP will be main target in arenas and if he doesn’t make some room for casts it’ll be probably loss. Many options in 3s. Playing aff w all the self heals really allowed my buddy to pump some solid dps for a healer. I’m enjoying retail pvp more than ever? upvotes But once we synced up, it was a really fun comp esp since u can add some good damage to the kill windows as rsham. As I understand, everything + destro warlock is great, but sadly I don't have any warlock friends. World of Warcraft on Reddit! Members Online. It can play a little more defensive than some of the other double DPS comps, Frost mage rdruid is the strongest 2v2 company in mop. It's also worth mentioning that you probably can't push very high running as a double DPS outside of a setup comp like rogue+mage in 2s especially considering your setup doesn't have much off-healing, it would be different playing something like ret paladin who has great self and off-heals Check out the STRONGEST duo synergies in new Arena mode for League of Legends. MW goes well with udk or bm. Ive complained about it since they nerfed everyone else's CC. ret can play with almost every dps in 2s. The mana limits don’t allow for 30 min matches so I wouldn’t worry about that. rogue mage is best double dps in game ele/aff ele/fire ele/ret ele/unholy arms/enhance arms/feral arms/ret spriest/feral spriest/aff survival/rogue survival/feral balance/balance windwalker/fire windwalker/balance windwalker/spriest not really in any specific order other than roguemage being the top one im sure there are some i missed as well Of the classes you listed, survival hunter is best (BM can also work for your purposes and is far more noob friendly). Any other good 2s comps? (Double dps) Either of those are great in 2v2 as double DPS right now. Your toolkit (if your build is correct) is way too good to lose against double dps. Tbh anything is high rated viable but that comp is the strongest. I would also like to know which of following classes would be best to pair up with my Assa friend : Windwalker Monk Demon Hunter Warrior Hunter Rogue Feral Druid Best 2v2 DPS Comps. Reply Have seen just about everything at 2. But you can push to 1800 as double DPS aswell if you are skilled. ,madseasonshow,taliesin and evitel,bellular news,wow bfa,wow arena,wow beginners guide,arena pvp,wow 3v3 arena,wow 2v2 arena,wow pvp guide,bgs,xaryu,dalaran Played different hybrid dps Combs around 2. Historically speaking the best double dps comps are ones who can reset the fight. Quick Facts. Tier List for 2v2 Arena Burning Crusade Classic Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. I always prefered to play à DPS class and was wondering if a double DPS comp would be competitive for 2v2. Other than rogue / mage I feel like spriest / X is the next most potent 2s double dps comp. Hunter/ healer is going to beat any double dps comp that involves affli with players of equal skill anyway so there's not really any reason to not just play what you're familiar with. We're looking for a comp that can ultimately be competitive. What’s some good comps to run when 9. MASTERCLASS. 2 BEST 2v2 Arena Comptwitter. Probably the only comp I feel myself and teammate have to play perfect in mid elo. 5 with one of my best Friends and we had alot of fun with enh/feral. So let’s rank the best 2v2 double DPS composition. Arenas. While not as common in Arena as DPS or healers (thus there Any double DPS comp is going to require a hybrid that has a ton of healing for you like ret or feral. For the past few weeks, I’ve been grinding out 2v2 arenas with my closest friends, and we’ve all managed to push 1600 with our mains! Which is fantastic! The main problem comes with the fact that, while I’m comfortable with this and understanding I need to practice, Seems like we played a double DPS boomkin sub rogue that figured out how to make it work into 1600s at least. I’m tryin to understand what would be the best 2v2 team to make with him. The two ranged DPS specs that sometimes perform well with Marksmanship are Shadow Priest and Devastation Evoker as they're able to support the Hunter, have high damage when left alone and bring crowd control What are in your opinion and according to your experience best arena comps for 2v2 bracket atm? As I wrote in the title, But please make 2s a better place and play double dps. 2v2 is kind of rough right now for about half the arena population and as we will be explaining the meta is dominated by a handful of comps that you Some more double dps comps that work (but aren't on the same tier as the above imo): Unholy DK/Ret: Excellent sustain for a double dps class, the comp also has great pressure and burst. Melee Cleave – A comp that contains two Melee dps and a healer (example being TSG) Spell Cleave – A comp that contains two Caster dps and a healer (Example being Shadowplay). This guide covers the best stats, races, talents, gear, embellishments, enchantments, and gems for Patch 11. Members Online. We will be ranking some of the strongest and most popular 2v2 arena team comps in the game, certain double DPS comps (mostly involving Ret Paladins) can give you Forums, and more for WoW Classic, TBC Classic, WotLK, Cataclysm, MoP & The War Within! Recent News. This guide helps you compose your groups for tackling 2v2 Arenas in Cataclysm Classic's PvP content. You do this by using Silence on the healer and Psychic Horror on your kill target or the target you want to peal. I'll be fine and then all the sudden my health is just gone This guide helps you compose your groups for tackling 2v2 Arenas in WotLK Classic's PvP content. you either pair 2 classes that have alot of CC and reset potential like rogue mage sv. 2 2v2 Comps Tier List WoW Dragonflight 10. It’s chaotic and up close and personal. If the healer/dps comp plays at all correctly, they are in the favorable position to win which is why you see mainly healer/dps in higher rated 2's. The traditional Google search has not helped much. I know rogue mage is good but thats needs good CC and peels. Dominate in Arena with our synergies tier list! I have a fresh 90 Monk ready to delve into PvP as a Windwalker. Rogue Double DPS 2v2’s Arena comps ? Question My brother will main Rogue and I want to play a DPS class that we can run 2’s on. 2025: Updated for Patch 11. Title, so bored of healer + (melee) dps running this bracket. Hybrid classes are insane and you just have to learn when to run and off heal each other and go for kill setups. 5. A friend of mine plays WW monk, we would like to push 2s up to 2k+ any synergistic dps specs for 2v2 to go with WW monk? I was thinking feral perhaps? Thanks There are only 2 S tier comps on this WoW Dragonflight 2v2 comps ranking for patch10. If they can go high CR in 2v2 then multiple dps teams should be able to. 7 patch and Dual DPS comps lose their dominance, especially with 0:00 - Intro0:51 - S Tier4:09 - A Tier7:38 - B Tier10:11 - Unranked Join our Discord server: https://discord. Playing with a Priest would be the most damage-oriented comp as they deal a lot of damage and help with CC on your goes while playing with a Monk or an Druid will allow you to survive deep into dampening as these healers have high healing output and don't run out of mana easily.
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